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Where are the Somali Scholars of Islam?

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Xasbuka Yaa Xiin! Still, I find the attainment of the stoic temperance to be nigh-impossible. I shall leave you with the following verses. Do reflect upon them but a little:-


Saalih bin Junaah(صالح بن جناح):-


اذا كنت بين الجهل والحلم قاعدا

وخيرت انى شئت Ùالحلم اÙضل

ولكن اذا انصÙت من ليس منصÙا

ولم يرض منك الحلم Ùالجهل امثل


Or perhaps the words of Al-ahnaf Bin Qays are more germane to this confabulation (الاحن٠بن قيس):-



Ùان كنت محتاجا الى الحلم انني

الى الجهل ÙÙŠ بعض الاحايين احوج

ولي Ùرس للخير بالخير ملجم

ولي Ùرس للشر بالشر مسرج

Ùمن رام تقويمي Ùاني مقوم

ومن رام تعويجي Ùاني معوج



With that note, I shall take a break from SOL, unless, of course, another ninny compels me to put on my coat of mail.


With Salaams,


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Thank you very much folks..rwayadda is over for tonight at least unless anything else pops up.


But sadly its becoming all too predictable :D

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Xiinfaniin & Mutakalim,




I’m not questioning Abuu Alaa’s faith (who am I?) neither can be any doubt about the fact that he was a great literary genius and a master of Arabic eloquence, so having made that clear; we can move on.




My intention was/is not to take on Mutakalim for the simple reason that he is right about the absurdity of Alle-ubaahne!


However, since Mutakalim started referring back to Abuu Alaa in an attempt to highlight for us “the absurdity and the irony of life†as demonstrated in Abuu Alaa’s verses, I simply sought to point out that “the old blind man†himself, was in fact a source of absurdity and irony during his lifetime. This, I tried to say, outweighs Alle-ubaahne’s wildest absurdity!


Therefore, Mutakalim, my uncle (being son of brother of yours); May I not point that out to you, without the risk of causing you ills or testing your patience?


And lastly:


At least you could’ve asked me to demonstrate my reasoning behind these statements instead of interpreting them as naked provocation on the ladder of shameless personal attacks imaginable.


Xiinfaniin , I accept your wise point.

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Mutakallim, I can see the dilemma you’re confronted with. You said it very eloquently. Withdraw momentarily, if you will, but don’t you go away.


Shams, well done. I think I like you man. Clarification accepted. Wise is he who refuses to be led by his lower soul’s desires and temptations.

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^^^Haddaad liberal qeexdo su'aashaada inaad jawaab e heshaa suura ah.


Haddaanse kusoo boodo, waa hubaal inuusan Shamsu-diin liberal aheyn. Waxaase ii muuqata, inaadan jeclaysan qoraalkiisa. Taasi ka dhigi mayso liberal iyo wax lamid ah toona. Haddii qofkii aadan jeclaysan wuxuu qoraba uu liberal noqdo, wallee najaasaa fayleh :D , i say.


Liberal qudheedaa u baahan in lafahmo, bay ila tahay.

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^ Here it is good Xiin:




adj 1: showing or characterized by broad-mindedness; "a broad political stance"; "generous and broad sympathies"; "a liberal newspaper"; "tolerant of his opponent's opinions" [syn: broad, large-minded, tolerant] 2: having political or social views favoring reform and progress 3: tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition [ant: conservative]


I never complain when my fellow nomad Alle-ubaahne calls me a liberal. I hope now he'd understand why. ;)

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But that liberal has a negative connation is no point of moot. It signifies moral laxity of sort and lack of moral restraint, does it not? Free-lancing person, who’s not bounded by religion and tradition, comes to mind. It is in that context that AU used it, I believe, and as such it is a negative label. That is what I have problem with.


I hope Mr. Alle-ubaahane would understand where I am coming from, unless of course, he perceives me to be in that bundle as well.


And I agree with you if liberal means open-mindedness and tolerance, it should not be something to be ashamed of. That, however, is not what it is used to connote, good Castro.

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horta waxaad isoo xasuusisay faraskii uu Sayid Max'ed Cabdulle Xasan ugu xishay dagaalada jihaadka ee la oran jiray xiinfaniin. Asoo amaanaya wuxuu yiri:


Xawaariyo kadliyo jeefag

Xagii loo dayaba waa gamaan xulashadiisiiye!


Ninyahow waxaad meesha keentay arin muhiim ah oo u baahan in la qeexo, waana gar in Castro ama wax cad lagu cadeeyo ama faraha laga qaado. Aniga halka aan ka duulayo carrabka ayaad ku dhifatay, sidaas darteed gartu Alle ayey taqaanaaye wixii cuqaal ah shirka ha yimaadaan oo arintaan isku murugsan meel haloo bixiyo.


Liberal-ka aan la dagaalamayo aniga waa raga aan ku tuhmayo inay diinta xagliyaan oo aan damiirkii Islaamnimada wax ku eegin, balse reer galbeed kaliyah aragtidooda wata oo marwalbaa sanka naga galiya. Kuwaas ayaan la xarbinayaa sidii aan u karbaashi lahaa.


Open-mindedness is the question I am resisting, but there is alot of issues beneath that phrase. We have to come to terms with the underlying behaviours of liberalism and then distingiush between liberalism from moralism. So in that regard, we can see their naked agenda. I think defining them would help portray their true color, and people would not see as the sole seeflabood who wakes asleep problems.

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I had seen once a man who was praying in Somali. He was praying loudly and I paid careful attention to what he was saying. It turned out that he was literally reading the opening chapter of the Quran(Fatixa) in Somali. I was amazed by that. Then when Rukuuc came, He was uttering the literal translation of the arabic words "Subxana Rabiyal Cathiim" in Somali as well. He continued praying that way. I wasn't sure if I wanted to laugh or stop the man from the prayer and ask him why he wanted to pray in a such way. Then I changed my mind because something seemed odd about him. When I left the mosque, and the location was a small town in Somalia, I recounted what I saw to My uncle. He told me that the man was mentally disturbed and was known for his method of prayers. I was amazed by the accuracy of his literal translation of the quran and all other words acceptable in prayer without a pause or thinking. It left me with such deep impression and admiration for the sick man that I used to ask about him every time I met someone who came from that small Town later on.


I conclude this post with a question, Arabic is the language of islam and muslims should learn it, however, in some instances, we see some old somalis who have tough times reading the Fatixa. Would such people be served better if they prayed in Somali while they make the effort to learn it in Arabic? Prayer can not be postponed and even on one's death-bed, he is required to pray. So, what is the solution for such a person who can't learn Arabic fast enough and who wants to pray without delay?



Modesty :D Your somali must be advanced I warn you.





Anna gabaraan lahaa aa siisid(and she likes you already), adna waabad sii socotaa ee sidee waaye saxib? I like reading your posts. You should stick around.

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^Saaxiib xoogsade, maad naga deysid qash-qashaada aad nagu wadid. Ninkaan mutakalim la dhahaayo waa hore uu ku dhawaaqay inuu yahay nin Cadaan ah oo raba inuu taariikhda bulshada reer galbeedka meel fiican ka galo. Marka u maleyn maayo inaad war deeqsiin kartide, maandhoow iskaga leexo.


Haa, aniga iyo Castro-na noo baneeya goobta aan ku shirnee, bal shaahna biibitadaas nooga soo qabo, koley Castro wuxuu cabaa biyaha kulul oo qaraarka ah! :D:D

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