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Culimo lagu xiray Somaliland, where is Rambo?

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Culimo lagu xiray Somaliland

10 Dec 10, 2006, 01:59


Maxkamadda Somaliland ayaa shalay ku xukuntay mid 20 sano ilaa 25 sano oo xarig ah culumaa'uddiin iyo dhalinyaro kadib markii lagu soo eedeeyay in ay falal agagixiso ah ay ka abaabulayeen Somaliland.


Guddoomiyaha Maxkamaddaha Hargeysa C/raxmaan Jaamac Hayaan ayaa ayaa sheegay in wax danbi ah lagu waayay xubno ka tirsan Maxkamaddaha Islaamiga oo ku jiro Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys iyo Aadan Xaashi Ceyrow oo la dhagaystey eedaymo lagu soo oogey.


Dhinaca kale Maxakamada ayaa 25 sano ay ku xukuntay Sheekh Axmed Cabdi Godane oo ka tirsan mas'uuliyiinta Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ee gobolada Jubbooyinka iyo xubno kale.


Xubnaha lagu xukumay 20 sano oo xarig ayaa waxaa ka mid ah Sheekh Maxamed Ismaaciil oo caan ka ah Somaliland in mudo ahna ku jiray xabsiga dhexe ee Hargeysa, Axmed Cali Xuseen Keyse, Maxamed Ibraahim Axmed, C/laahi Maxamed Axmed (C/llaahi Gaab) iyo Muuse Yuusuf.


Ehelada Sheekh Maxamed Ismaaciil ayaa ku doodaya in Sheekhu uusan wax danbi ah gelin balse diintiisa darteed loo xiray waxayna codsanayaan in ay racfaan ay ka qaataan xariga wadadka, waxaana arintan si weyn ugu xumaday culuma'uddiinka Somaliland, iyagoo shacabka ugu baaqay in ay ka hortagaan ugaarsiga dadka ehelka u ah diinta.


Cali Muxayadiin Cali,GO

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^^^No since I dont have any real info on the ruling. But my point is valid, since Turki made the remarks he did. One should hold these politicians to account right.

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^^^Oh he is, all these Clan Court members are all politicians. They want to rule and thus are no different to other political creatures, businessmen, professionals and fake clerics all go hand in hand.

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Originally posted by rudy:

lock them up! they aint above the law of the land. i say bad wadaads should be punished.

It has been proven everytime in history, that fake Jihads, fake wadaads, fake Mahdis..etc harm the religion than all its percieved or real enemies combined.


ICU is that version in south Somalia right now.

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If you people believe that justice should be served and if fair trail should be granted to everyone,then you should know that these men whether they are Wadaads or otherwise are locked for the wrong reasons,if hate for wadaads is making miss the truth,then at least know that much.


terrible day for SL,the people should protest against these evil and inhumane acts.

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^^^Go protest about then or declare a Clan Court in Hargaysa. Dont act so big when it comes to war in the south and then make conciliatory remarks here. Lets see your action for your religion and country the words you parrot often.


Or is it a case of talk but no action?

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Red Saxib, the situation is getting out of hand in Somaliland, Riyoole, is arresting the Wadaads left right and centre get the courts to help man. Lead a delegation to Mogadishu and set up a Clan Court.. Come on son what are you waiting for????/


Wadaad Lagu Xidhay Borama Iyo Ciidamada Amaanka Oo Heegan lagaliyay



Waxa saldhiga Booliska ee Boorama laga sii daayay Sh Xasan Daheeye oo ah imaamka iyo khadiibka masjidka Harawo oo ku yaala badhtama magaalada Boorama,ka dib markii uu sheekhu mudo ku xidhnaa saldhiga Booliska.......................................


Ma jiro war rasmi ah oo ka soo baxay maamulka Gobolka iyo taliska ciidanka Booliska oo ku saabsan xadhiga lagu fuliyay Sh Xasan Deheeye oo ka mid ah culimada sida wayn looga yaqaano magaalada Boorama,


balse wararka ilaa hada na soo gaadhay waxa ay xadhiga sheekha la xidhiidhinayaan in loo cuskaday khudbadii uu masjidka ka jeediyay maalintii jimcihii oo ay maamulka gobolku u arkeen inuu ku taageerayay midowga maxkamadaha


Inkasta oo la sii daayay sheekha hadana intii uu ku xidhnaa saldhiga waxa agagaarka saldhiga ku soo xoomay dadwane badan oo u dhegtaagayay waxa uu ku dambeeyo xadhiga sheekha iyo kala warqaadasho ku aadan waxa keenay amaba sababta loo xidhay.


Waa markii u horaysay ee ay dhacdo noocan ah lagu arko magaalada Boorama oo iyadu ka deganayd gobolada kale marka loo eego dareenada iyo saamaynta arimaha noocan ah


dhanka kale waxaa heegan buuxa lagaliyay ciidamada amaanka ee police-ka iyagoo ay had iyo jeer gaaf wareegayaan wadooyinka dhexmara magaalada iyo kuwa kabaxan halka habeenkii goorta loogaadhana ay dadka joojinayaan iyaoo su'aalo kala duwana waydiinayadadka


Widhwidh Online

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War Generale, u tartiibi Mr. Red. :D


Give him time to re-consider his position of maxkamadaha, wether to support the sessionist movement or fully embace the ICU up north.


Has SL made public the alleged crimes? What's next? Video tapped torture or ship 'em to Addis?


Siyad Barre's lessons are being put to practice. Culumada Soomaalida deserve better. I hear of no single caalim Soomaaliyeed leading violent fitno to this poor nation.

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