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General Duke

Berlin: Meet your new Ambassador to Germany: PICS

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Dowladda Jarmalka oo ka aqbashay Safiirka Dowladda Soomaaliya ay u soo magacowday Jarmalka iyo Soo Dhaween aad u Balaaran uu kala kulmey Safiirka Somaliyeed Dowlada Jarmalka. Daawo Sawirada


Danjiraha Dowladda Soomaaliya u magacowday Dalka Jarmalka Amp. Maxamuud Maxamed Tifow ayaa noqday Safiirkii u horeeyay ee ay waraaqihiisa safiirnimada ka aqbasho Dowladaha Yurub kadib muddo 18-sano oo Soomaaliya dowlad la'aan aheyd.


Amp. Tifow ayaa markii uu gaaray Dalka Jarmalka si heer sare loogu soo dhoweeyay, iyadoona lagu kaxeeyay gawaarida madaxda Dalkaas ku socdaan.


Markii uu gaaray aqalka Madaxtooyada Amp. Tifow waxaa uu salaan sharafeed uu ka qaatay Ciidamada Dalka Jarmalka, isagoona Madaxtooyada ku soo dhoweeyay Madaxweynaha Dalka Jarmalka Horst Kohler.



Ambasador Tifow oo taagan Qasriga Madaxtooyada

Madaxweynaha Jarmalka Horst Kohler iyo Amp. Tifow oo kulan qaas ah ku yeeshay Qasriga Madaxtooyada ayuu Ampasadorka uga sheekeeyay sida ay tahay Xaalada Soomaaliya, waxaana uu si gaar ah u gaarsiiyay dhambaal salaan oo ka waday Madaxweynaha Dowladda Soomaaliya Md Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed.



Ambasador Tifow oo saxiixaya waraaqihiisa aqoonsi ee safiirnimada dalka Jarmalka

Amp. Tifow oo kal hore Dowladii Siyaad Barre safiir ahaa, ayaa bartamihii sanadkii hore uu Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya u magacaabay inuu noqdo Safiirka Dowladda Jarmalka u fadhiya Dowladda Soomaaliya, waxaana lagu hor dhaariyay Madaxweynaha iyo Ra'iisul Wasaarihii hore ee is casilay Cali Geeddi.



Ambasador Tifow Safiirka Dowladda Soomaaliya u fadhiya Dalka Jarmalka

Aqbaalada ay aqbashay Dowladda Jarmalka Safiirnimada Amp. Maxamuud Maxamd Tifow ayaa waxay noqoneysaa Dowladii u horeysay ee European ah oo ogolaata safiirnimada Dowlada Soomaaliya.


Xafiiska Warqabadka ee Shabakada Muqdisho Somalia

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China, India, UN, all the Arab nations an most of Africa. Now Germany the power house of Europe.


Things are getting better for the Somali state, any word on the secesionist recognition? :D

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Originally posted by General Duke:


China, India, UN, all the Arab nations an most of Africa. Now Germany the power house of Europe.


Things are getting better for the Somali state, any word on the secesionist recognition?

Why don't you just wish and pray for both countries SL and Somalia to thrive? Why knock one to praise the other?

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Masha'Allah amazing pics, the TFG is becoming more and more powerful by the day. Everyday anarchist speak about the TFG being close to collapse, something they have done with every government, but these pics are proof of how little they know of the situation.


As for the Secessionist this is by far their biggest fear, they give us articles that their leader was given an official welcome but never any pics of it. In four years the TFG has accomplished so much!!! Great pics, we need more.

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^^^Somali Pride indeed adeer.

AfricaOwn, I only knwock the secessionists, the province of North West Somalia are my fellow brothers much love to them. The secessionists daydream is another thing.


Anyhow Berlin is the route to the EU. Insha Allah everything will be ok.

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^^Will you be in Leyton when the UK Ambassador is appointed? smile.gif


C'mon give us a prediction, who's likely to be appointed? :D

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^^^I dont live in the UK anymore adeer. I hope its a woman from the North Western regions.

Other than that I have not got a clue nor care for such positions.


I am more interested in the whole system than its parts.

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