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In His Memory!

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Originally posted by Baashi:

Creativity and Focus is what comes to mind when one reads ur posts Nur. Keep it up sage...i got the sublimal message there...awesome!

That is what draws me to Nur’s posts, even though most of his threads consist of long critiques, nevertheless it makes you want to read more because of the level of creativity involved. Regardless of the subject matter, when one put is in different context, everything will sound interesting.


Although I think you have more passive readers than active ones. ;)

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I have just revisited this section after a long absence, and I will disappear again to my natural habitat, the islam page, you are definetely correct, my readers are passive, may be the way I write is fom the inside out, as if I am a bit of everyone's conscious, most dont know what to manke of it, the best description that was said of my pieces in another thread was that its like a bag of potato chips, once you open, its hard to put the lid on again.


I briefly looked at your bio, Nomads have to be careful now, it says you are not institutionalized yet! I assume that it depends from what perspective one looks at the "institution", it was said that Siad Barre was visiting a Psychiatric Hospital In Mogadishu when one of the patients hysterically laughed upon seeing the Presidents arrival, when asked what was so funny, the mentally challenged patient admitted that his case in comparison to that of the President was mild, as he was escorted to the the clinic by a single guard while the President was being escorted by a troop of guards that overwhlmed the instituitions inhabitants.



The same can be said about our Warlords vision of the world, they see us intelectuals as nuts!




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I am worried for the al of us Anarchists, Islamists are bringing order in Somalia, what are we going to do with all the hate energy in our minds?



Cag Biciid

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Anarchists have already infiltrated Islamists ranks. The white-eyed Islamists in Marka won’t disappoint us. This opportunist can wear all the Islamic garbs he wants but he can’t fool me for I know the man is true to his anarchist roots.


Inna Kaadi-Najaasle

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How did I missed this story? Sounds more like a Native Indian folk tale! You never tire of writing this diatribe Nur? what compels you? I'm not making references to UIC or anything like that but I'm sick and tired of this bigging-up of wadaado all the time. This excessive tazkiyah is unislamic and needs to stop Allah is the only judge.

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Didi Dada


Jazakallah Kheiran for the wise reminder sis, we should always remember to say " Wa laa nuzakii calal Allahi axad" but the unfolding events at the home front are like a miracle, that no wadaad can take a credit for, if you have read some of my posts, I have highighted that this victory is from Allah SWT, not from the wadaaddo, like Allah says in Quraan " Law tawaacadtum lakh talaftum fil miicaad" " Wa maa ramayta walaakinna Allaha ramaa"




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