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Somali community in Birmingham supports the peace accord

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Taageero Hishiiskii Djabuti Jaaliyada Soomaaliyeed ee Magaalada Birmingham UK



Birmingham, Khamiis, Juun 19 2008 SMC“


Waxaa Xaflad si heer sare ah loo soo agaasimay ayaa lagu qabtay Hotel Hill Top ee Magallada Birmingham uk


Waxaa xafladaas ka soo qaybgalay dhamaan qaybaha bushada soomaaliyeed sida Aqoonyahandda Indheergaradka iyo Culumaau’diinka ee ku nool wadanka Ingriiska.


Ka qaybgalayaasha waxay halkaas ka muujiyeen shacuurtooda sideey diyaarka ugu yihiin in dalka soomaaliya dhamaan nabad lagu soo dabaalo iyadoo la raacayo qodabadii taariikhiga ahaa ee ka soo baxay shirka Jabuuti


Ka qaybgalayaasha waxay si buuxda oo aan loo kala harin qayla dhaan u dirtay dhamaan shacabka soomaaliyeed gudaha iyo dibaddaba in ay taageeraan hishiiska Jabuuti oo ah fursad qaali ah.


Somaaliya waxay soo martay 18 sano oo dagaalo lagu jiray oo aan ujeedo fug lahayn waan ka wada dheregsanahay waxii nagu dhacay iyo dhibaatadii naga soo gaartay marka waxaa loo bahanyahay in caqliga shaqeeyo oo aan dhibkii dhacay aan dib logu laaaban.


Waxaan ognahay soomaaliya maanta qaar xadad baa dishay qaarna dhaawac bay la jiifaan qaarna baahi iyo cudur bay u dhinteen qaarna badaha ayay ku dhinteen ama meedkoodii lagu la’yahay marka waxaa haboon in inta hartay la badbadiyo oo runta loo dhadhaco oo lagu dadaalo sidii dhibaatadaas loo soo af jari lahaa.


Ka qaybgalayaasha waxay ku soo af jareen xafladaas in ay garab buuxa siin doonaan heshiiska Jabuuti una tafaxaydan doonaan sidii loo dhaqan gelin lahaa heshiiskaas.


Jaaliyada Soomaaliyeed ee Magaalada Birmingham UK.

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One of my local Sheikhs, a couragous man, its good to see the Imam of Stratford Road mosque endorse peaceful settlement.

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^Stratford Road Mosque was a good experience. Ma lagu soo battey horta?




War heedhe, Emperor, war nimankani waa kuwa calan qalloocan sita ee maxay ahaayeen? :D


Shirkaasi goob jooge miyaad ka ahayd horta, misna meeshii aan ogaa baad dagaalka kaga jirtaa smile.gif


PS: Reer Birmingham-na waa full of press releases. Why are they so politically active horta? What's in the water?

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The supposed warlord next door, Ahmed Tajir is back to the UK, Aidan should pay a visit now and talk to the man, I heard he flew back days after the program was aired and have been attending all public gathering and Somali meetings.

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Paragon, Lol. Reer Birmingham are lively community, no I did not attend this meeting but I was briefed by some inside trustee Lol

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Paragon, have you visited this Masjid? if you did then you must know this Sheikh, he's good Sheikh and had dedicated his time to teach and guide the young Somali generation. As you know Stratford road is the main gathering for the young and sport minded Somalis, few Somali cafes and Restaurant that show live Premier League games. He was clever Sheikh and came up with idea of giving a 15 minute Islamic speech during the half time of the game inside the Maqaaxi, lovely scene.

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