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Dhageyso: Guddoomiyaha Jabhadda Xoreynta Soomaali galbeed

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Sheikh Ibraahim Dheere, sheikh caalin ah maashaalah. After languishing in a Washington State detention center on flimsy grounds, he finally asked to be deported rather than continue to see through the long court proceedings. Nairobi baa lagu dajiyey, ilaahay amarkiisne isla markaa ICU baa la wareegday gacan ku haynti Benaadir oo dhan. Halkaa iyo Xamar ayuu isagana aaday.

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Sheekhaan ilaahay baa hikmad siiyay. Muxaadaradiisa waa cajiib.


Listen to his narrative on the events of the past year. In this two part lecture, the Sheikh takes you on a historical tour of our region, what has been and still could be if only we open our eyes and ears to the truth. I've never come across anyone as eloquent as Sheikh Ibraahim Dheere. Spare some time to listen to these two lectures (especially the second one).


Qeybta 1aad


Qeybta 2aad

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