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General Duke

A call for change and creation of Puntland opposition parties

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A call for Puntland political opposition parties


Taking into account the nature of Somali politics, the need for change and the situation of our beloved nation of Somalia.


I believe it is time to put together a movement for political change in Puntland, led by the Diaspora, with the aim of peacefully change.


It can only come from abroad with the tacit support of the people, it must be region wide and represent a cross section of the entire clans of the state.


The Faroole admin must fulfill its early promise to move the state into a multiparty system based on equality and the pursuit of progress.


This is the right time for such change, the old system is no longer valid, business as usual can not be accepted for the next elections must be based on districts and on the right of the ordinary man and woman to choose their representatives at every level of government.


Puntland has proven to be a peaceful state now we must perfect our state and its system.


The Duke has already doing his little bit towards change now its your turn.

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Not bad at all. But Somalis have always use qabiil as basis for parties. Under close examination each clan supports their own. Parties by themselves are not the solution. The solution is to educate the population with Islamic morals who are guided by principles rather than triblism.

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