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George Galloway addresses UK parliament on Somali

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Actually I like the man. Did any of you see his appearance at US Congress where Senator Colmann of MN tried to lay a trap for him. In the end, Colmann was the one who was ambushed.

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The man is articulate and eloquently presents his case, I concur that he mostly supports and speaks for the under-dogs, on this time thou I must say he got it wrong few times not least that Eritrea is an Islamic state :D

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^I have already mentioned one of the things he got it wrong... Eritrea is not an Islamic state...

LOL...Other then that everything he said about the main topic is on point?


Can the tfg last 5 minutes if the occupiers were to leave today? I have faith on the puntland troops to not let that happen.

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^Not only one, he made many mistakes, how many times do I have to say that to you, may I explain everything for you like a child, listen to the clip clearly and read his lips... The man knows very little about the area of the Horn and therefore many of what he utters are wrong, Period...


He's only expert of the issues in the West and the Middle east... I know the man better and is one of my local MP's, makra adeer stop you silly nonsensical argument...

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^Not only one, he made many mistakes, how many times do I have to say that to you, may I explain everything for you like a child, listen to the clip clearly and read his lips.....


Blah blah, Stop trying to avoid it.......


Put down what you didn't agree/all the mistakes he said. You don't have sh!t on him because everything he said was on point.

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A response(without a name, probably written by TPLF apologist) to Galloway:



Or perhaps we can say Drama King. The infamous British MP George Galloway is at it again blabbering about things he doesn’t know about. It seems like this guy looks at all conflicts around the world and throws random dots to connect all problems back to America,

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