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Warlord exchange programm: Qaynyare to Baidoa .Xabsade Saransoor to Mogadishu...

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The courts do not hold warlords right, Inda Cade is no warlord and now Xabsade? So much for so fresh and clean...I wonder who is behind this move, oh I forgot Mr Lower Shabbele had a good relationship with Xabsade and Saransoor...



Key Somali MP to ally with Islamic Courts

Sun. July 23, 2006 04:41 pm.


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Mohamed Abdi Farah


(SomaliNet) Mohamed Ibrahim Habsade, member of Somali parliament and Adam Mohamed Saran-Sor, among leaders of RRA (Rahanwein Resistance Army) who both in Sudanese capital of Khartoum are due to arrive in Somalia capital Mogadishu in next few days. Reliable sources say on Sunday.


Reports say MP Ibrahim Habsade and security official of RRA will come to Mogadishu to make alliance with Council of Islamic Courts after they got annoyed the new policy by the transitional federal government which made the TFG more closer to Ethiopian government and also the Ethiopian troops had entered Baidoa town in a time he was in Libya since the approval of foreign deployment including frontline states by the Somali legislators.


Earlier, Islamic envoy declared to halt attending the Khartoum talks accusing the transitional federal government of ordering more Ethiopian troops in Somalia.


The tension is high as government troops with Ethiopian forces and Islamic militiamen are on the brink of clashing in major confrontation that will result more humanitarian crisis in Somalia.


Mr. Habsade and Saran-sor both from Digil and Mirifle clans in Bay and Bakol regions are reported to follow the delegates of Islamic Courts from Khartoum that will arrive Mogadishu in the coming days.


MP Habsade revealed and told the reporters that he didn’t go Sudan on behalf of transitional federal government and there he was said to have had agreement with the Islamists delegates.


News Category: Somalia


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Somali Islamists chide govt



Mogadishu, July 24 (AFP) - Somali Islamists on Monday bristled with anger at the transitional government's decision to host a former powerful warlord, whom they ousted from the capital last month, as tension remained high in the shattered African nation, said officials.


A government spokesperson said warlord Mohamed Afrah Qanyare, who was the most powerful faction leader in the Mogadishu area for more than a decade, arrived at the temporary seat of the government in the southcentral township, Baidoa, on Sunday.


Abdirahaman Mohamed Nur Dinari said: "He arrived here yesterday evening", refusing to divulge more details.



But the Supreme Islamic Council of Somalia (SICS), which controlled swathes of southern Somalia, including the capital, protested the government's move to host one of the warlords, who was blamed for pillaging Mogadishu since the government of dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was toppled in 1991.


Qanyare 'is hosted by the govt'


Sheikh Muktar Robow, the deputy head of defence in the SICS, said: "We think the government is showing the worst hostility by hosting our enemies.


"We know Qanyare is hosted by the government in Baidoa to participate in the ongoing efforts to attack us here in Mogadishu.


"He is among the evil-doers hosted by the government and its Ethiopian allies in Baidoa to participate in war activities, but they will never succeed."


Last month, the government and the Islamists reached a mutual recognition pact that also called for a cessation of hostilities at Arab League-mediated peace talks in Khartoum.


Ethiopian troops moves to Somalia


Both sides were set to resume talks at an as yet unannounced date, but recent sabre-rattling between them had undermined prospects of holding those negotiations.


Tension had heightened between them after Ethiopian troops moved into Somalia to protect the country's toothless government after it accused the Islamists of plotting an attack against it.


But the government based in Baidoa, a provincial outpost 250km northwest of the capital, again denied the claims.


Qanyare was among a group of the now-defeated Somali warlords under Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism (ARPCT), who were bankrolled by the United States to curb the rising influence of the Islamists as well as search and kill alleged terrorists believed to be hiding among the Islamists.


But the Islamists, whose growing dominance threatened the transitional government, vehemently rejected links to terrorism and insisted that they were only interested in restoring law and order.


Source: AFP, July 24, 2006

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Qanyare oo kulan la qaatay Shariif Xasan, hubkiisa iyo maleeshiyaadkiisana ku wareejiyay dawladda fedaraalka


July 24, 2006 Markacadeey.





Maxamed Qanyare Afrax oo ka mid ahaa qabqablayaashii dagaalka ee Muqdisho laga raacdeeyey ayaa maanta kulan gaar ah la yeeshay guddoomiyaha baarlamanka Shariif Xasan oo markii horeba lahaa go’aanka Qanyare Baydhabo uu ku soo galay.


Shirkaasi oo ka dhacay hoyga Maxamed Ibraahim Xaabsade oo si ku meel gaar ah loo dejiyay Qanyare ayaan laga casuumin saxaafada, hayeeshee warar hoose ayaa sheegaya in uu kulankaasi uu ahaa mid gaar u ah labada nin oo saabiibtinimo hoose ay ka dhaxeyso.


Qanyare oo imaatinkiisa Baydhabo uu dadaal weyn u galay Shariif Xasan ayaa aqbalay in hubkiisa iyo maleeshiyaadkiisa uu ku wareejiyo dawladda kmg ah, ayada oo durbaba maleeshiyaadkaasi lagu xareeyay xerada Manaas oo ay horay ugu jireen maleeshiyaad ka soo jeeda goballada dalka.


8 tikniko ah iyo 150 maleeshiyo ayuu Qanyare ku biiriyay ciidamada dawlada, waxa ayna taasi ka dhigaysaa masuulkii ugu horreeyay oo ka tirsanaa isbahaysigii bur buray xildhibaana ka ahaa baarlamanka oo taga magaalada Baydhabo kadib markii uu waayay meel uu harsado.


Maxamed Qanyare oo magaalada Muqdisho awood looga saaray ayaa maciin biday in uu magan gelyo weydiisto C/llaahi Yuusuf oo si weyn ay isaga soo horjeedeen kadib markii maxaakimta islaamiga ay uga daba tageen tuulada Dirri oo uu in muddo ah ku sugnaa.



Maxamed Carab

Xafiiska Markacadeey Muqdisho

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C/llaahi Yuusuf “Imisa ayaan Qanyarow ku lahaa la shaqeey Dowladda..â€



Waxaa kulan gaar ah Magaalada Baydhabo ku yeeshay Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federaalka C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Max’ed Qanyare Afrax o isagu xubin firfricoon ka ahaa Isbahaysigii looga adkaaday Magaalada Muqdisho.


Kulankaan oo qaatay mudo hal saac ah ayaa waxaa isku keenidooda ka shaqeeyay Guddoomiyaha Baarlmaanka Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan, hase yeeshee mar uu Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf la hadlayay Max’ed Qanyare Afrax waxa uu aad u ugu canaantay in Dowladdiisu ka shaqeyn weysay mudo isaga iyo kooxihii ay isku safka ahaayeen.


“Maanta waa in aan Baydhabo kugu soo dhaweeyaa adiga oo soo burburiyay dadkaagii iyo dalkaagiiâ€, waxaana la sheegay in Max’ed Qanyare uu ballanqaaday in uu la shaqeyn doono wixii haatan ka dambeeya Dowladda Federaalka, iyadoo hubkiisii iyo maleeshiyadiisii lagu biiray ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka ee ku xareysan Deegaanka Manaas oo ku dhow Magaalada Baydhabo

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Baydhabo waxay noqotay meel dagaal-ogayasha scrap yard-koodi ama qashinqub lagu soo shubo. Yeey iyo kuwa la jooga Baydhaho waxaay qoteen qabrigoodi lagu aasi lahaa ayaga iyo amxaarada oo dhan.

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