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more confirmation..."talking nonsense" is the weapon of the weak.....shouting yourselves up to the "border".....that strategy failed you million times...the bottom line is even burcao is getting out of are not crying now?

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^^^^ You know what I've wondered about for a long time? Unlike other declared secession movements around the world that go on for many years, that of Somaliland seemingly came out of no where. In other words, prior to the late 80's and early 90's, few have ever heard of the concept. Then suddenly it spread like wildfire. In fact, many of its most rabid supporters are either too young to remember that era or happily live in the diaspora.


Who was the genius who sold this idea? He (or they) must have delivered the most successful marketing campaign in the history of Somalia.


Almost forgot. Happy Birthday.

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^Lol smile.gif ^^ Castor, there is nothing more powerful than an "idea", when its "time" has come


JACY: ^^STOp replying to him, just ignore him he will find another thread..... about somaliland :D !

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So are you agreeing to the fact that Burcao is not partying with you guys? And the fact the blue flag of Somali Republic and Yey's picture are hanging on the walls of many living spaces in Burao and areas surrounding to it?

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Ignore or no ignore.. the fact of the matter is the world has really ignored you...even your shall I say your "mother Vicoria" descendants has no mercy for you.

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Originally posted by Nayruus:

So are you agreeing to the fact that Burcao is not parting with you guys? And the fact the blue flag of Somali Republic and Yey's picture are hanging on the walls of many living spaces in Burao and areas surrounding to it?

Looooool! You're the hired comedien, eh? Nice one :D


I dedicate

song to you, Nayruus. smile.gif

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^good one. Neyruus party it is! If you are in party goer age I suggest you to go there and enjoy yourself. The reality on the ground is another story and as thread this attests to, no one is interested in to hear.. Dhallinyaro who show up in these parties do so for entirely different reasons. I had a Ethiopian classmate in my days in school who used to go to both 26 and 1st July parties...Minneapolis didn't had one for May 18th back then and if there was one I didn't hear it.

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Is that what you would like to see, a war against the neighbors?


As they say be careful what you wish for. Whoever the author is, he may get his wish the year of '08 when perhaps either Silanayo or Faysal Cali warabe take control of the place, markaas dad badan ayaa loo yaabaa. Yeynaan bal hadhow maqlin maxay 'noo soo weerareen'.




Somaliland ilaahoo daa, dadka reer Muqdishona ilaahow dhibta iyo Xabashida wasakhda ah iyo tuugta is urursatay ha ka dul qaado.


And may Riyale dispear from Somaliland poltical arena, Amin to that all.


These little haters come along each year, they are totally harmless. I have to wonder if Nayruus is visiting his home town of Hargeysa anytime soon or is he another one of those wannabe's?





There is celebrations of 18th of may in MN each year, but I don't know if there will be one this year. It's not my thang you see. :D

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^Brrrrrf* Naga qalee. Speeches are not welcome at parties. Soco..>



The same is true at the May 18 events that I've attended in London. Here's a song by King Khaledat last years event.

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