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I am an advocate for Somali unity based on mutual respect. I think this unity should not be based on the old tribal values but on the love of life and acknowledgement of ownership of the self as a given and of property if gotten justly. Property is gotten justly when it was received by voluntary exchange assuming that both parties had legitimate ownership of the goods prior to the trade . When it was given as gift by a legitimate owner. When one by his/her own expenditure of effort and ingenuity creates something and claims it to be his.


What must then be the relationship among people who must share a designated space in order to form a union that will be beneficial to all in terms of wealth ,health ,security (both internal and external) and warmth and a sense of belonging which is just as important as security.


The name of such a union ,we all know is called a nation.


But history tells of a sad story of nations born and died. Not all deaths of nations were from invasions be they apparent or hidden, although some would probably soothe their souls with conspiracy theories so as not to face the facts that it may have in fact been their own ways that lead to their demise.


Remember even if some of the reasons can be traced back to invasions regardless of the means ,it will still be the fault of the inhabitants of that nation be it those appointed leaders or collectively, for failing to foresee possible threats and intervene in time with proper solutions. We must accept the fact that peace is not always understood by all to be the best state of affairs or even preferred and that some will always want to resort to violence and that is why a nation has to be prepared to defend itself from aggression.


In order to stimulate creativity, a nation must allow for personal space to be created by individuals according to ability by safeguarding personal and private rights. But for the same reasons again and in order to create an environment that is both conducive to prosperity but as whole and sustainable as well, it will also be imperative for responsibilities to be allocated and made into duties and legislated into law.


So then a nation is geographical boundaries plus the inhabitants . Their cohesion can be said to be from shared values or a common identity as in culture or beliefs.


A healthy nation will then have strong bonds but not too strong so as to cause a regress into a primitive state and not too weak to disintegrate and fall to pieces.


Between the citizens themselves the government is the arbiter and their relationship with themselves (among citizens) is mutual respect and honest exchange of goods and services ,between the citizens and their government constitution is the arbiter and their relationship is obedience from the citizens towards government and the law down to the letter and the spirit from the government towards the people.


But since a nation is more than formalities and rigid legal structures ,there are other mediums within which all must live and they cater for the heart and are arguably more important than anything and these are religion and culture. They create harmony among us and melt our troubles away as well as give us identity. In fact the legal framework can not be fully just without first getting approval from them and no nation can ever claim to be a nation without them and still call themselves a nation of human beings.


May we get over this hurdle. May we overcome our differences and leap forward. May we prosper in life and inherit the hereafter. May we learn to live and find happiness in the service of GOD and our nation. May we not only see the good in our hearts but also learn to be it. Like it was said before us ,to BE you only need to choose to act that way. Let us choose to love one another rather than hate ,to promote life rather than take it ,to serve rather than be served. Let us not be cowed into servitude and silence but learn to stand up for what we believe and say firmly that we are for peace and we treasure all that ALLAH swt has created. Let us stop mourning our dead and start working towards helping each reach a ripe age and pass away in peace and with a smile from old age. Let us create our future world today. All you need to do is to act positively ,be the embodiment of justice.

Finally let no one tell us that we cannot, are not able.



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Soomaalis were blessed with the ideals of what a nation should be, the basic foundations, atoms that make up requirements of a simple, functioning modern nation with its people living in harmony. Language, religion, culture and traditions, ethnicity, plus large swath of continuous land, long seas, you name it, every major darn issue that unites people, we Soomaalis were endowed with.


Alas, we never took advantage of those ideals. We never thanked our Eebbe blessing us with those values. Instead, we self-cursed, now so badly down into a dangerous road of even threatening the very existence of one's own life and family, kaba soo tag Soomaaliya iyo Soomaalinimo. Saa isku dileynay baa dalkii la burburiye, dadkii la dhameeye, dhaqankii la baabiye, anagiina adduunkii ku kala faafnay, afarta jiho kala joogno. Soomaali haddee isbarqaban way bar go'i doonaan, kana tirtirmi doonaan caalamkaan, magacoodana haddeeba lucky yihiin taariiqda wax ka qori karto.


We do not have much difference, and one key fact and issue is that we don't really listen one another. Listen as digesting what the other Soomaali is saying. How many shir dib u heshiisiin la qabtay, and the result of all being? Failures. Dad isdhageytay maleh. Maxee dhageystaan, dad naga buuxo waxee dhihi lahayeen ka fikiraayo inta uu qofka kale hadlaayo, deeply prouccopied those thoughts. Another matter is that the mistrust. Some Soomaalis deeply mistrust one another for clan reasons, caused by cuqdad iyo naceyb.


We pray in dhibkaan iyo imtixaankaaan aan isku keenay laga baxo, oo ay Soomaali isfahmaan, gacmaha iswada qabsadaan, oo ay ogaadaan in midnimo iyo caddaaladnimo loogu bixi karo saan.


Nice thread, Ifka iyo Aakhiro.

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Instead, we self-cursed, now so badly down into a dangerous road of even threatening the very existence of one's own life and family, kaba soo tag Soomaaliya iyo Soomaalinimo. Saa isku dileynay baa dalkii la burburiye, dadkii la dhameeye, dhaqankii la baabiye, anagiina adduunkii ku kala faafnay, afarta jiho kala joogno. Soomaali haddee isbarqaban way bar go'i doonaan, kana tirtirmi doonaan caalamkaan, magacoodana haddeeba lucky yihiin taariiqda wax ka qori karto

Maxaad noogu yeedhaysaa markaa ??

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