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Originally posted by Paragon:

quote:Originally posted by Fahiye:

Paragon: Cuqdada iska saar nin H ayaad tahay. You have given into little petty sentiments of your folk.


We will eleminate anyone who is threat to the stablity of the region (we did that when Qardho folks posed a thread and you were cheering for PL back then). You seem to be bliding yourself to the facts on the ground; that is Reer SL are being the aggressors under the cloak of.....!


I am giving up with you Jamaal1, you have become infurrerable of latel.

Loool. War kaalaya mucjisadan arka!


Jamaal11 is dead mate. He is gone. He is no more.
And I thought you were going to speak about the miracle of him using his 'cousin's' user name (check his introductry thread from a month ago) yet knowing who Jamaal11 is! One of you is losing his touch here :D

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Waxbaa isaga kiin qaldan. Horta difaaca Laascaano waa Muqadas… Oo taa qadiyadeyda meel kasta waan ku cadeeyaa….


Laakiin nimanka ka hadlay arimihii Majiyahan. Majiyahan waxaa difaacay muwaadiniin, waxaana laga difaacay calooshood u shaqeysato oo aan qabiil lahayn. Tan Laascaano way ka duwantahay, waxaan dabiyo xoog ahayna daawo lagu waa….


Mar nin reer Majiyahan ahaa ka hadlay difaacii Majiyahan wuxuu tiriyey waagas gabay ahaa ilaa iyo dhowr iyo tobon beej waxaana ka mid ahaa meerisyadan qaar:


Waxaan ka bilaabay meel dhexe......



Dadku umasinee yaan godobta wada dabaalsiine

Ninkii dadabsadaa eeda waa inuu digsiiyaaye

Darsin gaara adigaan Cadow kuu dulmarayaaye (Cade Muuse)

Dubaaqaaga gali gabayga waa inaad dareentaaye


Duqnimadii Puntland maalintii shacabka kuu doortey

Diricii hayane maalintuu adiga kuu daayey (Diricii: Cabdulaahi Yusuf)

Nin dooraa qabsadey baan lahaa oo damiir badane

Daddaal buu sameyn baan lahaa doqoni waa liide

War meeshii dalooshaan lahaa waa da’dayayaaye

Dadka maqan haaartiga baan lahaa doona buu orane


……………………………………….Meerisyadaas way badnaayeen

Waan ka booday oo hadana meel kale aan kasoo qaato


Haarti kala dilkiis maanta sow duubka uma qaadan

Dabshid iyo dulaal sow manoqon dunida saameeyey

War reer degaankii sow Yuhuud doolarka ma siisan

Waarsangali dirbiyah sow cayaar uguma soo duulin

Amniga oo diriiskii sita oo dab iyo gaadiid leh

Sow naguma daadihin hubkii dibada loo heystey

Anagays difaacnayee waxaad damacdey sow maaha?


………………………………………Meerisyadaasna way dheeraayeen.


Hadan aan u sii boodo qeyb kale……


Daan daansi iyo faduul sow laysku dila maaha?

Doraad Ciise Maxamuud Sow doore kama leynin?

War sow Cali Saleebaan Dudaa daahir uma maagin?

Shirshooorihiina sow kuma day dayin xaalad doqoniino?

Nina inaan degaanka uu fadhiyo cidi ku daar daarin

Dariiqa iyo dastuurkii qornaa sow ma dumin maanta?

War Sow maamulkii inuu dumo iyo kala dareer maaha?

………………………………………Meerisyadaasna way dheeraayeen.


Hadan aan u sii boodo qeyb kale……


Ma wax daalac loo tagay libaax dibinta ruugaaya

Ma wax loo durbaan tumay ragii duurka hoganaaye

Ma wiil daanka qaad ugu jiraa doontey midaan heysan

Daan daansigii hore miyaa dacar la taabsiiyey

Dib miyey u laabteen markii duubka laga xoorey



………………………………………Meerisyadaasna way dheeraayeen.


Hadan aan u sii boodo qeyb kale……



Sow dara-jadaadii ma dhalin daano iyo qeylo?

Dagaal oogahaa sow manoqon laga dacwoonaayo?

Dadka oo nabad u yaal sow mindiyo daabcad uma dhiibin?


Nina ha’wu daneynine Cadow adiga duunkaaga

Dacartanaaad walaaqdayee ragaad daqantey jiirkiisa

Dusha godobta kaa saaran iyo dariskan reemaaya

Bal ka dabaalo dambigaad gashay iyo daynka kugu aasan

Dibna waxaad ka faa’ido iyo duuga bal aan dhowrno



………………………… Hadaan ka boodo taas

………………………………Markale isagoo u digaayo ayuu wuxuu ku yiri


Waarsangaliga dowyada Sanaag daalashka u jooga

Walow uu diwaanka ugu jiro daabaca iyo buuga

Ee deex iyo ilaa Ceerigaabo degayo reerkoodu

Ee Bariyo dibir Nugaaleed iyo jira duudihii Soolka

Oo aan duulna magantood ahayn e Qaran ku daaqaaya

Oo aad shalayto soo doonatee weerarka u duubtey

Difeertada kasoo bixi karta iyo digada qiiqeysa

Kala didan waxaad damacday iyo diiga ciyayaaye

Waa shan hal oo digniin kuu filan ee maad iskaga deysid


Dayibta iyo xidiga iyo cashaa dahabka yaal yaala

War darsanka iyo dhaymantaa damucu kuu qaadey

Ingiriisba wuu day-dayayoo daah ka furi waaye

Sayidkii ku daan-daan wuxuu ciidan soo dumaye

Iqwaankiina waatii uu dagayoo ay duhur kasaareene

Deyrbaa isaga meyrsan iyo dabiyo baaruude

Dacarna lagu dhintaa weeye iyo muriyo deebaaqe


War ninkastoo is deyr-deyro oo dibiyo xoog sheegta

Guul lagama soo daa-dahsho ee maad isaga deysid


Abwaanku shanta dignin uu u direy Cade Muuse waxaan maanta kasoo qaatey halkaas oo aan jeclahay inaan maanta uga haro kobta ay joogto. Abwaanka gabaygaas sameeyey waa reer Majiyahan, Baraagaha iyo Taleex waxaana layiraahdaa Maxamuud Maxamed Indha Ruqur waa rugcadaa gabyaayey tan iyo 1960kii....


[ October 07, 2007, 10:26 PM: Message edited by: Koora-Tuunshe ]

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Originally posted by Mansa Munsa:

Northerner.. See the light, this is a self-correcting effort and in the long hole this will contribute to the revival of "Somalinimo", if we've any concern of achieving that, I stress "collectively". At the minimum and/or subsequently, the people of SSC will be able managing their own affairs without your meddling

But is it not my meddling that has got you shouting for war with your cousins? I see the light in that saxib mos def!


Fahiye, dont you have a dodgy degree to study for?

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

quote:Originally posted by Paragon:


Originally posted by Fahiye:

Paragon: Cuqdada iska saar nin H ayaad tahay. You have given into little petty sentiments of your folk.


We will eleminate anyone who is threat to the stablity of the region (we did that when Qardho folks posed a thread and you were cheering for PL back then). You seem to be bliding yourself to the facts on the ground; that is Reer SL are being the aggressors under the cloak of.....!


I am giving up with you Jamaal1, you have become infurrerable of latel.

Loool. War kaalaya mucjisadan arka!


Jamaal11 is dead mate. He is gone. He is no more.
And I thought you were going to speak about the miracle of him using his 'cousin's' user name (check his introductry thread from a month ago) yet knowing who Jamaal11 is! One of you is losing his touch here
Well, NGONGE. Lol. You wont get me to say anything sxb. My lips are sealed.

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Ngone: You are eluding to Farax? So freaking what? I am; go and get a life.


Paragon/Jamaal11 listen kido, your views are just that; yours. Adeer waxaad naga maqan tahayba majiraan.


Laakiin, dont freaking lie about the situation back home.

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North; better than the HND you have gotten from Tier 3 institution and now labouring in UAE :D


You guys are nothing but qabiilist masquerading as a legitimate political commentators.

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Originally posted by Fahiye:

Paragon/Jamaal11 listen
, your views are just that; yours. Adeer waxaad naga maqan tahayba majiraan.


Laakiin, dont freaking lie about the situation back home.

Spot the kido people, especially you girls who think I am old.


Thank you thank you Fahiye.


PS: By the way, I think you are somewhat confused. I didn't lie; I only said No War in LaasCaano' :D . Now that can't be a lie, can it? I mean its a protest for heaven's sake.

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You claimed that the conflict is between the people of SSC; this is a pure lie.


You can protest all you like; we will defend our rights.



PS: Kido was an endearing remark!!

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My dear brother Fahiye,The “concern” of some here was heightened by the fact that the "war" was framed as one of internal conflict-which is a deadly emotionalism-rather than as a war against specific lands and specific bodies.Hence the views and opinion expressed by most here.


I agree with most of you that the people of SSC are faced with the test of preserving their rights and freedom of choice in the matters of SL or PL, and I hope the time has come for people of SSC to take action in preserving their right by being masters of their own affairs until there is much sense in where Greater Somalia would be heading.


[back to simpleton land-as Fahiye would soon tell me off for stepping out of....] smile.gif

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I agree with most of you that the people of SSC are faced with the test of preserving their rights and freedom of choice in the matters of SL or PL, and I hope the time has come for people of SSC to take action in preserving their right by being masters of their own affairs until there is much sense in where Greater Somalia would be heading.

Basically, its what I would love to see Dahia. Masters of their own affairs. God it even sounds so great. Thanks sister.

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Paragon; I have had it with you; you have become weakling and cuqdadaawi.


Dahia: the choice was made in 1896 and re-affirmed 1998; our fate lies with Puntland state of Federal Somalia. These are the facts on the ground.

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Fahiye.. It is not a secret that we've our own problems with the autonomous state of PL administration as the case is for all other stakeholders for the entity, thus this issue should be dealt with on due course in one way or another but let it be known that the people of SCC is lagging big time taking their responsibility therefore to that end, there is no justifiable execuse that I can think off why it is so,,, I wished I had my friend, pls advice me if you got any.



Northerner.. My friend, in a nutshell the people of SSC have plenty on their plates nowadays, and it's up to us how we want to be "the masters of our affairs " as Dahia indicated earlier therefore just watch out how this saga unfolds.


Be mind also your negative influence will be minimized with the minimum loss of human life and material wealth. All you can get from us is good neighborly and co-existence and if your admininstration Seeks beyond that I am here to surrender the liability of whatever happens thereafter..... In the case of me shooting at my cousins for good reasons because freedom has its own price, has no relevance since all Somalis, who are fighting eachother, are cousins to one way or another.

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