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Waxa la Yedhi

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Those that oppose the Islamic Courts in Somalia cite many different reasons for this opposition. The first of course is that the courts are not really Islamic and that this is yet another covert clan war! Then there are those that oppose the actual Islamic ideology these Courts follow!


What do you know about the Courts? If they ruled the whole of Somalia, what interpretation of the faith do you expect them to apply and what ones do you wish they would avoid?


Would you agree with the cutting of the hands of a starving thief that stole an apple (we’re still on a waxa la yedhi argument remember)?


What’s your position on women: working, going to school or mixing socially/professionally with those of the opposite sex? How do you think/expect the Courts to treat them? Could you ever envisage a prominent woman member/advisor of the Courts?


What form of Sharia law do you expect the Courts to apply? What form do you prefer? The Saudi, Iranian or Northern Nigerian?


When the Courts finally control the whole of Somalia, what sort of government do you expect them to look like? What will the country look like?



Give me a bit of waxa la yedhi right now and make it good.

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These are good questions to ask and will reflect the leadership style. As a saying goes-The People are a reflection of their leader.


What do you know about the Courts? If they ruled the whole of Somalia, what interpretation of the faith do you expect them to apply and what ones do you wish they would avoid?


Salafiyyah, as that is what somalis know of. Although, from Northerner's article, Sh. Ahmed isn't one. In anycase, there is alot of goodness in the salafiyyah movement in their work in Somalia. Qurans are being read again, masjids are being filled and various sunnans are being practised. It isn't a lax form of Islam but I don't think that these people need a 'laxity' right now. Some rigidity is good to get the job done. 15yrs of laxity haven't produced much.


Inshallah, they will maintain their status and uphold good governance. For Allah does not lay to waist the work of the rigtheous believers....


Fi Amanillah

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The courts would more than likely adopt the Iranian style theocracy where the real power rests with a body of clergymen who would turn Somalia into very authoritarian state. Only closed and centralised political entity could ensure the stability needed to take Somalia out of its current mess. Somalis would tolerate political oppression as long as that the system of governance brings that much needed stability which should be followed by economic liberalization and sustained development in all Somali regions.


As the far the rights of women are concerned, the lack of female perspective in the courts might lead to draconian legislations limiting the participation of women in the social and political lives of our society.

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The reasons why i do not support the ICU.

1.Is Based on tribal ideologies.

2.Harbour criminalswarlords that serve their interests.

3.Execute pple with no thorough investigation and allow 16 yrs olds to committ things that are unheard of.

4.Day after day,they conquer land in the norm of ''islamization.Who is gonna be islamized?

5.On one hand they say they are men of peace and on the other hand they


Reasons why i don't support the TFG.

1.Lack leadership and do not do anything.

2.tribal ideologies held high under the norm of nationalism.

3.Are corrupt

4.Are busy growing their stomachs than that of nation building.



I support none of those old folks and the only thing that should be done to them, is to exterminate them all with their fake nationalism and their fake way of abusing religion.Its just the same old clan games but played in a different context.

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Khyer, but how do you see them doing, say, in five years time? What will the Somali scene (in your opinion) look like? Draw me a full picture if you will.


Oodweyne for example has given us very strong arguments above. In fact, right now, I’m almost swayed by his logic and convincing clairvoyant like skills.


Still, I intentionally named this thread ‘waxa la yedhi’ in order that the participants do not hold back and unleash their full vision upon us. If you were a Courts supporter, what exactly is your future expectation of these Courts and how do you BELIEVE them to behave? If you’re an opponent, what are the obstacles and pitfalls (in your opinion) that you believe will ensure the Courts failure?


This is an exercise in salesmanship and, like me, I suspect that the vast majority of the readers of this site are still undecided on this issue. For now, and I’m speaking on behalf of most of the silent readers, it looks like Oodweyne’s product is the most attractive thing here. Anyone care to undersell him, outmanoeuvre him or even make his product obsolete?


The floor is yours. :D



Don't let facts get in your way. This is a waxa la yedhi after all. smile.gif

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