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Puntland sends cautionary to Shariif's tfg on Walad Abdalla' visit to Garoowe today

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Puntland oo digniin u dirtey dowladda Sheekh Shariif.


12 Sep 12, 2009 - 4:33:47 AM


Waftiga Abaddla oo la kulmaya Madaxweynaha Puntland iyo Wasiiro

Wafti uu hogaaminayo ergeyga gaarka ah QM Ahmadou Walad Abdalla oo saakey soo gaarey magaalo madaxda Garowe ayaa la kulmey Madaxweynaha Puntland iyo golihiisa Wasiirada kuwaaoo ka wada hadley xaaladda Somalia.


Ergeyga ayaa marka uu soo gaarey Garowe booqdey xafiiska Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxman Farole kadibna la galey shir gaar ah oo albaabada u xiran yahay.


Madaxweynaha Puntland iyo ergeyga gaarka ah Walad Abdalla oo shir jaraaíd wada qabtey wax yar k adib inta aysan kulan balaaran la galin golaha Xukuumada ayaa ugu baaqey shacabka Somaliland muujiyaan deganaansho islamarkaana wadahadal lagu xaliyo khilaafka siyaasadeed ee taagan.


Mud.Farole ayaa sheegey in shacabka walalahood ah ee Somaliland muujiyan daganaansho isaga oo sheegey inuu aad uga xun yahay inuu daato dhiig kale ee Somaliyed.


'" Bishii la soo dhaafey waxaan ku sugneyn magaalada Galkacayo halkaas oo aan gacanta ku qabaney amaankeeda maamul hufana ka dhisney iyada oo aan kula kulaney Raísal wasaaraha Somalia iyo xubno ka socda EU" sidaas waxaa yiri Madaxweynaha Puntland oo ka hadlayey talaabooyinka ay qaadeen intii uu ku sugnaa magaalada Galkacayo.


Dhinaca kale ergeyga gaarka ah ayaa sheegey inuu ku guldareystey heshiis dhexmara dhinacyada isku haya siyaasada Somaliland halkaas oo uu ku sugna muddo labo cisho ah isaga oo maamulkaas ku durey iney leeyihiin siyaasiyiin fara badan oo farqi weyn u dhexeeyo.


Wararka hoose oo Garowe Online soo gaaraya ayaa sheegaya in maamulka Puntland fariin kulul u dhiibey Ahmadou Abdalla oo ah saxiib wanaagsan oo dowlada Sheekh Shariif leedahay.


Fariintas ayaa wararka xogogaalka sheegayaan iney tahay mid ay kalsoonida kala noqonayan dowlada Sheekh Shariif hadii ay jabiso heshiiskii ay la sixiixatey dowladda Puntland iyo hadii la qaato talaabo xilka looga qaadayo Ra'isla wasaaraha Somalia Cumar Cabdirashid Sharkmaake oo isagu kasoo jeeda Puntland.


Xogahaan ayaa sheegaya inu jiro khilaaf soo kala dhexgaley Sheekh Shariif, Shariif Xasan, Ibi oo dhinac ah iyo Ra'isal wasaare Cumar Cabdirashid kaas oo la xiriira mid xubnahaan aysan ku xaq dhowreyn heshiiskii uu la soo sixiixey dowlada Puntland.


Wafti uu hogaaminayo Madaxweynaha Somalia ayaa dhowaan heshiis dhinaca la dagaalanka burcad badeedka ah la sixiixdey wadanka Jabuti xili ay halkaas booqasho ku joogeen kaas oo xadgudub ku ah heshiiskii dowladda Federaalka ah la gashay Puntland.


Waftiga Ahmadou Abdalla ayaa dib ugu noqdey magaalada Nairobi isla maanta isaga oo sheegey inuu shirar la xiriira arrimaha Somalia kaga qayb galayo wadamada Ingriiska iyo Mareykanka.


Sheekh Shariif iyo wafti uu hoogaminayo kuwaas oo ka kooban Shariif Xasan, Ibi, Wasiirka Gadiidka iyo Wasiirka Qorsheynta ayaa ku fool leh wadanka Mareykanka.


Dad xogogaal ah ayaa sheegaya in waftiga Sheekh Shariif ka kooban yahay xubnaha aadka ugu dhow kuwasoo hurmuud u yahay ninka ugu tunka weyn dowladda Somalia Shariif Xasan oo horey u ahaan jirey Gudoomiyaha Barlamanka Somalia


Garowe Online, Garowe

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Puntland leader warns Somalia govt, urges Somaliland peace


12 Sep 12, 2009 - 1:27:02 PM





GAROWE, Somalia Sep 12 (Garowe Online) - The president of Somalia's Puntland State government has reportedly sent a clear warning to Somalia's Transitional Federal Government (TFG), while urging politicians in the breakaway region of Somaliland to uphold the peace, Radio Garowe reports.


A United Nations delegation led by the Secretary-General's special envoy for Somalia, Mr. Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, landed Saturday morning at Conoco airstrip in the outskirts of Garowe, the capital of Puntland, where he was welcomed by Puntland officials.


Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed "Farole," the president of Puntland, met privately with Mr. Abdallah at the State House in Garowe where the two leaders discussed a range of issues including the campaign against piracy and human trafficking.



Mr. Abdallah

and President Farole at Garowe State House, Sep. 12, 2009

Speaking later at a press conference, Puntland's leader said the discussions also included development projects and improving the security sector.


"I encourage our brothers in Somaliland to safeguard the stability [in Somaliland]," said President Farole, on a day at least three civilians were killed in riots that rocked Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland.


The Puntland president briefed reporters about a cooperation agreement signed on Aug. 23, 2009, in the city of Galkayo between President Farole and TFG Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmake.


That agreement, which some have referred to as the "Galkayo Accord," is the basis of cooperation between the Puntland government and the TFG, which only controls pockets of Mogadishu with the backing of African Union peacekeepers.


Mr. Abdallah, who enjoys close relations with TFG President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed and some members of the TFG Cabinet, praised the relative peace and stability in Puntland.


He noted that "there are too many politicians in Somaliland" and urged them to compromise for the sake of the peace. Mr. Abdallah spent two days in Hargeisa mediating between the government and the opposition before flying to Garowe for talks with Puntland leaders.


Puntland government sources tell Garowe Online that President Farole sent a strong message to the TFG leadership, warning them against breaking the Galkayo Accord.


There is growing friction among the top TFG leaders, as President Sheikh Sharif has "sided" with Finance Minister Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden and Fisheries Minister Abdirahman Ibbi over Prime Minister Sharmake.


A TFG delegation led by President Sheikh Sharif is currently in Djibouti, where Fisheries Minister Ibbi reportedly signed an agreement with a Djiboutian government minister regarding the training of a Somali naval force on Djiboutian soil.


Puntland officials say this deal in Djibouti is a violation of the Galkayo Accord, which awarded Puntland the right to establish the headquarters of the Somali navy in Puntland territory.


Source: Garowe Online

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