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General Duke

One point I agree with Clan Courts.........

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^^^Juje, as ever you present nothing new to the table. Lets not waste time, the clan courts [not an inslut] its a title, are led by a single clan and have used the same arguments against the TFG and Puntland that clans warlords used, i.e defending against Ethiopia and so on.


Now I have not labled them becuase I have a grudge, which I dont personally the clan courts are my abti's and inlaws and I love the clan but here we are discussing politics and the Somali state.


I agree with the emphasis on Islam, as I belive that system is just and no one, Yusuf/Cade or anyone else has a right to oppose it.


However is even an Islamic system in place in Mogadishu? Is it written, have the people been notified of their rights in the law and their responsability? No there is not even an adminstration all we see is business as usual and even new aggression and centralisation of power in the hands of the clan courts...


This is what I appose, if you want an islamic system, then start at home, put emphasis on its implementation and not on clan warfare as is the case..

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