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General Duke

Ubahane Its past EID, no courts in Puntland..

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^I even think that was way over the top,but you know how awoowgeen Alleh Ubaahnee uu yahay.Soo iska jir seefta, yaanan arkin kurkii Duke oo i hor

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Duke hooskaaga ayaad ka carareeysaa awoowe. Sorry we are not interested dowlad beeleedka adeerkaa. qasab miyaa!! Take it to Garoowe if Baydhabo is getting too risk for the old man :D .

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^^^Saxib you talk a great deal, much like the lying fake wadaads. But know this that when the guns start I want to see you around, dont run, dont hide out of cyberspace. I want to see what your clan courts do, you will probably blame Ethiopia for your down fall.


As for the old man, why are you waiting you know where he is.

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Adeer qarowga maalinta cad waalaga fiican yahay. The old man(YEEY) submited to the dirty Weyans(Melez clan) and Weyans have the right to protect their subjects(Yeey and his supporters). But to expect majority of Somalis to do the same is just not gonna happen sxb.

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^^^Saxib, you are bigger than insults. To get the job done one can make a deal with the devil.

Majority of Somali's want their land back, their dignity back, their flag back and a normal lives. They dont support you idea of advancing your clan interest through the cloak of our noble religion.

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"To get the job done one can make a deal with the devil."


^Cajiib. Keep your friendship with the devil and let us keep our friendship with Allah.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Tell that to the clan courts.

So that is why you are so freightened.My friend mark my word,the ICU has no interest in coming to Gorowe,however,if any changes are to happen,it will be made by the residents of Puntland themselves.

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^^^Saxib what change does Puntland need? We have had for 16 years what Mogadishu has had for 4. We are a state nearly a decade old with a working government, locla authorities and thriving economy relative to other Somali araes, Mogadishu does not even have a governor, a mayor, its all clan court this, clan that. So please keep the rubish to yourslef.


As for the threats we are not worried, those who are a minority in the areas they occupy should be worried, Puntland is in the hands of its people.

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