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Somaliland Tourism Minister Meets Delegates from French Embassy in Djibouti

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Hargeysa (SN)- Wasiirka Dhaqanka iyo dalxiiska Somaliland, Md C/Risaaq Waabari Rooble, ayaa shalay xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay saraakiil ka socday safaarada Faransiiska ee dalka Jabuuti, oo socdaal dalka ku yimid una socda sidii loo horumarin lahaa asaarta qadiimiga ah ee Somaliland.


Weftigaasi oo ka kooban sadex xubnood oo uu hogaaminayay Xoghayaha kowaad ee safaarada France ee wadanka Jabuuti,Mr Thiery Choinier, madaxa dhaqanka u qaabilsan saraafaradaasi Mr Dominique iyo Agaasimaha Xarun Dhaqan iyo Carwo Faransiisku ku leeyahay jabuuti, waxana ay masuuliyiinta wasaarada dhaqanka ay ka wada hadleen sidii loo meel marin lahaa heshiis ku wajahan asaarta qadiimiga ah ee dalka oo ay wada galeen dawlada France.







By: Somaliland Nation/ Hargeysa

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Furitaan Laga Furo Somaliland Alliance France -Ecole. Si Weyn Ayaa Looga Faa'iidaysani Xagga Tacliinta


JB. Camuu Waa Ku Salaamay...

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Closer links between France and Somaliland appeal to some but what exactely does Somaliland has to offer to an economically weaker France (French politicians are even considering to dismantle their biggest military base overseas, ie Djibouti given the enduring low growth coupled with record deficits!), especially when they are recognizing the self-proclaimed "government" or the puppets-warlords ring as part of the so-called "war on Terror"?


But most crucially, why some people are favoring a French school in Hargeysa when even Djibouti is planning to switch from that largely redundant langage (even Chinese, Swahili or Amharic are more relevant, let alone Arabic)?


Besides, French Curriculum is particularly Secular by nature and hardly of any use in a Somali context (French Langage, History, Litterature, Ecology, Geography or Philosophy are hardly a priority!).


There is also this British school in a dilemma that a relative reported to me; how did they manage to follow the British curriculum in an Islamic context (where Islamic Education should apply even to sciences)?


Sometimes, I wonder where we should draw a firm line whatever the offered prize...

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I'm bit certain the delegations visit to the Ministry of Tourism was not solely limited to 'Ecole' - if it was part of the agenda at all.

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