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General Duke

The Mugger no more ? Latest from NW Somalia!

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Originally posted by Thankful:

General Duke,


I dont know if he has accepted it, usually the exiting President Makes a speech to his support the day he finds out about the loss, shakes the hands of the incoming president. I am not sure, but did any of this happen yet?


Maybe there is something out there that shows this, but I haven't come across it,yet.

Madaxweyne Rayaale wuu aqbalay natiijada


Madaxweynaha Somaliland, Daahir Rayaale Kaahin, ayaa aqbalay natiijada doorashadii Madaxweynaha ee looga guuleystay.


War uu si gaar ah u siiyay BBC, wuxuu Madaxweyne Rayaale sheegay in xilka uu si xarraga leh u wareejin doono.


Madaxweynuhuwuxuu ugu baaqay dadweynaha Somaliland in ay ilaashadaan midnimadooda.


Wuxuuna tartankii ololihii doorashada uu ku tilmaamay in uu ahaa cayaar walaalnimo.


Madaxweynuhu wuxuu u hambalyeeyay Madaxweynaha la doortay, Axmed Maxamed Silaanyo iyo Madaxweyne ku xigeenka lala doortay, Cabdiraxmaan cabdillaahi Zeylici.


Daahir Rayaale Kaahin, oo ah Madaxweynaha Somaliland, wuxuu ahaa murashaxa xisbiga UDUB oo hadda noqonaya mucaarad.


Hore ayuu Madaxweynuhu u ballan qaaday in uu doonayo in uu magac uga tago Somaliland oo uu xilka si qurxoon u wareejiyo haddii laga guuleysto.


Xaaji Cabdi Xuseen oo ka mid ah odayada caanka ah ee Somaliyeed, ayaa xalay ugu baaqay Madaxweynaha in uu sidii Adan Cabdulle Cusmaan si sharaf xilka u wareejiyo.


Daahir Rayaale, waa Madaxweynihii u horreeyay ee Somaliland u qabta doorasho Madaxweyne.


Laba jeer ayuu qabtay oo marna uu guuleystay, marna laga guuleystay.


Labada jeerba waxay tartameen Madaxweynaha hadda la doortay, Axmed Maxamed Silaanyo.


Haddana, rayaale wuxuu noqon doonaa, Madaxweynihii ugu horreeyay Somaliland ee xilka doorasho shacabku codka bixiyay lagaga adkaaday ee markaa xilka si nabad ah ku wareejiyay.


Source bbc somali



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Why did Tuur & Egaal fight and where they not from Burco as you stated?


Give us a break lad its better to have a unionist view than this clearly absurd clan phantom nation.

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Originally posted by *Ibtisam:


With that said, I'm done with the going in circles nacnac with none-shareholders of SL.

And we know which group owns the vast majority of shares :D

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With that said, I'm done with the going in circles nacnac with none-shareholders of SL.

That surely includes, Borama, Erigavo and LA as well, its good that your true colours are showing my sister.


I like you more today than before. :D

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Originally posted by General Duke:

quote: With that said, I'm done with the going in circles nacnac with none-shareholders of SL.

That surely includes, Borama, Erigavo and LA as well, its good that your true colours are showing my sister.


I like you more today than before.
:DAll cities that voted in the election, which make them shareholders adeer. :D


So, tell me, is PL planning to have proper elections now? The idea must have been mentioned surely.

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Dukey, you're giving SL waay to much credit. They don't deserve all this attention.


Remember, puntland is the Future. Don't sound worried.

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NGOONGE, Adeer that was no election it was a nice show. Puntland has more important issues to deal with than waste time impressing old colonial masters. :D


As for this "election" its good that change has come and we hope its all for the best. I could not take watching Riyaale abuse the old man any longer.

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We will make sure we have "proper" elections, We will have only two opposition parties and make sure they only come from the triangle. No one from Sool or Sanaag can run, just those that come from the same family.


Come on, there was nothing proper about that, when the exact same guys that ran 7 years ago are running again, and if they come from the region that makes up a small portion of your enclave.


Atleast, Puntland let everyone from every corner run, where someone from Sanaag came in second, and someone from Sool is the vice-pres.


But your election were only proper in the triangle!

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welcome back Duke :D

I was starting to get tired of Coweke's constant babble. Now all we need back is Peacenow and Maximus just like the old days :D

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ Yet the votes took place everywhere. New plan boys, you hear? NEW PLAN.

You sound desperate adeer, votes did not take place in Buhudle which is close to Burco, not in SANAAG, which Ilka Jiir made sure of and none in SOOL, thus aside from Awdal which are now stinging from the loss, there was no votes in the claimed Somaliland regions outside the clans fiefdom.


We are happy for you lad Siilanyu at last makes the breakthrough the clan has been waiting for, well forever. :D

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Originally posted by Archdemos:

welcome back Duke

Poor lad, you are too late another one dedicated a whole topic for me. All I have been doing is enjoying the world cup and they miss me already.


No worries I will try to contribute as usual inshaallah.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

quote:Originally posted by Archdemos:

welcome back Duke

Poor lad, you are too late another one dedicated a whole topic for me. All I have been doing is enjoying the world cup and they miss me already.


You mean to tell me you were not in the corner in your lil 6x6 community house in Minni praying for the downfall of Somaliland during their elections? :eek:

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^^^Why would I pray for the downfall of something that does not exist? NW Somalia is as it was yesterday, run by an old man who is laying to the public while aiming to make money.


Nothing has changed, and whats a 6x6 house? :D

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