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Dhoobley: Al Shabaab we fought and chased out ONLF militias in Juba's

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"Jubada hose waxan kula dirirnay ONLF"

16 Dec 16, 2009 - 12:55:37 PM


Mas'uul sare oo ka tirsan maamulka Al-shabaab ee Jubooyinka ayaa sheegay in ciidankii ay kula dagaalameen Jubbada Hoose aysan ahayn Xisbul Islaam, balse ay ahaayeen ONLF, isagoo sheegay inay ka hortageen in gobolada lagu faafiyo fikirka Ethiopia.


Sh. C/raxiim Cali Muudey oo mas'uuliyad sare ka haya maamulka Jubooyinka ayaa hadalkan ka sheegay Magaalada Dhoobley isagoo sheegay in Sh. Axmed Madoobe uu watay ciidamo ONLF ah iyo kuwo ka goostay Xisbul Islam.


"Gobolka Jubada hoose waxaan ku dagaalanay ONLF oo u adeegaysay Ethiopia, waana ku guulaysanay inaan gobolka oo dhan ka saarno, waxaana cidii doonaysa aan ugu baaqaynaa inay ku noolaan karto iyadoo aan ka mid ahayn ONLF" ayuu yiri Sh. C/raxiim Muudey.


Mar la weydiiyay in Sh. Axmed Madoobe uu ka mid ahaa Xisbul Islam ayuu taas gaashaanka ku dhuftay, wuxuuna sheegay inuu ahaa mas'uul ka tirsan ONLF oo isqarinayay, ayna ka ******** arintaas sirdoonkooda.


"Ax'ed Madoobe, waa run waan kula dagaalanay Gobolka, balse ma ahayn Xisbul Islam ee wuxuu ahaa nin ku dhex dhuumanaya, mana jirto wax dagaal ah oo naga dhexeeya inaga iyo Xisbul Islam" ayuu yiri Sh. C/raxiim Mudey oo intaas ku daray:


"Xisbul Islam iyo inaga waxaa naga dhexeeya calam jihaadi ah oo aan ku doonayno inaan dalka uga abaabulno dowlad Islaami ah, mana jirto wax dagaal ah oo naga dhexeeya" ayuu yiri mas'uulkan.


Hogaamiyaha Xisbul Islam Sh. Xasan Daahir Aweys oo saxaafada horay ula hadlay ayaa sheegay in Sh. Axmed Max'ed Islam [Madoobe] uu saraakiisha ururka ka mid yahay, isagoo sheegay in dagaalka lagu hayo uu yahay mid sharci-daro ah.


Dhanka kale; Sh. C/raxiim Muudey ayaa sheegay in ururkooda Al-shabaab uusan doonayn xiligan inuu weeraro ku qaado dalka Kenya, isagoo beeniyay inay bixiyeen amar ah in la burburiyo calaamadaha lagu muujinayo xadka u dhexeeya Kenya iyo Somalia.


Waa markii ugu horeysay oo Ururka Al-shabaab uu sheego inuu dagaal toos ah la galay jabhadda ONLF oo dagaal kula jirta ciidamada Ethiopia, sidii ay uga xoreyn lahayd Gobolka Somalidu dagto ee dalka Ethiopia.



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It is good for ONLF Public relations. Defeat or no defeat, it means they are fighting extremists.


The ONLF leadership made the brave decision to confront this thugs inside Somaligalbeed where they were routed, as they diluted the aim of the struggle.


Everybody knows Alshabab is beating clan militia in Jubooyinka but not ONLF.

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That will be corrected. But you will have to contribute towards that direction than get pleasure from the suffering of your brothers injecting yourself 'a sub' identity than what you really are.

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^^^I am not going to support the ONLF at the expense of other Somali's in Western Somalia, also the ONLF have yet to articulate a vision that one can support, running around like headless chickens and killing on the most part other Somali's is not something to cheer about.


Change the name, and articulate a vision for the whole Somali's in those regions and then my support will be there, no question.

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