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Mogadishu Xaradheere weapons transfered

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Degmada Xarardheere oo Maamul ay Dawlada somalia ka dhistay iyo hubkii Maxkamadaha oo lagu wareejiyay Dawlada Somalia.


Degmada xarardheere oo ay ka arimin jireen maxkamadihii wadanka laga eryay ayaa waxaa gaaray ciidamo ay leedahay Dawlada Somalia iyadoo halkaas ay ka dhacday xaflad balaaran oo lagu wareejiyay hub ay lahaayeen maxkamadihii isuguna jiray gawaarida dagaalka oo qoryo culus saaran yihiin iyo hubka fudud.



Ciidamada Dawlada ee gaaray xarardheere ayaa sidoo kale waxay halkaas ka hirgaliyeen maamul ay yeelanayso magaalada xarardheere iyadoo Gudoomiyaha Gobolka loo magacaabay Cabdisalaan Maxamud Axmed iyadoo ku xigeen ka koobaadna loo magacaabay Cali Diini halka gudoomiye kuxigeenka sadexaadna lagadhigay Cabdullaahi Cali Abukaate waxaa sidoo kale duqa degmada Xarardheer loo magacaabay Xuseen sheikh Cali.


Ciidamada Dawlada Somalia ayaa sidoo kale waxay ku wareejiyeen maamulka Gobolka Sadex gaari oo kuwa dagaalka ah oo sida lasheegay sugaya amaanka Gobolka sibay yiraahdeen loo sugo amaanka madaxda Gobolka iyo kuwa Degmada ee halkaas ku sugan.


Degmada Xarardheer oo ah degmo qadiimi ah ayaa waxay saldhig u ahaanjirtay kooxo burcad badeed ah iyadoo ay halkaas ay ka saareen maxkamadihii laga awood roonaaday iyadoo maxkamadihiina ay ciidamada dawladu ka saareen hadana ay saa ku heshay maamul saxa oo ay markii ugu horeeyay yeelato degmada xarardheer tan iyo 1991 xiligaas oo ay wadanka ka ariminaysay dawladii Somalia.



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MUQDISHO: Ciidammada Dowladda Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo Masjid ka soo saaray laba gaari oo ay qoryo ku rakiban yihiin


Posted to the Web Jan 14, 10:47



Muqdisho (PP) - Iyadoo ciidammada Dowladda ay wadaan howlgallo hubka ay ku uririnayan ay ka sameeyeen deegaanno ka tirsan Gobolka Banaadir ayaa waxay ka soo saareen Masjid ku yaalla xaafadda waxaracadde ee Degmada Huriwaa laba gaari oo ay laba qori oo kuwa waaweyn ah ku rakiban yihiin.


Labadan gaari ayaa la sheegay inay ku jireen masjidka barxad uu leeyahay, halkaasna ay ku daboolnaayeen, waxaana ciidammada dowladda ay u soo kaxeeyeen dhanka saldhig ay ku leeyihiin banaanka suuqa Xoolaha, halkaasoo ay geeyeen hubka ay gacanta ku dhigaan.


Arrintaan hub ururinta ah oo socota ayaa waxay tan ka dhigaysaa markii ugu horreeyay oo ay masaajid ka soo saaraan hub lagu qariyay, waxaana baaritaanka uu si weyn weli uga socdaa deegaanno badan oo ka tirsan Gobolka Banaadir.


Baaritaankaan lagu baarayo hubka ee aadka u badan ayaa daba jooga ansixintii ay shalay ansixiyeen xaaladda deg-degga ah golaha baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya, waxaana horay u joogsaday baaritaanka hubka, balse tani ay ka dhigaysaa inuu billowday, iyadoo ay bulshada Muqdisho raalli ka tahay in hubka laga qaado.


Ma jirto ilaa iyo hadda cid ka hortimid howlaha hub ururinta ee ay wadaan ciidammada Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, waxaana shacabka ay u ogolaanayaan sida la sheegay inay baaritaanno ku sameeyeen guryahooda, iyadoo aysan jirin cid diiday illaa saakay oo uu qorshahaan hub ururinta ah ka billowday qaybo ka tirsan Muqdisho.


Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu


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Gaadiid Dagaal oo laga helay Masaajid ku yaal Muqdisho

Last Updated::2007-01-14 18:34:34


Muqdisho:- Ciidamada DFKMG ayaa maanta la wareegay labo gaari oo nooca Tiknikada loo yaqaan oo ku jiray Masaajid.


Ciidamada DFKMG oo ay garab socdaan kuwa Dowlada Itoobiya ayaa maanta baaritaano ku sameeyay dhawr xaafadood oo ku yaal caasimada Muqdisho.


Xaafada Waxar Cade oo kamid ah goobihii maanta baaritaanka laga sameeyey ayaa waxaa Masaajid xaafadaasi ku yaal laga dhex helay dayrkiisa labo gaari oo ay saaran yihiin Qoryaha waaweyn ee lidka diyaaradaha.


Hubkan ayaa la sheegay in ay laaheeyn Maxaakiimtii ka dhisnaan jiray magaalada Muqdisho.


Ciidamada Dowlada oo hubkaasi la wareegay ayaa sidoo kale gacanta maanta ku dhigay tiro badan oo ah hubka daraandooriga u dhaca iyo Baasuukeyaal.


Baaritaankii maanta ayaa ahaa kii ugu balaarnaa ee laga sameeyo magaalada Muqdisho tan iyo intii ay dhaceen dagaaladii sokeeye.


Dowlada Federaalka ayaa noqotay maamulkii ugu horeeyey oo si bareer ah isugu daya inuu hubka ka aruuriyo ganacsatada iyo shacabka.


Waxaana la garan karin in ay qorshahan ku guuleysan doonto DFKMG.


Shalay ayuu Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ansixiyey sharci cusub oo Xaalad deg deg ah oo dalka lagu dhaqi doono muddo 3 bilood ah.


sharcigaasi ayaa la sheegay in loo adeegsan doono adkeynta iyo xasilinta guud ahaan dalka Somaliya.


Maxamed Cabdi

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Hub ururin ka socota Muqdisho


14 Jan 14, 2007, 07:08


Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka iyo kuwa Ethiopia ayaa howlgal ay saakay ka fuliyeen qeybo ka mid mid ah magaalada Muqdisho waxay kusoo qabqabteen Qoryo gacmeedyo isugu jira AK-47, BKM (Daba-Jeex), RBG (Baasuuke) iyo waxyaabaha qarxa ee Bambooyinka.


Afhayeenka Dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Somaliya C/raxmaan Nuur Maxamed (Diinaari) ayaa sheegay in ciidamada Dowladda iyo kuwa Ethiopia ay howlgal ay saakay ka bilabeen xafaddaha Yaqshiid, Suuqa Xoolaha, Ceymiska, Waxar Cadde goobo kale iyagoo baaris ku sameeyay guryo gaar ah oo laga shakiyay waxayna soo heleen hub aad u fara badan oo goobo ganacsi iyo guryo gaar ah laga soo helay.


Goobaha howlgalka laga fuliyay ayaa waxaa ka mid ah Isbitaalka Carafaat ee ku yaala wadada Warshadaha halkaasi oo labo maalmood ka hor uu ka dhacay qarax lala beegsaday ciidamada Ethiopia, waxayna ciidamada Dowladda ay ka qaateen ilaa iyo 8 qori oo kala duwan ilaaladii isbitaalka.


Ciidanka Ethiopia ayaa sida ay qortey jariidada Telegaraph waxa lagu soo eedeeyay in tacadi u geystaan shacabka Somalida gaar ahaan kuwa ay ku tuhumayaan in ay fikir ahaan ka horjeedaan joogitaankooda gudaha dalka Somalia


Howlgalkan ayaa waxaa uu ku soo beegmay xili baarlamaanka Federaalka uu ansixiyay qodobada xaalada deg dega ee dalka lagu soo rogay mudo sadax bilood ah.


Cali Muxayadiin Cali,GO

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Guns and explosives seized


Dinari said government forces searched houses in the northern Arafat area and seized AK-47s, grenades and explosives. He said seven "gangsters" in another area were arrested.


"The operations were aimed at improving security in the capital city," he said.

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^^Seems some progress is being made, the TFG is working 24/7... they have slept for far too long.


Duke, whats up with this Insurgency type clashes every day Mogadishu is shaken with, I expected some sort of organised resistance possibly clan based or warlords but never expected such type of unorganised hit and run kinda style would happen, have you?

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Tukaale it's a good observation you made, some would think it's a iraqi style kinda insurgency when one throws one hand grenade and runs off killing nobody!


The clans are united and the warlords have been tamed and Somalis are not 'dumb' wallahi they dont' want to die if they can't achive what they want or set out to achieve!


I know Somalis very well, they will blend in and when they see an opportunity arising for them they will grab it and not lose it at any cost!


But now it's keep your head down because you might get hit really hard, there's no oppostion!


Would you risk your life in London by trying to go against the government? No because you know it will lead to nowhere but you actually being captured and throwing into jail!


The other thing is that you don't know about the 650 plain dressed Secret Police officers (intelligence officers) that are working in the capital with their informers!


They have guns and people who inform them but they're dressed just like you so you wouldn't know they are police officers, they will go after you and when they see trouble like you attempting to rob someones mobile/cell phone, they will arrest you here and then!


However there biggest work is in spotting trouble-makers those who throw grenades etc!


Better you should know who you could trust and speak to because that man in the cafe shop in Mogadishu reading the newspaper just might be a plain-dressed police officer, who will arrest you if you're for trouble making!


Wallahi many people don't understan the game that is played here and how it works and functions!

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Troops in Somalia go house-to-house in search of weapons


164528-1.jpgEx-police officers loyal to the government patrol a Mogadishu street.


MOGADISHU, Somalia -- Somali troops and allied Ethiopian soldiers expanded their house-to-house search for weapons Sunday as this country's fledgling government struggles to assert authority over a nation that has known little but clan warfare and chaos for 15 years.

Government spokesman Abdirahman Dinari said the search was taking place in several neighborhoods but he refused to comment on the number of weapons seized, saying it was a military secret. On Saturday, troops were searching homes near Mogadishu's main airport.


"The government's plan of disarmament is a way to stabilize the country," Dinari told The Associated Press.


The plan to rid Mogadishu of weapons is fraught in this capital, which is awash in guns after more than a decade of anarchy. Last month, the government, with the critical help of Ethiopia's military, drove out an Islamic militia that had controlled much of southern Somalia since summer.


On Saturday, Somalia's acting parliament voted to allow the U.N.-backed government to impose martial law for up to three months in this Horn of Africa nation of 7 million people, deputy parliament speaker Osman Ilmi Boqore said during a legislative session broadcast live on a state-owned radio station.


A few hours later, Ethiopian jets reportedly bombed at least one village in the south, killing three people, a traditional elder reported.


Abdi Rashid Sheikh Ahmed told The Associated Press by phone from Af Madow that residents of the village of Bankajiiro came to his town with the bodies of three relatives they said died in the air strike.


Lawmaker Abdulrashid Hidig, speaking from the port town of Kismayo, and Dinari, the government spokesman, said they had heard reports of air strikes but did not have any details.


Ethiopian forces do not speak to journalists in Mogadishu.


Boqore said 154 legislators voted in favor of letting the government impose martial law. He said two lawmakers voted against the motion.


The remainder of Somalia's 275 lawmakers were not present at the session in Baidoa, a western town that had been the two-year-old government's stronghold until the Islamic militia was routed in an offensive that began Dec. 24.




Dinari told AP he did not know when President Abdullahi Yusuf would sign a decree to impose martial law.


Information Minister Ali Ahmed Jama has said the measure was needed because of widespread insecurity in the country, which has been without an effective government since clan warlords toppled a dictator in 1991 and then turned on each other.


Opposing lawmakers said too many Somalis are armed to impose strict order right now.


As Ethiopian-backed government forces captured the last stronghold of the Islamic movement at the southern tip of Somalia last week, the president secured a promise from warlords to enlist their fighters in the government army.


Yusuf needs to establish enough calm to allow international peacekeepers to deploy in Somalia to protect his government until it can establish an effective police force and army. (AP)


Source: AP

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Tukaale it's a good observation you made, some would think it's a iraqi style kinda insurgency when one throws one hand grenade and runs off killing nobody!

A great point, these hit and run attacks are not as bloody as the supporters of the defeated groups.

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A few hours later, Ethiopian jets reportedly bombed at least one village in the south, killing three people, a traditional elder reported.


Abdi Rashid Sheikh Ahmed told The Associated Press by phone from Af Madow that residents of the village of Bankajiiro came to his town with the bodies of three relatives they said died in the air strike.


Lawmaker Abdulrashid Hidig, speaking from the port town of Kismayo, and Dinari, the government spokesman, said they had heard reports of air strikes but did not have any details.


Ethiopian forces do not speak to journalists in Mogadishu.

Some government, they don’t even know if parts of their country are being bombed. Who is responsible for the deaths of these innocent people? :mad: For how long will we ignore the deaths of these innocent people?

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