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Somaliland Government Uses WFP Food Aid as a Political Tool

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Somaliland interim President Daahir Rayaale Kaahin


Hargeisa, Somaliland (Somaliland Globe)The Somaliland government is using food aid provided by WFP to shape the outcome of the upcoming presidential election planned for 27 September, sources close to the presidential palace told The Somaliland Globe.


The government is distributing the food aid in selected urban and rural areas, in which the ruling party, United Peoples’ Democratic Party known by its Somali acronym UDUB, was losing the strong support it used to enjoy, in order to woo back the electorate to vote for UDUB.


The failed rainy season led to a drought situation in the inland pastoral zones of Somaliland, affecting particularly those who do not receive remittances from abroad and are dependent solely for their livelihoods either on livestock or rain-fed agriculture.


The opposition parties are crying foul that the government should not be distributing food but should “let independent aid agencies feed people” and the government, in turn, is demonising the opposition as a bunch of troublemakers, hurling as many accusations as possible, in hopes that some or all of them will stick, even if they’re patently contradictory.


In a propoganda war like this, the government has always the upper hand because the opposition parties are deprived of free access to state TV and radio.


Kulmiye party officials are expected to issue a press statement of some sort tomorrow.





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