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Puntland ma Boqortooyo Baa Xukunto?

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Anigoo maqayad ka afuraayo ayaa waxaa soo galay oday. Duqa wuxuu ahaa qof aad u qeeli badan oo iska hadlaya...Laakiin maqayada dhexdeeda buu wuxuu ka dhex dhahay, Punland Ma gobal Boqotooyo ee xukuntaa???


Aniga yaab...... laakiin muran ad u foolxum ayaa meesha dhacay oo rag badan ayaa meesha ku fadhi diriray oo dhidid iska keenay 10 glass oo biyo ahna ka tuuray...


Marka Punland ma boqortooyaa mise waa xukun lawada qeebsado oo dadka Punland isla wada daga qeebsadaan???



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Originally posted by Tuujiyee:


Wareer Badanaa

adiga iyo wareerkaan sxb :confused: ... alle hakuu sahlo ameen.

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^^^^ balaayo kula magac foolxumaatay....Qalal miyaad qabtaa oo sidii ruux maaso ku dhagtay camal kaaga gariir siiyo...massa beel....

Ama magac rag ah qaado ama mid bajaq ah......dhex walaaqaan isku dhexkariska ah aaba iga hor imaaday aniga.....................



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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