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Originally posted by Nayruus:

So are you agreeing to the fact that Burcao is not partying with you guys? And the fact the blue flag of Somali Republic and Yey's picture are hanging on the walls of many living spaces in Burao and areas surrounding to it?

Do you support ina Yey or do you consider him as the President of Somalia? I thought you opposed the TFG!


Proof proof, any report emphasizing yey' pics being hang anywhere in Burco, could prove that to me sir?




Somaliland's parties not only suck but also they blow big time. And King Khalid, he is no talent at all. Waa wajiyo xun.



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^^^^ You're trying too hard, Red. Defending Somaliland against every Tom, Dick and Ali is an exercise in futility. Those who hate it, you could never satisfy and those who wish Somalia didn't split will get over it with time.


You don't have to respond to every person that utters the word, and that includes me.

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whats the problem here!! some ppl are so blinded by the ethiopian tuugo, they are running around in foggy brain. i am glad them amxaaro boyz landed in in somalia, cuz this will only rekindle the somali nation that has been dormant for a long time.


yo, this place is called somalia from djbouti to dirdabow to wajeer !! if u happened to forget look at the blue flag, u will see a white star! that stands for all somali ppl.


no tfg or any other warlord can ignore it!! they all know that some day soon, the somali train will be coming down and run over there silly azz!


so get onboard on the somali train or get over run by it.

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Informed people know that Somaliland, the British protectorate that existed prior the independence and the Somaliland of today are two different entities. One was managed under colonial office for the benefit of her Majesty's empire and the other is composed of independent sub-clans free to form their own administration. One half of that historical entity chose to separate and be independent of Somalia that once existed whilst the other half chose to be part of autonomous regional adminstration.


The trouble is that the former half based its riason d'etre on colonial British era. It has neither the political intrigue and calculation to convince the other to dump the adminstration it has chosen to be part of nor the muscle to compel them to submit to its dictates.


Party is on. Wave the flag. Dance to the new nationalistic tunes. But at the end of the day, it is what it is. Two brotherly communities whose clan sensibilities put them on collision course. Somaliland is a reality on the ground. It has achieved a lot. Puntland is another reality and it has achieved a lot. Their borders overlap. This is a problem they can live with if the wise and prudent among them tries their best to prevent the jingiosts and warmongers have their way. The business between the two recovery zones is up especially Togdheer and Bossasso. That creates jobs. The money earned from there further boost business as the households will have money to spend.


Ha la baadhiyo awoowayaal.

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Quote:Informed people know that Somaliland, the British protectorate that existed prior the independence and the Somaliland of today are two different entities.


Exactly and moreover, the British had different agreements with the various different subclans. Some assisted them and others fought them brutally for 2o years. Today you have people in 2007 that believe that all these different subclans should be adminstred by Somaliland, all because they were claimed by her Majesty!

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There is a flaw with Somaliland concept, By trying to rewrite the Somali history to get recognition is a shame.


British didnt not leave Somali territory willingly, we kick them out.

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did you ever heard the history repeates itself ???



NO MORE SOMALIWEYN ,,,,,,,,,,,, ask A/Yusuf himself ,,,,,, he knows :D

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^^^ hadhoow markii somali midowdo, cabdullahi Yusufna hargeysa ka soo qudbadeeyo maxaa oran oo aad ku hadli doontaa ninyahoow. Bal wax isulahar. :D

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Bada Cas,


Hadaad meelkasta budhka la joogtid, parties would suck icon_razz.gif



Originally posted by Baashi:

Informed people know that Somaliland, the British protectorate that existed prior the independence and the Somaliland of today are two different entities. One was managed under colonial office for the benefit of her Majesty's empire and the other is composed of independent sub-clans free to form their own administration. One half of that historical entity chose to separate and be independent of Somalia that once existed whilst the other half chose to be part of autonomous regional adminstration.

I agree with most of what you said but err. half? That's a stretch. ;)


Apart from that, I pray that they find a resolution to the border dispute. The two entities have to step back and let the residents decide.


As for the 18th, most people who celebrate this day are not about hailing the colonial era :rolleyes: but the achievements of the elders and people of SL. 18 May was the day they chose peace over eminent anarchy. It was a lovely day.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

hadhow marka la kala tago ee laba dowladood la kala noqdo maxaad odhan oo aad ku hadli doontaa

JB, I dont think that this is something feasible in the next 100 yrs. Labadeena tayda ayaa runta u dhow.

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Waad is leedahay laakiin u malayn maayo ,,,, anigaa runta kaaga dhow


May be it is not feasible to you but ask the rest of the world and they'll tell you

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