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Mr Hassan Yacquub Dishes out more Takfiir and Calls ONLF an enemy of Islam!

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Al-Jazeera oo Ogaatay in Axmed Madoobe ay ka garab Dagaalamayaan Ciidamo Taabacsan ONLF


By Somalimirror on 18 Nov, 2009 8:56 AM in Main, Wararka


Shabakadda Al-Jazeera ayaa Shaacisay inay Ogaatay in Ciidamo Taabacsan Jabhadda ONLF oo gaaraya Tiradooda 60 Askari ay ka garab Dagaalamayaan Ciidamada Axmed Madoobe oo ay Al-Xisbul Islaami Sheegeen inuu ka tirsanyahay.


Al-Jazeera ayaa sidoo kale soo xigatay Afahayeenka Wilaayada Jubooyinka ee Xarakadda Shabaabul Mujaahidiin Sheekh Xasan Yacquub Cali wuxuuna yiri “Waxaan Haynaa Cadeymo Xaqiijinaya inay Dagaalka ay kala soo qeyb galeen Maleeshiyaadka Axmed Madoobe” wuxuuna intaa raaciyay “Waxay Saldhigyo ku lahaayeen Janaay Cabdalla iyo Deegaanadii ay Dagaaladu ka dhaceen, inay Dagaalka ka qeyb galena waa Macluumaad ay Dadka Jubooyinka wada hayaan”.


Sheekh Xasan oo ka hadlaya iska caabinta Weerarka Axmed Madoobe ayaa yiri “Anagu waxaan ilaahay Idankiis Awoodnaa inaan Fashilino Qorshaha Milatari ee lagula Dagaalamayo Shareecadda Islaamka iyo waliba xiriirka ka dhaxeeya Beelaha Soomaaliyeed ee Degan Gobolada Jubooyinka, Dagaalka hadda Socda wax xiriir ahi lama laha Qabiilooyinka”.


Al-Jazeera ayaa sheegtay in Xarakadda Shabaabul Mujaahidiin ay Shaaciyeen inay Magaalada Xagar ee Gobolka Jubadda Hoose ay iyagu wali gacanta ku hayaan isla markaana ay iska difaaceen Weerarkii ay ku soo qaadeen Maleeshiyaadka Axmed Madoobe.


Xarakadda Shabaabul Mujaahidiin waxay ku eedeeyeen Jabhadda ONLF inay Xiriir la leedahay Maraykanka waxayna ku tilmaameen kuwo Cadow ku ah Islaamka .




Can one be muslim and an enemy of islam at the same time?


Is it true ONLF fights inside Somalia?


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And this is exactly what we have been talking about when we constantly pointed out that alshabaab is a tackfiiri group with global ambitions. We also said that non-Somalis who are ignorant about Somalia’s intertwined political relationships control this group, trying to implement ill-conceived strategies that do not fit the context in which they operate.

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Shabakadda Al-Jazeera ayaa Shaacisay inay Ogaatay in Ciidamo Taabacsan Jabhadda ONLF oo gaaraya Tiradooda 60 Askari ay ka garab Dagaalamayaan Ciidamada Axmed Madoobe oo ay Al-Xisbul Islaami Sheegeen inuu ka tirsanyahay.

Rumours of Kenyan (CIA) involvement in the push against the Al-Shabaab were already about, but now the rumour mill has thrown out another bit of complicating information (propaganda). What doesn't make sense is that the said ONLF are in principle anti-Ethiopia and since the Americans are the over-lords of Ethiopia, the question is: how can the ONLF justify fighting alongside the Ahmed Madoobe who is himself against the very Al-Shabaab with which share common anti-Ethiopianism?


I would like to dismiss Mr Hassan Yacquub's utterings as complete nonsense, however, looking at this matter from another angle, that is if what he says has any truth to it, that, perhaps, a tribal card is being used to overcome principle divergences.

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The Zack   

Here is the ONLF's response...


Somalia: ONLF Disproves Involving Fighting in Southern Region

Tuesday, 17 November 2009 02:27


Hussein Mohamed Nor, secretary of the information of the ****** National Front (ONLF) who is in Qatar has Monday disproved reports saying that their fighters involved the fighting continuing in parts of Jubba regions in southern Somalia.


The official said that the fighting that started in Hagar village in Lower Jubba region was between the Islamist fighters of Hisbul Islam and Harakat Al-shabab Mujahideen reiterating that their forces were out of the war in southern Somalia.


The information secretary of ONLF said that he had already mentioned that their fighting was against to the side of the Ethiopian troops saying that there was no reason to fight with other parts of the Somali country.


On the other hand Mr. Hussein Nor also talked the statement from the Islamist officials of of Harakat Al-shabab Mujahideen which was stating that forces loyal to Sheik Ahmed Madobe, Hisbul Islam official and ONLF guerillas attacked positions of the Islamists in Jubba regions pointing out that it was false adding that they were very sorry for the fighting going on between the two rival sides.


Hussein Mohamed Nor emphasized that they are not also involving the contradicting policy in Somalia calling for the Somali people to halt the disagreement and conflicts between them and end everything through dialogue.


The statement of ONLF comes as Harakat Al-shabab Mujahideen officials issued a statement saying that ONLF forces were involving the fighting continued in the Hagar village in Lower Jubba region in southern Somalia.


By: Hassan Osman Abdi


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Aljazeera iyo Biti Biti [ ;) ] intay ku meeraysan yaa dhaha rag iska dhicin iyo Alle ka cabsi meel ma wada gasho


Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

oops wrong thread

Indeed It's a wrong one... :D

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The Zack   

Originally posted by Nogobi:

Aljazeera iyo Biti Biti [
] intay ku meeraysan yaa dhaha rag iska dhicin iyo Alle ka cabsi meel ma wada gasho


LOOL Waa runtaaye aint this Hassan Yacquub dude a sheikh or something? Why is he lying? Oooops! I forget he also orders shedding Muslim blood.

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