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In pictures:Markabkii Dhowaan lagu afduubtay oo ku soo laabtay caasimada Somaliya.

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Burcad badeed




Commander of the ICU division in xarardheere responsible of freeing the ship.




Abuu Mansuur rushing to the scene.



Small ICU boats surrounding the ship.

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Maxaakiimta Muqdisho oo sheegay in Eng.Muunye ka danbeeyey Afduubkii Markabkii Viishaam1

Last Updated::2006-11-09 01:12:50


Muqdisho:- Yusuf Siyaad Indhocade oo kamid ahaa mas'uuliyiintii shalay warsaxaafadeed ku qabtay magaalada Muqdisho uga hadlay Markab ay soo badbaadiyeen ciidamada Maxaakiimta.


Hogaamiyaasha Maxaakiimta ayaa si weyn shalay uga hadlay hawlgal ay kusoo furteen Markabkii MV Viishaam1 ee lagu afduubtay xeebaha ku dhaw dekada dabiiciga ah ee Ceel Macaan.


Sida ay sheegeen Maxaakiimta labo markab oo kamid ah kuwa uu maamulo Eng.Muunye in ay rasaas kusoo fureen ciidamadooda xili ay isku dayayeen in ay furtaan Markabka MV Viishaam1 oo ay afduubeen maleeshiyooyin hubeysan oo codsaday lacag madax furasho ah.


Yusuf Siyaad Indhacade oo ah hogaamiyaha dhinaca Amniga ee Maxaakiimta ayaa ku nuux nuuxsaday in falkan ay ku kaceen maraakiibta Eng.Muunye oo ah Xildhibaan kamid ah Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya.


Dhinaca kale waxaa ayaguna soo baxaya warar lid ku ah Maxaakiimta Muqdisho oo ayaguna sheegay in hawlgalka iyo Afduubka labduba ay abaabuleen Maxaakiimta Muqdisho, waa siduu sheegay mid kamid ah xildhibaanada Muqdisho ku sugan oo ka gaabsaday in magaciisa la shaaciyo.


Wuxuuna intaasi ku daray in arrintan ay qeyb ka tahay dadaalka ay Maxaakiimta ugu jiraan in ay Adduunka ugu muujiyaan in ay gacanta ku hayaan dalka Soomaaliya, isla mar ahaantaan aysan khatar ku ahayn amniga gobalka iyo xeebaha dalka Soomaaliya oo ay dul joogaan Ciidamo kamid ah Xulafada Maraykanka ee la baxday la dagaalanka Argagaxisada.


Maxamed Cabdi

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^No wonder why Yeeey changed his mind of going to Galkacyo or accepting the invitation of ICU to Mogadishu and now is in Bay city under the protection of Tigray gangs. Reminds me the Buuhoodle fiasco...

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^^^Buuhudle what? Come on try another fiesco.

If Galkacyu was unsafe then Cade would not be there. No Galkacyu is safe, Baidoa is safe and Mogadishu is also safe. The question is how far do the clan courts want to push it?


Puntland wont budge and presents a big problem, Baidoa wont panic, as they expected.


The world wont buy they pirate story neither. How did they know were the Pirate ship was? "IndaCade we are docked in Xaradheere come get us"...


Yusuf is in Baidoa, he is not moving to Gedo, nor Godey nor Galkacyu.

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^Duke, bring another leader...a better leader perhaps..Filinka Yeey waa gubtay just like other famous criminals like that of late General Aydiid. :D

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^^^As we can tell the future lets look back in history...

Yey built Puntland and won an open election defeating your greatest political leader A/Qasin, first round as I rememebr. He also defeated your great warrior Col. Xasan Dahir and stoped Aydeed in his tracks. So far it is 3.0 to Ina Yusuf Yey.. :D

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^Maskaxda ka shaqeeysii atheer...Somalia is bigger than Indhacade or Yeey clans...Those are two clans and cannot dictate the affairs of the entire Somali people....

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Yeey is chosen not by the Somali people but by the enemies of the Somali people[Kenya+Ethiopia] to save guard their common interests of containing the dream of Somaliweeyn....Atleast think once outside the clan circle yaa Generale.

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^^^Everytime you lose is always to Tigray and Ethiopia, when you win is to the credit of the clan. Wonderful stuff, indeed.


Story so far Yey 3.0 and wants to make it 4.0...

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Transfering of power to the new rulers...warlord Dheere laga reeysay.....


Munaasabad lagu magcaabayay Guddoomiye cusub oo ay yeelato Degmada Warshiikh ee gobolka Sh/dhexe ayaa lagu qabtay isla degmadaas, iyadoo ay ka soo qeyb galeen mas’uuliyiin fara badan oo isugu jirta Golaha Maxkamadaha Islaamiga, maamulka gobolka Sh/dhexe, Culumaa’udiin, Waxgaradka Degmada, Aqoonyahano iyo dadweyne fara badan.

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