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Somalia rebuilding to cost $2 bn: UN panel + meeting in Uganda

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Somalia rebuilding to cost $2 bn: UN panel

Last Updated::2007-06-01 09:18:56




A UN expert has worked out a $2 billion rebuilding plan for Somalia beset for more than 16 years with violence and chaos.


A report by UN Humanitarian Assistance in Somalia Coordinator Eric Laroche indicates that at least $1 billion will be needed for programmes to reduce poverty level in the country.


The final figure includes $666 million for social services and $462 million for security and governorship.


Laroche hoped international donors would provide the required funds to rescue Somalia from misgovernance since President Mohammed Siad Barre was overthrown in 1991.


Experts from more than 60 NGOs and international aid groups are trying to evolve strategies to place Somalia on the way of recovery, reconstruction and development, he said.

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Ugandha oo marti galin doonto shir looga hadlayo dib u dhiska dalka Somalia.


Muqdisho, June, 02 2007(COL) Shir looga hadlayo dib u dhiska dalka Soomalaiya ayaa waxaa lagu wadaa in lagu qabto Magaalada Campala ee dalka Uganda, iyadoo ay ka qeyb gelidoonaan dad laga soo xulay Ururada bulshada rayidka ah iyo kuwa aan dowliga aheyn.


Dowladda Uganda ayaa sheegtay in ay marti gelineyso shir ay ka qeyb galayaan hogaamiyayaal sarsare oo looga hadlayo dib u dhiska dalka Somalia.


Hogaamiyayaasha ka qeyb galaya kullanka Kampala, ayaa waxa ay ka kala socdaan Ururada aan dowliga ahayn iyo kooxaha bulshada rayidka ah, sida ay sheegeen Saraakiil ka tirsan wasaaradda arrimaha dibedda Uganda.


Wargeyska The Monitor ee kasoo baxa dalka Uganda ayaa qoray in barnaamijka dib u dhiska uu ku jiri doono tababar lasiinayo saraakiisha garsoorka ee gacanta kula jira kiisaska ka dhashay cadaalad darradii ka jirtay dalka.


Tababarka ayaa waxaa sidoo kale diiradda lagu saari doonaan arrimo ku saabsan qeybinta biyaha iyo waxbarashada.


"waxa ay halkan u joogaan inay ka xaajoodaan baahida dadka Soomaalida iyo asalka sababaha dagaalada Somalia" waxaa sidaasi yiri ergeyga QM u qaabilsan isku xirka arrimaha gar gaarka Somalia Eric Laroche oo la hadlay wakaaladda wararka bani aadannimada QM ee IRIN.


Waxa uu sidoo kale sheegay in hogaamiyayaasha ka qeyb galaya kullanka ay isku dayayaan inay helaan istaraatiijiyad ay nolosha dadka Soomaalida ah kaga qaadayaan heerka bani aadannimo ee aadka u xun gaarsiinayaana dib usoo kabasho, dib u dhis iyo horumar.


Qiyaastii lixdan wafdi oo ka kala yimid Somalia iyo meelo kale oo caalamka ka mid ah ayaa ka qeyb qaadanaya kullanka.


" hadii shirkaasi lagu soo bandhigo fariga ka jira dalka somaliya, shirkaasi wuxuu noqon doonaa mid wanaagsan" ayuu yiri . Abdulkadir Walayo, oo kamid ah Urada Bulshada oo u waramayey IRIN.


Laroche waxa uu sheegay in kaliya 25% ay iskuulada aadaan carruuta Soomaalida barnaamijka dib u dhiskana xooga lagu saari doono in tiradaasi la gaarsiiyo 40% shanta sano ee soo socota

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News In English


KAMPALA, 29 May 2007 (IRIN) - Non-governmental organisations working in Somalia and civil society leaders are meeting in Uganda to discuss a reconstruction programme that could see judicial officers trained and education and water supply improved, an official said.


"They are here to discuss the needs of the people and the root causes of the conflict," Eric Laroche, the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in Somalia, said in the Ugandan capital, Kampala, on 29 May. "They are trying to find strategies to lift the lives of the Somali people out of a humanitarian situation and into one of recovery, reconstruction and development."


About 60 delegates from Somalia and elsewhere are attending the meeting. "Only 25 percent of schoolgoing children in Somalia are in school," Laroche added. "The meeting will discuss how the five-year programme can increase this to 40 percent."


Richard Hands of the European Union said: "The [fewer] children who go to school the [smaller] the chance to end the cycle of violence." Improved school enrolment, he added, would contribute to pacifying the Horn of Africa country.


The proposed five-year programme, which will cost an estimated US$2.2 billion, would involve training 300 judges and 10,000 police officers in southern Somalia, and improving water supply to 400,000 urban and 830,000 rural Somalis. It would also improve basic infrastructure, and focus on crop production and watershed management to increase yields by 50 percent.

Laroche said this was the first time a conference of this nature had been convened to discuss a plan that not only reflected the needs of the Somali people, but had the institutional support of the UN, the World Bank and donor countries.


The funds needed include $462 million for deepening peace, improving security and establishing good governance and $666 million to invest in people through improved social services, he added.


The remaining money is required to establish a sustainable environment for rapid poverty-reducing development.


The remaining money is required to establish a sustainable environment for rapid poverty-reducing development.


Abdulkadir Walayo, one of the Somalis representing civil society, agreed that unless poverty was addressed, achieving sustainable peace in Somalia would take a long time. "If they address the problem of poverty, everything will then be alright," he told IRIN.


Organisers said they wanted non-state actors’ views heard independently, adding that the outcome would represent at least 85 percent of what the general reconstruction and development plan would look like.


Somalia has been without an effective government since 1991. The transitional government that was named in Kenya in 2004 has yet to take full control of the country

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Uganda oo dhaqale u radineysa Somalia

2 Jun 2, 2007 - 3:37:26 PM


Dowladda Ugandha ayaa qaban qaabineysa kulan taageero loogu raadinayo dib u dhiska dalka Soomaaliya oo dhaqaale loogu arurinayo, iyadoo kulankan ay ka soo qeyb geli doonaan hey’addaha aan dowliga aheyn.


Dowladda Ugandha ayaa bilowday iney baadi goob u gasho dhaqaalihii ku bixi lahaa dib u dhiska dalka Somaliya, iyadoo kulankan looga hadli doono baahida shacabka Somaliyed iyo sidii wax looga qaban lahaa dhibaatada jirta.


Qodobada kale ee kulankan diiraada lagu saari doono ayaa waxaa ka mid noqon doona sidii kor loogu qaadi lahaa kobcinta waxbarasho ee caruurta Soomaaliyeed oo haatan qiyaas la sameeyay 2% ay tahay waxbarashada caruurta Soomaaliyeed, iyadoo la gaarsiin doono 40%.


Dalalka shisheeye oo qaarada Yurub ka imaan doona ayaa goob joog ka noqon doona kulankaasi iyadoo hey’addaha aan dowliga aheyna ka kala imaan doonaan dalalka Yurub, Ameerika, Carabta iyo Africa.


Cali Muxayadiin Cali,Muqdisho

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Great news. I wonder if they will be able to contract companies for infrastructure job with these money? Someone could make a killing and build nice roads at the same time.

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^^^I know however its still early stages the money even when promised will take a while to get delivered.


I am really impressed with Uganda and all the help they are giving to us in this time of need.

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