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True daljecel hees

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One of the best new nationalist songs, by the still newcoming band, Waayaha Cusub. Dadaalka meesha kasii wada.


You can watch the

on here.


And here are the words, as poorly translated as they are. You can correct if you see any mistranslated word.



Soomaaliyeey dirir


Soomaaliyeey dirir

Oo dagaalama

Dulqaadkana u yeeshoo

Deyrkii dugsoonaa

Miyaa Amxaaradu dageysaa

Gumaystuhu dageyaa

Ummaduna dayeysaa


[Oh, Soomaalis

Fight and wage war

Have patience of (the struggle)

The independent Republic (now)

The Itoobiyaans settling

Forming an occupation

And the world's people watching]


Daa'inkii na umaaa

Jihaad noogu deeqoo

Duulimaad cadaawoo

Waa inaan la dirirnaa

Rabigeena dawarshee

Waa inaynu dooxnaa

Rabigeena dayacee

Waa inaan duleynaa

Rabigeena doorshee

Soomaalida dawaqdee

Gumaysiga u dirane

Rabi damiir ha siiyee


[The Creator who created us

Gave us the right to defend

And struggle for ourselves

The invasion of enemy

We have to fight them

May our Lord mentally infirm them

We have to cut them

May our Lord lead them astray

We have to degrade them

May our Lord take their humanity

And those Soomaalis who are the traitors

And believe in colonization (of Xabasho)

May our Lord give them the feelings of a (true) partriot]



Daafacaada ciidiyo

Diinta waa ku dhimanaa



[We always protect our motherland

And die (in the struggle) for our faith

Oh, Soomaalis]


Waxaan ka diidaa

Jirku ila damqaayaa

Dabinada shisheeyaha

waa inaynu diidnaa

Gobonimada doonaa

Waa inaan ka dayrnaa

Dalkeenana ka dhawrnaa

Waa inaan dufeynaa

Rabigeenaa duugee


[What I always feel bad about

And my body is disgusted by

Traps laid by outsiders

We have to refuse that

And be independent (in spirit)

We have to restrict (the occupiers)

And protect our land from them

We must hate them

And may our Lord lead them to the grave]


Soomaalida dayowdee

Amxaarada la duula

Rabi damiir ha siyee


[And those Soomaalis committing treason

Supporting Xabashi

May our Lord give them feelings of a (true) patriot]


Allow yaa lay dagin

darsin xuna lay dhigin

Dabkeygana laygu shidin

Daabkeygana laygu qalin

Jihaad la'aan lay dilin


[O' Allah

Let them not trick me

Let them not teach me a bad lesson

Let them not light the fire of my house

Let them not slaughter me with the hands of my brother

Let them not kill me without struggling]


Duli daran nalala rabo

Raboow daayin naga qabo

Dayacnaanta naga bi'i


[No dignity they want for us

O' Lord, protect us from them

Protect us from disunity]


Marna ma'aha danteena ma'aha

In la doorsho ummadeena

damiirkuna ma ogola

dareenkuna kaba daran


[it is not what is good for us

It is for the change of our culture and people

Our conscience would not allow it

Our feelings would not allow it]


Hala duulo hala dooxo

Dukum daakum hala yeelo

Gumaysataha dalka doonay

Docna yaan looga harin


[Let us cut their...

Destroy them

Those who want our land


Soomaaliyeey dirir

Oo dagaalama

Dulqaadkana u yeeshoo

Deyrkii dugsoonaa

Miyaa Amxaaradu dageysaa

Gumaystuhu dageyaa

Ummaduna dayeysaa

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