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Ethiopia disapproves of Puntland Government Ministers

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The president of Somalia’s semi-autonomous region of Puntland, Mr. Abdirahman Mohamed Farole has recently held a meeting with Ethiopian Foreign Affairs Minister, Seyoum Mesfin in Addis Ababa.


The meeting which took place in Sheraton hotel, focused on number of issues including regional security as well as the Puntland cabinet ministers.


According to a sources close to Mr. Farole, the Ethiopian government disapproved Mr. Farole’s presidential decree, dated March 12th, ordering the dismissal of Puntland Intelligence Service (PIS) director, Mr. Osman Diana (see SOMALIA: Puntland President Dashes to Ethiopia For an Emergency Meeting). The PIS is said to receive at least 50 per cent of Puntland’s annual income as well as funds from Western and Ethiopian intelligence services.


While the two were discussing the issue, the Ethiopian Foreign Affairs Minister, Mr. Mesfin, has expressed concern about a number ministers and provincial officials in the Puntland government accusing them of having ties with extremists in southern Somalia.


Mr. Mesfin, accused Puntland’s national planning minister, Mr. Daud Mohamed Omar and number of others including the governor of Bari region, Sheikh Abdihafid Ali Yusuf, the Mayor of Garowe (capital of Puntland), Mr. Abdiaziz Nur Elmi Koor, mayor of Bossaso town, Mr. Mohamud Farah Beldaje and the mayor of Galkayo, Mr Abdirahman Mohamud Haji Hassan of having ties with Somalia’s Islamists rebels fighting the TFG in southern Somalia.


Mr. Mesfin told the Puntlander leader that, Ethiopia has evidence that Puntland’s planning minister’s car was one of the vehicles used in the trio-suicide bombs that rocked Somaliland’s capital, Hargeisa, in October 2008. The bombs strucked the presidential palace, the Ethiopian Consulate and a United Nations compound, killing 21 people and wounded 26 people.


Mr. Mesfin has also briefed the Puntland delegation that the newly appointed governor of Bari region, Sheikh Abdihafid Ali Yusuf, was exposed to Islamic radicalism while studying in Pakistan and that him and his friends have close ties with Al Qaeda. He added that most of his former friends were detained and sent to Guantanamo Bay.


He added that the mayor of Garowe, Mr. Abdiaziz Nur Elmi Koor, who was appointed by Farole in September 2009, has also ties with extremists elements in Somalia. Mr. Mesfin said that Mr. Abdiaziz was a former member of Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya, an extremist group that established itself in the Somali Region of Ethiopia in 1994. By 2001, it elected the well known Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys as its leader under Executive Order No. 13224 in November of that year. The Ethiopian FM cited that Mr. Abdiaziz was injured in a battle that took place inside Puntland, when then, Puntland president, Mr. Abdullahi Yusuf waged war on the extremist group in early 2002.


Short time later, Al-Itihaad had dissolved as an organization but Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys went on to form Islamic Court Union, which by 2006 became a powerful group and seized control of Mogadishu and southern Somalia. By December 2006, Ethiopian forces invaded the country and the group was ousted from power, most of their leaders went on exile to Eritrea however those who stayed back formed a new group – Al Shabab, now the most feared group in the region.


The Ethiopian foreign minister also voiced concern about the Mayor of Galkayo, capital of Mudug region in central Somalia saying that the little known businessman, Mr. Abdirahman Mohamud Haji, who heads a 31-member District Council, has ties with terrorist groups and was accused of providing financial aid to Islamic Court Union fighters during the battles of Idile (located Bay region), in October 2006 against Ethiopian forces.


Also, the newly appointed transitional mayor of Bossaso town, Mr. Mohamud Farah Muhammad (Beeldaaje) was also accused having ties with terrorism. Mr. Mesfin told Farole that Mr. Mohamud was a close alley of Dahir Aweys and is a former member of Al-Itihaad.


The Ethiopians finally recommended to Mr. Farole to dismiss these men from his cabinet and provincial councils and to appoint new men while requesting that he reverses his decree and reinstates the former PIS leader.


It is not clear if Mr. Farole will follow up with the Ethiopian recommendations when he returns back home.


The Puntland delegation included the Interior minister, Mr. Abdullahi Ahmed.

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It is written and Googled by somalilandpress without telling any source they recieved this information, and no body would listen it for they have become obsessed to us since 60s when they have been humbled in the somali political arena by some of somali noble-breed politicians to the point they seek refuge to seccession.

and we say go on you, hyperactive folks and spread what ever filthy and concoction words brought by Hereri freakouts you can dessiminate :D

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It is all the same taradiddle and petty prevarication from the same marqaan incapacitated buffoons as always.


So they aint nothing here to get worked about...



It would be wise for our resident secessionist troglodyte to learn the difference between a Government Minister and what a local Mayor of a City is!

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Wasiirkii Qorshaynta Iyo Xidhiidhka Caalamiga Ee Puntland Oo Lagu Eedaynaayo falal argagixiso.

Warkii 03-Apr-2010 iyo Qormadii: NEWS

Kulankii Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr Cabdiraxmaan Faroole Iyo Weliba Wasiirka Arimaha Debada ee Ethiopia Ato Seyoum Mesfin Gebredingel ayaa lagu gorfeeyey arrimo badan, Faroole ayaa loogu sheegay Kulanka in loo bahan yahay in Dowladiisa laga saaro Qaar ka mid ah Mas’uuliyiinta kuwas oo Ethiopia ku tilmaamtay Islaamiyiin Xagjir ah Ato Seyoum Mesfin ayaa dhaliilay Wasiirka Qorsheynta Iyo Xiriirka Calaamiga Ah, Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Bari, Duqa degmada Bosaso, Duqa Degmada Garoowe Iyo Weliba Duqa Degmada Gaalkacayo, isaga oo dhamaan Mas’uuliyiinta ku tilmaamay kuwa Xagjir ah oo Xidhiidh Sookeye la leh Argagaxisada




Ato Seyoum Mesfin ayaa dhaliilay Wasiirka Qorsheynta Iyo Xiriirka Calaamiga Ah, Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Bari, Duqa degmada Bosaso, Duqa Degmada Garoowe Iyo Weliba Duqa Degmada Gaalkacayo, isaga oo dhamaan Mas’uuliyiinta ku tilmaamay kuwa Xagjir ah oo Xidhiidh Sookeye la leh Argagaxisada

Mesfin Gebredingel ayaa sii toosa Madaxweynaha Puntland Ugu Yidhi ”Ethiopia ma fiirsan karto, ragga Xilal ka haya Puntland isla mar Ahaantasna Xidhiidh la leh Kooxaha Xagjirka Ah”

Wasiirka Arrimaha dibada Ee Ethiopia ayaa sheegay In Ragga u Eedeyn aay yihiin kuwa Dhibaato weyn ka soo socoto hadii aan laga hortegin



Wasiirka Qorsheynta Iyo Xiriirka Calaamiga Dr Daa’uud Maxamed Cumar (Bisinle) Waxa Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibada Ethiopia u ku Eedeyn in Gaari u leyahay ka mid aha Gawaaridii lagu weeraray magaalada Hargeysa ee Falalka Argagaxisonimada lagu Fuliyey 29 Octobar 2008



Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Bari ayaa isagna lagu Eedeyey inu ka mid aha Somali dalka Pakistan laga soo tarxiilay kuwas oo lagu Eedeyey Argagaxisnimo, Waxana Ethiopia sheegtay in Sheekh Cabdixaafid Cali Yusuf u aha Arday wax ka dhigta Jaamacada Islaamiga ah ee Islamabad, Waxana aay sheegtay in Isaga iyo Koox u ku jira aay Xiriir Sookeeye la yeeshen Urur weynaha Alqaacida, In kasta oo Markii dambe Saaxiibadii loo dhadhaciyey Xabsiga Weyn ee Guantanamo Bay, In kasta oo Isaga loo soo tarxiilay Dalka Somaliya



Duqa Degmada Garoowe CabdiCasiis Nuur Cilmi ayaa isaga lagu sheegay nin u soo dagaalamay Ururkii Alitixaad ee Cabdullaahi Yusuf dagaalka Adag la galay, Waxana la sheegay in Isaga laf ahantiisa dhaawac ka soo gaaray dagaalka, Waxana la Tilmaamay inu woto Fikiro gurucan



Duqa degmada Gaalkacayo Cabdiraxmaan Maxamud Xaaji Xasan ayaa isagana la Tilmaamay inu Dhaqaale badan ku Bixiyey Dagaaladii Bandiiradley Iyo Iidaale ee Maxkamadu la galeen Ciidamada Ethiopia



Duqa Degmada Bosaso Maxamud Faarax Beeldaaje Ayaa isagana lagu Eedeyey inu Xiriir dhow la leyahay Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys, Uuna ka mid aha Dadkii u soo dagaalamay Aweys Xilligii Dagaalkii Itixaadka, Ee Degaanka Saliid waxana la sheegay inu yahay nin Weli Wota Fikiradahii Xagjirnimada aha

Qoraalkan oo aha mid Rasmi ah ayaa loo gudbiyey Madaxweyne Faroole, waxana loo sheegay in Raggan uu sidaa ugu dhaqsaha badan Xilalka uga qado, isla markana U la Yimado Dad Macquul ah oo aysan Maskaxdooda ku jirin Fikiradaha Xagjirnimadu Sidaa Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibada Ethiopia U Sheegay Ato Seyoum Mesfin

Madaxweyne Faroole ayaa la aqoon sidaa u Arrinkan loo soo gudbiyey U Xalin doono, In kasta Oo Saraakiil ku dhow dhow Madaxweynahu Sheegen inu Aqbalay go’aamada Ethiopia



Abdinur Haji Hussein Idris

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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