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Alshabab are splintering another lie from the TFG (article)

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“The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a Wahabi State and yet the west has no problem dealing with it. I fail to understand the difference between Somalia under Al Shabab and Saudi Arabia under the Saud”


Al Shabab Al Mujahidin evolved from a fringe group within the Islamic Courts union (ICU) in 2006 to the strongest and most disciplined movement in Somalia that literally controls the South and central regions and also has presence as far as Puntland and Somaliland – no faction or movement ever got to such prominence in the two chaotic decades after the fall of Mr. Barre’s government. Al Shabab has so far dwarfed the concerted efforts of the local warlords camouflaged, by Ethiopia, as the transitional federal government (TFG) and the international community’s negative propaganda and military might. The strength of the movement is attributed to have come from its more lofty religious ideology which transcends the zero sum game of the traditional clan competition which epitomizes the failure of Somalia’s middle class and the fallout of the poorly devised unconstructive intervention of the US through its clientele states of IGAD countries which as consequence translated into a healthy dividend in favour of the movement – AMISOM contingent is the latest and more feeble projects of military nature are said to be in the pipeline.


Al Shabab is a movement oversubscribed by the disenchanted youth that grow up during the civil war and as such has no connection what so ever to the old establishments – the famous old clergy class like Sheikh Omer Faruq and his likes that schooled them in the Wahabi teaching or the household name politician class of yester years. The clergy and the politicians must realize that they can’t lead the kids they let down – Amir Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr was born three days after I sat for my GCSE examination in Shabelle Mennonite mission school . I can hardly relate to the Al Shabab people who grow up in a very harsh time when the only gift from the US are helicopter gunships and mass bombardments as opposed to the Peace Corps and educational materials we used to associate with the Americans during our formative years.


The late colonel Omer Hashi, TFG Security Minister, who died in the hands of Al Shabab suicide bomber at a time he was leading an Ethiopian recruited tribal militia was in reality practicing against what he was preaching two months earlier. Col. Omer along with Sharif Ahmed and some others were in Asmara while Al Shabab fighters were putting their life in the line of fire solely to evict the Ethiopian invaders from the country and to replace the TFG. The colonel and his mates – Djibouti ARS -mindlessly choose to back stab the insurgency without taking in to consideration whether Al shabab will fall in love with the same institution they were fighting to change- watch the interview in which the colonel is highlighting the principles that guides him and his ARS – Djibouti wing and reflect and judge by yourself, how quickly he dumped all of his principles in exchange for a ministerial post – study closely his stand in relation to the racist 4.5 power sharing formula, the role of Ethiopia, Al Shabab and the regionalization of the country. Watch the interview given by Late Colonel Omer Hashi the interview shows that ARS – Djibouti were nothing more than traitor’s and opportunist’s club.


Al – Shabab Al Mujahdin went through periods of power struggle and confusion in its short life but managed to come out apparently with little scratch. The most well-defined internal problem was the Baidabo debacle in which the top leaders couldn’t agree as to how best to deal with the TFG minsters and security officers that were holed in that city – the home town of Shiek Muktar Roobow. Sheikh Mukhtar Roobow took more unconventional approach than the take no hostage act Amir Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr and most of Al – Shabab leadership were familiar to execute without fail.


Sheikh Roobow’s offer of safe passage to the remnants from the TFG saved the city from destruction and won for him the hearts of both the locals and the multitudes that were watching the issue from afar. The Baidabo dispute was thought by then as if it is the end of Al Shabab just like the alleged current dispute between the two top leaders. It most probably involves Abu Muslim rather than the Amir, and is blown out of proportion. The differences is over short term strategy and policies which is a common culture and life in every party. on the one hand; the movement has no option but to stick together as the alternative is humiliation, harassment and certain death for all Al Shabab members in the hands of the CIA and on the other hand, the nation can hardly afford to see too many smaller factions that jump on the wagon at 11th hour to fill the vacuum and prolong the war.


Despite the tactical differences in the leadership, which is routine in nature, they jointly concur in the common strategic goal of establishing a Wahabi Islamic state with a black flag and the Quran as its constitution. The role of the international Jihadists in the movement turned into a bone of contention by the Western media is a fake field that has no bases but within the sphere of Al Shabab the most pressing issue is the prevention of the dismemberment of Somalia in the hands of Christian countries under the leadership of the US. The feud between the two top leaders has the potential to reshape the movement into a more logical, flexible and stately one as opposed to the death song its opponents-Ethiopian pawns- are singing.


The movement has its own conflict resolution mechanism which might seem to outsiders as archaic but rest assured it works for Al Shabab – The TFG leadership and their fighters have a monopoly on daily in fights and uninterrupted meaningless reshuffles. The Kismayo clash was much worse and detrimental than the Baidabo argument and yet the movement came out with its head high. If you closely look a the movement you can observe a pattern – whenever its opponents anticipate disintegration- Al Shabab surprises them by going from strength to strength unthought-of before.


Sheikh Mukhtar Roobow Abu Mansur, Al Shabaab’s second-in-command, has rebuffed reports suggesting the existence of a leadership dispute particularly between himself and Amir Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr. Speaking after Friday’s congregational prayer in a mosque in Karan District of the capital city Mogadishu, Roobow dismissed the rumours of possible disagreements between the top officials. He termed the reports baseless and groundless, accusing the Transitional Federal Government of disseminating. Please Watch Sheikh Robow’s Speech


This rumour surfaced at a time the movement is knocking at the gates of the presidential palace, time the TFG is at its lowest in morale, time Premier Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia is contemplating on a rescue mission of Amisom and a time their goal is within reach. Sources close to the movement confirm that there are differences in opinion in operational matters as the case has always been but not heard of fundamental issues which Al Shabab’s elite thought has the potentiality to cloud out the realization of the objectives of the movement.


Despite their unique interpretation of Quran, the Islamists – Al Shabab and Hisbi – Islam- at this point in time stand alone for the resurrection of the Somali nation and are struggling to contain the ambition of Ethiopia, through the TFG and so called self rule regions, to turn the country in to a colony of its own or to keep it in perpetual state of civil war. As long as the current status quo of imposing solutions that are detrimental to the existence of the nation is the norm there will always be a resistance of some sort that will grow in complexity proportionate to the pressure the blind international community exerts on.


Conclusion and Recommendations: – Even a trapped beast struggles


Foreign military intervention of the mightiest army in the world failed to change the tide in Afghanistan and I wonder how 20, 000, the maximum the AU is contemplating, under equipped Ugandans can legitimize an illegal institution – An institution that is hated for what it stands for and that live to this day in the Barracks of the occupation force more than a year after they were airlifted in to the presidential palace.


If Somalia failed! The blame lies with its inept elite and middle class that refused to grow beyond clan, tribal and regional outlook. The elite of the nation should come up with new ideas that can address the genuine concerns of the nation. The masses and the international community are fed up with the lack of consequential input from the side of the Somali elite – repeating like parrots whatever the western media broadcasts is disservice and misleading to both the nation and to the international community. International community’s intervention can bear fruit only after the elite of the beneficiary nation are robust enough to contribute meaningful input, even if it angers the west, when the projects are at the drawing board.


In all counts it appears that the prospect for Somalia to attain peace depends on how soon the two Islamists merge as the alternative is the sick and defunct TFG (Ethiopian Trojan Horse) that has no agenda except to line up their pockets irrespective of the cost to the common man.


Abdikarim Buh

Political analyst and WardheerNews contributor

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The difference between Al Shabaab and Saudi Arabia is that the latter is a nation that does not seek to conquer the whole world and "destroy" the west, whereas the former is a Takfiri, terrorist organisation that will only be contempt when they rule the whole world.

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