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Their pension and abaalgud

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Qaar ka mid ah naafadii Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliyeed ee xubnooda ku waayey dagaalkii '77 oo sheegay in ciidamo ka tirsan DF ay jirdil kula kaceen, kana qaateen...


Afhayeenka naafadda ciidamada Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliyeed ee ku u sugan isbitaalkii Martiini ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa booliska Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ay dhowr jeer yimaadeen isbitaalkaasi, iyagoo halkaasina ka sameeyey falal iskugu baaritaano, iyo jirdil ay u geysteen qaar ka mid ah naafada halkaaasi ku nool ee lixaadkooda ku waayey difaaca dalkaa iyo dadka Soomaaliyeed.


"Ciidamada Booliska gaar ahaan kuwa jooga saldhiga Afarirdood oo ku yaala degmada Xamarweyne waxay caadeysdeen iney iney yimaadaan isbitaalka Martiini oo ay ku nool yihiin illaa 100 ruux oo ka tirsan naafada Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliyeed, iyagoo halkaasina ka geystay handadaad iyo jirdil mararka qaarkood ay u geystaan naafada halkaasi ku nool, waxayna dhowaan naga qaateen 2 qori oo lagu ilaalin jiray isbitaalka, kuwaasoo meel kasta haddii aynu tagnay aanu weynay cid wax nooga qabata" ayuu yiri afhayeenka oo ka codsaday DF iney wax ka qabato dhibaatooyinka ay ciidamadeedu ku hayaan naafada xoogga dalka.


"Waa nasiib daro in naafadii lixaadkooda ku waayey difaaca dalka iyo dadka iyo ciida Soomaaliyeed maanta lagu xad gudbo, lana jirdilo, iyagoo ay horey u heysay xaalad nololeed oo aad ay adag, waxqabadkii ay dowladda ay ka sugayeena uu noqdo in ciidamo, loo soo adeegsado oo la dhibaateeyo dad awalba naafo ahaa oo aan waxba heysan, ismana laheyn Qaran Soomaaliyeed oo jira ayaa sidaa idinkula kici doona" ayuu intaa ku daray afhayeenka oo sidoo kale sheegay in bilo ka hor ay xeradaasi yimaadeen ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo baaritaan ku sameeyey xerada isbitaalkii Martiini iyagoo si xuna ula dhaqmay ayuu yiri naafada XDS ee halkaasi degan.



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A bit of exaggeration from - but true these guys have never been rewarded or cared for and that stretches back to the military government.

But to say they have been attacked and beaten 'this' time by TFG troops is way out accusation.

Something needs and should be done for them but building up orchestrated accusations don't help - furthermore we don't have a legitimate government that heels the nation - until then they are part of our misery.

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It’s sad like so many things in Somalia today.


But what was the role of the military in the disintegration of the Somali state?


I am not talking about these men ku naafooday dagaalkii 1977.


*topic hijacking in operation*


I am talking about the ones that walked out on the Somali people in the 70's,80's,90's. The ones that joined clan militias with their weapons and expertise.


The ones that call themselves generals, colonels and are leading clan militia's or that ran away when their country needed them the most.


What’s your opinion on them? Are they the Somali military? Or are they traitors and cowards, who ran away or joined the forces that were out to destroy the country when the Somali people needed them the most.


So is the former Somalia army something to be proud about? When they didn’t produce not even one group of men that were willing to serve their nation.

Iskaba daa taas, why did the Somali army produce men like Caydiid, Cabdulahi Yusuf, Cade Muuse, and countless other traitors. Don’t you think there was something wrong with the way they selected their men, trained their men.


Why did they have produced the armchair generals who are now in the West. Hoping and waiting to be called one day and asked whether they want to come back and work in Somalia. Why didn’t they produce men that are decisive, men that take action when they see evil being done? Why didn’t the Somali army produce men that love their country?


What kind of an army was it horta? And is it the kind of military we can be proud of?

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This is nothing new.


In big battle of April 07 between Somali locals and ethiopians .. many public hospitals were turned into Ethiopian military medical centers throwing needy Somalis out in the sun.


So i wouldn't be particularly surprised if this is nothing but the truth.

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Originally posted by me:

It’s sad like so many things in Somalia today.


But what was the role of the military in the disintegration of the Somali state?


I am not talking about these men ku naafooday dagaalkii 1977.


*topic hijacking in operation*


I am talking about the ones that walked out on the Somali people in the 70's,80's,90's. The ones that joined clan militias with their weapons and expertise.


The ones that call themselves generals, colonels and are leading clan militia's or that ran away when their country needed them the most.


What’s your opinion on them? Are they the Somali military? Or are they traitors and cowards, who ran away or joined the forces that were out to destroy the country when the Somali people needed them the most.


So is the former Somalia army something to be proud about? When they didn’t produce not even one group of men that were willing to serve their nation.

Iskaba daa taas, why did the Somali army produce men like Caydiid, Cabdulahi Yusuf, Cade Muuse, and countless other traitors. Don’t you think there was something wrong with the way they selected their men, trained their men.


Why did they have produced the armchair generals who are now in the West. Hoping and waiting to be called one day and asked whether they want to come back and work in Somalia. Why didn’t they produce men that are decisive, men that take action when they see evil being done? Why didn’t the Somali army produce men that love their country?


What kind of an army was it horta? And is it the kind of military we can be proud of?

You blame the whole military because of a few men? Few men such as Moorgan, Jees, Caydiid, Yuusuf, Qeybdiid, Shaatigaduud, Riyaale [the latter two who were not in military, but in sirdoonka's branch], and their likes. You blame the Soomaali military institution because of these qabyaalad dishay, ku raagtay men?


Ha u gafin milateriga Soomaaliyeed as an institution because of what few savages who were members of it turned out to be.


It is an unfortunate this pessimistic view is coming from you, Me.

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miskiin i think you are smarter than that, do you believe everything that is anti-TFG. why bay u jir dilaayaan dad naafo ah, la garay haday yihiin ciidamo wali xoog leh, plus the police are somalis as well, so why bay u nacayb khaas ah ugu qaadayaan askar ku naafooday 77.

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

quote:Originally posted by me:

It’s sad like so many things in Somalia today.


But what was the role of the military in the disintegration of the Somali state?


I am not talking about these men ku naafooday dagaalkii 1977.


*topic hijacking in operation*


I am talking about the ones that walked out on the Somali people in the 70's,80's,90's. The ones that joined clan militias with their weapons and expertise.


The ones that call themselves generals, colonels and are leading clan militia's or that ran away when their country needed them the most.


What’s your opinion on them? Are they the Somali military? Or are they traitors and cowards, who ran away or joined the forces that were out to destroy the country when the Somali people needed them the most.


So is the former Somalia army something to be proud about? When they didn’t produce not even one group of men that were willing to serve their nation.

Iskaba daa taas, why did the Somali army produce men like Caydiid, Cabdulahi Yusuf, Cade Muuse, and countless other traitors. Don’t you think there was something wrong with the way they selected their men, trained their men.


Why did they have produced the armchair generals who are now in the West. Hoping and waiting to be called one day and asked whether they want to come back and work in Somalia. Why didn’t they produce men that are decisive, men that take action when they see evil being done? Why didn’t the Somali army produce men that love their country?


What kind of an army was it horta? And is it the kind of military we can be proud of?

You blame the whole military because of a few men? Few men such as Moorgan, Jees, Caydiid, Yuusuf, Qeybdiid, Shaatigaduud, Riyaale [the latter two who were not in military, but in sirdoonka's branch], and their likes. You blame the Soomaali military institution because of these qabyaalad dishay, ku raagtay men?


Ha u gafin milateriga Soomaaliyeed as an institution because of what few savages who were members of it turned out to be.


It is an unfortunate this pessimistic view is coming from you, Me.
Ok MMA you said that I shouldn't blame the whole Somali army for the actions of few men.


But ask your self who were these men leading? many of their lower ranked officers and their soldiers were from the Somali milatery too especially in the first few years of the civil war.


Ta labaad was up with all these ex-somali military officers chilling about in the west while their country is burning? why didn't they do something about whats happening in Somalia?


I mean the least they could have done was to say that they dont agree with whats happening. It has been 17 years now and they haven't spoken out against the civil.


So why are the ones that swore that they would protect our nation not doing anything?


I am not attacking the Somali military, I respect the idea of the Somali military and the many sacrifices many Somali soldiers made for our nation. I just cant understand why they aren't doing anything. Except when they want to do wrong like ones you listed.

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