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The 13 members of the Somali Youth League (SYL) , May 15, 1943(Aabayaashii Gobanimadeena)











Maanta oo ah 12kii Oktoobar waa maalin taariikhi ah oo qiimo wayn ku leh sooyaalka Soomaaliyeed ,waa maalintii ugu horreysay oo dadka Soomaaliyeed aay indhaha saaraan sida uu u egyahay calankoodu .

Habaynimadii 11kii Oktoobar 1954tii dadweeynaha ku nool magaalaad Muqdishow ma seexan qofkastaana wuxuu doonayey in aan looga hormarin aragtida calanka soomaaliyeed oo la surayey saqda dhexe ..waxaana saacaddu markii aay ahayd 00.00 saqda dhexe calankii Soomaaliya uu bilaabay in uu ka dhex babado calamadii talyaaniga iyo jamciyadda Qaruumaha ka dhexaysa.Dhacdadaasi waxaay ahayd guul wayn iyo mirihii ugu horreeyey ee halgankii uu soo galay xisbigii SYL oo horseedka u ahaa qarannimada iyo midnimaad Ummadda Soomaaliyeed.

Xisbiga SYL oo ugu horreyn markii la asaasay 15kii May 1943dii la oran jiray SYC"Somali Youth Club" kaddibna u xuubsiibtay xisbi siyaasi ah oo ku shaacay darfaha Soomaaliya oo dhan loona baxshay SYL (Somali Youth League)

Xisbigaasi wuxuu awood u yeeshay in uu dumo midnimada soomaaliyeed gaarsiiyana heer ku dhawaaqidda ama sheegashada qabiilku aay ceeb laga faano aay noqoto waxaana xisbigaas halhays u ahaa :

Soomaaliyeey Toosa .Toosoo isku Tiirsada oo

hadba kiina Taagdaran Taageera waligiin.

Hadba waxaan la ooynaayo Ilmadu iiga Qubanayso

Ikhtiyaar nin loo Diido la adaansadaan ahayeey

Tulud geela oo dhacan baad Tarab tarab u dhimaataane

ma dhulkiini oo tagay baan ruuxna Dhagax u tuurayn


Asaasayaashii SYL waxaa geeriyooday Allah ha u naxariistee 11 kamid ah waxaana maanta ka nool labo Qur ah oo kala ah :

1.Daahir Xaaji Cismaan "Dhegaweeyne" oo Qaxooti ku ah dalka kanada

2.Cali Xassan Cali "Verdura " oo ku nool degmada Qoryooleey


Maanta oo kale waxaan marnaba la illoobi karin oo aay waajib tahay in la xuso halyeeygii isagu hal abuuray calanka Soomaaliyeed

halyeeygaas oo ah Allah naxariistii ha ka waraabiyee Maxamad Cawaale Liibaan (1919-2001).Marxuum maxamad Cawaale Liibaan wuxuu isaga oo qaxooti ah ku Geeriyooday dalka Kanada .




Qaranka iyo Xornimadii la helay waa la quursadaye

Wax ku qooqay Niman aan Ogayn Qaabka loo helaye

Qudhooda iyo Maalkaba Raggii Qiiradow Bixiyey

Waa kaa Gidaarada ku quban Qalin Jabkoodiiye

Qabiil iyo dil baa noo kordhiyo Qoys anaa Badane

Qorax noolba boqolaal dhintaa Qayladood Timide

Qudh Kaliyoo xil lagu aaminoo Qiimo laan jirine

Haddii Allaa Qaadiree Qiil inoo bixinin

OO aanu Qaliifyo u sakhirin Qaata Amarkeena

Ninwalboow Xabaashada Qodo Nololi waa Quuse

(Waxaa tiriyey Alla ha u Naxaristee Xaaji Aadan Afqalloc)



Halgaamyaashii Gobannimada dalka Soomaaliya horseedka u ahaa waxaa hammigoodu ahaa in Soomaaliya 50 sano kaddib ku biirto dawladaha horay u maray oo sawaariikh cirka u ganto ,hasayeeshe damacaas waxaa burburiyey indhowgarato cayr ka ah dareen qarannimo mid islaanimo iyo mid waddaninimoba ,garmaqatayaal ka diimoon silica dadkooda iyo dalkooda haysta .

Ilaahay waxaan ka baryeeynaa in uu naga dulqaadoo musiibada nagu galgalaaty naguna beero tawfiiq iyo miyir aan kusoo ceshanno Qarannimadeenii iyo Wadajirkeenii .


waxaana leenahay

Qolaba Calankeedu waa cayn

Annaga Keenu waa Cirkoo kale

Aan Caadna lahayn ee Cashaqa


Somaliweyn Information Center/Gothenburg /Sweden

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Cabdillaahi "Qarshe":


Qolaba Calankeedu Waa Caynee

Inagaa Keenu Waa Cirka oo Kala



Aan Caadna Lahayn Een Caashaqayee

Xidigyahay Cadi waad noo Ciidamisee


Carradaa kaligaa adow curadee



Cabdillaahi Suldan "Tima Cadde" in Beerta Xoriyada (the Eve of June 26, 1960)



Kana Siib kana Saar

Gabayga calanka



1 Anigoo sebi uun ahoo

2 Sita leeb iyo qaansoo

3 Siigaduun isku aasoo

4 Sabo reer ka fogaanoon

5 Laygu aaminin soofkiyo

6 Saaca maanta aan joogno

7 Gabaygu waygu sugnaayee

8 Haddii aan Sarsarriigo

9 Ama aan surmaseejo

10 Amaba aan sixi waayo

11 Ama aan ka salguuro

12 Amaba laygu saluugo

13 Soomaalida i maqlaysaay

14 I su'aala hadhow

15 Ilaahaan waxba seegine 16 Subaciisa Quraankiyo

17 Sabbaxooyin ku sheegayow

18 Saciira iyo naciima

19 Rabbiigii kala seerayow

20 Markay suurtu dhawaaqdo e

21 La soo saaro makhluuqa e

22 Shaqiga iyo saciidka

23 Maalintaad kala soocdo

24 Dembigaannu samaynay

25 Rabbigayow naga saamax



26 Subciyay oo ka dukeeyaye

27 Ka siddeetan sebaaney

28 Calankaannu sugaynaye

29 Sahankiisa ahaynow

30 Seermaweydo hillaacdayow

31 Sagal maanta darroorayoo

32 Siigadii naga maydhayow

33 Saq dhexaannu ahayne

34 Kii soo saaray cadceeddow

35 Samada kii u ekaaye

36 xiddigaa mid la siiyayow

37 Saaxirkii kala guurraye

38 Sarreeyow ma-nusqaamow

39 An siduu yahay eegno e

40 Kaana siib Kanna saar



41 Saahidiinta lslaamka e

42 Subcisaa Jimcayaashiyo

43 Sibyaanta iyo haweenku

44 Calankay Saadinayeenow

45 Cidina kaanay na Siine

46 Saatir noogu yaboohayow

47 Saaxirkii kala guurraye

48 Sarreeyow ma-nusqaamow

49 Aan siduu yahay eegno e

50 Kaana siib kanna saar


51 Sallaankii istiqaalkow

52 Sedadu kay ku xidhnaydow

53 Sayruukhii Afrikaadow

54 Saaxirkii kala guurraye

55 Sarreeyow ma-nusqaamow

56 An siduu yahay eegno e

57 Kaana siib kanna saar




58 San-ku-neefle dhammaantii

59 Khalqiga kii u sinnaayeen

60 Mid saaxiib la ahayne

61 Sangalkii iska diidayow

62 Saaxirkii kala guurraye

63 Sarreeyow ma-nusqaamow

64 Aan siduu yahay eegno e

65 Kaana siib kanna saar


66 Soomaloo iscunaysa oo

67 Saqda qaylo dhawaaqdiyo

68 Sulub laysu cabbaystiyo

69 Hadba soof la xabbaadhiyo

70 Saraayaa dami weydey

71 Kii laydhiisu na saaqdayow

72 Kii sadqeeyey qabaa'ile

73 Isu saaray gacmaa ee

74 Saf walaala ka yeelayow

75 Saaxirkii kala guurraye

76 Sarreeyow ma-nusqaamow

77 An siduu yahay eegno e

78 Kaana siib kanna saar



79 In sidayda tihiin iyo

80 In kalaanan saxaynine

81 Soomaloo calan taagta

82 Saakay noogu horraysa oo

83 Saddex wiig iyo maalmo

84 Haddaan Soor cuni waayo

85 Safrad laygama yaaboo

86 Sarina mayso naftayda e

87 Saaxirkii kala guurraye

88 Sarreeyow ma-nusqaamow

89 An siduu yahay eegno e

90 Kaana siib kanna saar



91 Nimankii na Siraayaye

92 Waaxwaax noo kala saaftaye

93 Solanaayey cadkeenna e

94 Innagoo dhexda suunku

95 Sabarkeenna qarqooray

96 Kii sedkeenna Cunaayaye

97 Sarartiisa ka muuqdaye

98 Surwaalkii ka yaraadaye

99 Daaro loo sibidheeyiyo

00 Sariiraa lagu seexdiyo

101 Kabadh suuf laga buuxshiyo

102 Mid baabuurka safeeyiyo

103 Aayad saarta carruuurtiyo

104 Sagaal boy iyo kuug iyo

105 Weliba seeksa lahaa

106 Kii saabaanka u laabayow

107 Saaxirkii kala gaurraye

108 Sarreeyow ma-nusqaamow

109 An siduu yahay eegno e

110 Kaana siib kanna saar



111 Sawjarkaa hubka qaataye

112 Intuu soodhka ku taagey

113 U diyaara salaantiyo

114 Saraakiisha amraysaay

115 Sifihii isticmaarka

116 Ka siyaadiya maanta oo

117 Sibilkiinnan ag joogow

118 Sibirtiisa istaaga oo

119 Nin walbaan sigib beeloo

120 Sarow taaga gacmaa oo

121 Sacabkaysku garaaca oo

122 Nin walbow saddex goor

123 Subxaanow waa mahaddaa dheh


Subxaanow waa mahadaa

Subxaanow waa mahadaa

Subxaanow waa mahadaa!



Gabayga calanka: Kana Siib kana Saar

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Somalia adopted light blue flag in honour of the UNO that has the control until the independence. The star has 5 points one for each branch of Somalis: Issas of Djibuti), Somali of Ethiopia, Issak of Somaliland, Somalis of old Italian Somalia and North Kenya Somalis.

Jaume Ollé 27 Jul 1999

The five points of the Somali flag represents simple the previous colonial area where mostly Somali speaking people live and lived.

Mohamed Aden, 13 Sep 1999


National Flag. CSW/CSW 2:3

Light blue flag with white five-pointed star.


I tried to find out whether there is some legal background of this flag available on the Net, but without success. It seems that the new constitution draft is made but I located not the text on-line. It may be adopted soon, so someone should be alert in this direction :) I tried to locate previous legislation, but in vane again. The preivous 1979 constitution is de facto not valid, and apparently no one quotes it on the Net. The flag is older then that, from 1954. Do we have idea on any legislation from then until now? I was hoping it may at least provide hint on how big the star should be "de jure". BTW, looking the Somalian government site, it seems they use the same CoA without change as shown in e.g. [smi82], and that is the original 1956 design. The site also show the well known white-star-in-blue flag nicely.


History of the flag

In 1949, the assembly of the United Nations decided that Somalia would be under the former Italian colonial power as a trusteeship territory for ten years. There were three other governments who were member of united nations commission that was sent to Somalia and were sent as advisory council of the trusteeship administration of Somalia. They were Egypt, the Philippines and Columbia. In April, 1950 the Italian trusteeship administration took over power of Somalia,and the British military administration left Somali During the early months of 1954, the legislative council had been formed by the Italian trusteeship administration and advisory council of the United Mations. The members of the legislative council were composed Somalis, Italians. Arabs and Indians. They had to prepare all laws and legislation concerning the country the ten years of trusteeship territory of the United Nations. The members were not elected,but each political party, foreign community or any other recognized organizations had to select members who were representative the above mentioned organizations.

Mr. Mohammed Awale Liban had been selected by the Somali labor trade union. Then members suggested the the Somalia national flag must be adapted by the legislative council in order that the somalia people get to know their National Flag before independence. So the program of the legislative council agenda reached to be discussed the Somali National Flag. Mr. Liban had proposed that only the somali members should discuss the issue of their own Flag. According to the legislative councils constitution each new proposal had to be voted on by the Legislative council members. Mr liban succeeded his suggestion.while members of legislative councils which now only Somalis. They choose the chairman for Mr. Sheik Omar. Then the temporary new chairman said that the agenda will debate the next day. Therefore Mr. liban went home and started to design the Flag. Of course he had chosen a blue color and the middle was a white star.however, each point of the white star would represent the five Somalia regions, which were divided by the colonial powers.


The next morning the session started around 10:30. However, when the chairman had opened the session Mr. Liban had requested to the chairman to give him a chance to speak, the chairman allowed him. He stood up in front of legislative council members and stretched out on his chest the blue Flag with a white star in the middle. therefore as he kept on stretching on his chest, then one of the Somali members applauded and cheered while clapping for five minutes. The Somalia temporary chairman had made short speech in which he mentioned the greatness and ability of Mr. Liban whose talent had produced such a beautiful Flag less then 24 hours.


Mr. Mohammed Awale Liban said the blue color stands the United Nations who help us to reach our dream of independence; white means peace and prosperity; the star is the five regions of Somali.

Faisal H. Jama, 8 Mar 2000



Somali Flag Description:

The flag of Somalia consists of a blue base with a white, five-pointed star in the middle of the flag.


Somali Flag Meaning:

The blue base originates from the flag of the United Nations and it represents the blue sky over Somalia and the UN, who helped the country realize its dream of independence. The white star represents African freedom. The star's individual points represent the five historical regions inhabited by the Somali people: Italian Somaliland (Somalia), British Somaliland (Somalia), French Somaliland (Djibouti), the ****** region of Ethiopia and north Kenya.


Somali Flag History:

The Somali flag was adopted on October 12, 1954 and it was inspired by the flag of the United Nations who had previously named the country as a trustee of Italy for 10 years. In 1960 Somalia gained independence and united with the former British Somaliland. The present day Somalia consists of the former Italian Somaliland and British Somaliland nations.


Interesting Somali Flag Facts:

Mr. Mohammed Awale Liban designed the Somali flag and presented it to the government in less than 24 hours.

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