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WSLF sign cessation of weaponshostilities with the government of Ethiopia

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Pirate you have wet your diapers enough for today, dont you think.


Nothing you write is legible to sane people like us, maybe you should try this on a Dabaqoodhi from Jigjiga, he may have difficulty.


I can see your a Sad and small-minded creature but i ask you not to transgress on the people of the Region by claiming people will vote, no one in Ethiopia will vote on this sham Election.


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I have confirmation that more than 90% (between 40-70 men) of the UWSLF army have handed over themselves to the Military in Godey. 20 men differed with them and there was a kind of shoot=out at the border. This is the total number UWSLF had in the region. And there are no negotiations at all.


I am now told that Jigjiga municipality is ordered to prepare plots of land for the demobilised Itixaad members and their leadership.


The members of this phoney organisation, in addition to the 100 or so men in the bush, included few breaded shiekhs who used to beg money in Qatar. Iyo dadka bakhaylka ah ee aan rabin inay qaadhaanka ONLF bixiyaan islamarkaana rabaa inay yidhaahdaan halganka Ethiopia-la dirirka waan taageersanahay. Markay qaadhaanka loo soo doono ayey odhan jireen "isku urur ma nihin oo ururkii kale ayaa naga qaaday" :D:D


I think this is a very, very, good development. They were spoilers in two fronts. One, in painting the legitimate struggle as an extension of islamic irredentism and one in confusing the Arabs who would have supported ONLF with finances.




I would have thought it is you who would tell me what goes in the mind of beared merchants who pose as Liberation fighters. I never like them.

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Johnny B   

Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

They were spoilers in two fronts. One, in painting the legitimate struggle as an extension of islamic irredentism and one in confusing the Arabs who would have supported ONLF with finances.

spot on !!


They were nothing but older Khashafas. ;)

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I have confirmation that more than 90% (between 40-70 men) of the UWSLF army have handed over themselves to the Military in Godey.

A group of 10 steadfast is better than a group of 100 potential deserters. It is more about hearts than numbers. If they didn't surrender then you would have 40-70 men in your ranks who dont have the heart to be there, which only brings down morale.

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