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Price for grenades, pistols skyrockets in Mogadishu

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MOGADISHU, Somalia Sep 1 (Garowe Online) - Local prices for explosives and an assortment of hand guns in the Somali capital Mogadishu have skyrocketed in recent weeks, sources said.




A hand grenade known as F1 at one point cost less than one U.S. dollar at open-air gun markets in Mogadishu. But since the Ethiopia-backed government arrived in January, the price for such explosive rose steadily and now costs $40 in the capital's black market.





Insurgents linked to Islamist rulers who were evicted from Mogadishu by Ethiopian and Somali troops have used hand grenades as the weapon of choice in daily attacks on police and soldiers.




The cost of pistols, like those used in a string of assassinations, has also been affected by political violence in Mogadishu. Hand guns now have a street value of $400.




The interim government shutdown open-air gun markets after coming to power in Mogadishu earlier this year as a security measure.




Ceaseless attacks




At least one soldier was killed when an army vehicle hit a landmine in Mogadishu's Afisone district Saturday morning, the police spokesman said.




Abdiwahid Hussein said soldiers detained several suspects in the vicinity of the blast.




In a separate attack, one civilian was wounded in an explosion midday today in Howlwadaag district. Witnesses said unidentified gunmen hurled hand grenades at a passing armored truck but missed.




There were reports of two fatal shootings in Bakara market, the country's largest market which renowned for both its business and violence.




Such random and guerrilla-style attacks increasingly portray the government's inability to control events on the ground, despite the backing of thousands of Ethiopian troops and African Union peacekeeping support.




The government's opposition, based in Eritrea, have repeatedly called for the withdrawal of Ethiopian forces as a precondition to negotiating with the government.




Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, leader of the ousted Islamic Courts movement, declared in a recent radio interview that insurgent attacks on Ethiopian troops in Somalia will not stop until they leave the country.




Source: Garowe Online

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^lol War cagligiina sidee ushaqeeyaa


Meel hubka kajoogay $1 halki Bam gacmeed hadii u kagaaro $40 micnaheedu waa maxayna? Soo inay wixii yaraadeen oo kadibna qaaliyoobeen ma ahan, hubki ayaa sii dhamaanaya sxbyaal, lol, sidee wax uqiyaastaan bal idinka iisheega loooooooooool, JB one Bam with the price of $40 ayay worse kunoqotay miyaaaaa, how do u measure things, common sense is a bliss, Jujow adigana makusii saxday lol

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Local prices for explosives and an assortment of hand guns in the Somali capital Mogadishu have skyrocketed in recent weeks, sources said.

That is the first line of your report JB, may be you didn't mean to post this depeding on your understanding of the news, looool...

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It means there are a lot of demands to use them ,,,, the more demand the more expensive it becomes


And don't dream ,,, hub weligii ma dhamaado.

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^lol, Come back Adeer again


Get that fact through your skull, security is getting better, no Cirtoogte any more in Suuqa Bakaara, more hub have been recovered from the thugs.... Overall the situation is getting better... Simple really.

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Emperor loool. These folks dont understand that the price has gone up because there is less weapons around. Also now weapons are sold in a clandestine fashion, under the table. Since all the gun markets are closed.


Well done to the security forces.

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Qiimaha Bamka gacanta oo kor u kacey

1 Sep 1, 2007 - 8:00:43 AM




Waxaa sare u kac xoogan laga dareemay qiimaha lagu kala iibsado Bam gacmeed gaar ahaan nooca loo yaqaan F1-ka oo maalmahan gaaray qiimo dhan $40 oo u dhiganta 800,000 Shillin Somali ah, iyadoo horay loogu iibin jiray in ka yar hal Dollar.


Iibsiga Bam gacmeedka oo iminka Muqdisho ka ah mid qarsoodi ah oo aysan jirin suuq si cad looga iibiyo hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan ayaa sababtay sara kaca Bam gacmedyada oo ay adeegsadaan kooxaha ka soo horjeeda dowladda iyo ciidamada Itoobiya.


Dhinaca kale qiimaha Bastooladaha noocyadooda kala duwan ayaa iyaguna sare u kacay oo qiimuhu gaaray lacag dhan 400 $ oo u dhiganta Sideed Milyan Sh. So.


Tan iyo markii ay magaalada Muqdisho laga mamnuucay suuqyada lagu iibiyo hubka ee loo yaqiinay cirtoogtaha ayaa dhalisay in ay sare u kacaan qiimaha Bastooladaha iyo bam gacmeedyada.


Garowe Online,Muqdisho

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