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In pictures:Markabkii Dhowaan lagu afduubtay oo ku soo laabtay caasimada Somaliya.

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Originally posted by duuliye:

Reminds me the Buuhoodle fiasco...



Walle anagaa wax aragnay


Bal maxaa Buuhoodle keenay


Buuhoodle is a peaceful town,


war bal magaaladeeda Buuhoodle ii daa


markaad soo qaatay Buuhoodle baan iska gartay inay sheekadaadu qabiil uun tahay


markaa adu meesha aad rabtid la aad Mohadisho iyo malitia da maxaakimtan aad dadka ka xigsanaso

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^Sxb saa moodid maaha..Duke ayaan kululeeysanayay

I always supported Buuhoodle and any other town in the north to be allowed to choose their destiny not to be dictated by either Puntland or Somaliland.


And for the current situation between Puntland and the ICU, it was created by the careless and corrupt/mafia regime of Puntland when they sided with one of the hated warlord in the south criminal C/Qeybdiid. And I should also mention the seat of the TFG Baydhabo also hosts many of the criminals that run away from Mogadishu and others....Tell me why Puntland is willing partner with criminal Qeybdiid when ICU stated they have not intention of going to Puntland....

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The scoreboard: Yey 4____ others: 0. childish must that be,in reality if you look back in history you really would know that Yey never really had to put up with determined "enemies".


worthnoting that Yey was captured during his short lived fight with col.DAhir Aweys back in early 90s fight with Al-Itixad.


Also most of the fighters weren't the clan of Dahir Aweys,but majority of them were from what is now Puntland.Cabdullahi Yusuf never defeated them,hence the wadaads gotten what they wanted which was the right to tax the Bosaaso seaport,they gotten that,only to reach settlement when Puntland was borned.Even today,if you go to Galkacayo,you will see every Wadaad is fully armed,having his gun on this shoulder and his kitaab on the other hand(speaking from experience),they were not defeated,nor were they disarmed,however,that war had absulatey no forward intention,it only created hostility,which was the reason it was short lived battle,because the Al-Atixad fighters wanted no part of it whatsoever after seeing it had the potential to explode into all out war which could could disasterous in human losses comparable to that of Southern Somalia at the time.


But today's ICU are alot different,this time they have agenda to run on,have better all experience in the field of politics as well as other areas of nation building,the true goal is finally close to being attained,they must not let this slip out of their hands---there is light at the end of the tunnel,they must Keep moving.

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