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BAYDHABO: Ammaanka Magaalada Baydhabo oo si weyn looga dayrinayo, iyo Booliiska Degmadaas oo sheegay...

Posted to the Web Feb 21, 12:23



Baydhabo (PP) – Xaaladda Ammaan ee Magaalada Baydhabo oo ah xarunta Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa si weyn looga dayrinayaan, waxaana wararka ka imaanaya ay sheegayaan in isbaarooyinka ay ku soo badanayaan.




Ammaan-darrada la soo sheegayo Magaalada Baydhabo ee Gobolka Bay ayaa waxaa la sheegay inay cirka isku sii shareerayso, waxaana wararka ka imaanaya ay sheegayaan in habeenkii dadka isbaarooyin loo dhigto, lagana furto wax alla iyo wixii ay wadtaan.




Xidhibaannada Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ee ku sugan Baydhabo ayaa xaqiijiyay in ammaandarrada ka jirta Baydhabo ay saameyn ku yeelatay, isla markaana dhac loogu geysto waddooyinka xaafadaha Baydhabo qaarkood xilliyada habeenkii ah.




Maalintii ayaa la sheegay inaysan ka jirin Baydhabo wax isbaarooyinka ah ama ammaandarrooyin la tilmaami karo, waxaana la sheegay in booliiska ay si weyn uga shaqeeyaan ammaanka maalintii, balse habeenkii ay tahay Baydhabo meel aanu ammaan ka jirin.




Booliiska Baydhabo ayaa waxay sheegeen inay qirsan yihiin inay jiraan ammaan-darrooyin ka jira Baydhabo, waxaase taliyaha ciidammada Booliiska ee Baydhabo uu sheegay inay wax weyn ka qaban doonaan ammaan-darrooyinka cusub ee ka taagan Baydhabo.




Magaalada Baydhabo oo ay dowladdu daggan tahay ayaa ahayd meel ammaankeedu aad u wanaagsanaa, balse lama garan karo sababta dhabta ah ee keentay ammaan-darrada ka jirta Baydhabo.




Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu


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Denunciation of Abdullahi Yusuf's government


February 19, 2007 Markacadeey


To: UN, EU, IGAD, AU, Arab League, and International Contact Group.


Subject: Denunciation of Abdullahi Yusuf's government


We the undersigned, chiefs and leaders of D and M publicly denounce the recently appointed regional governors, district commissioners and heads of military institution by Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and express our dissatisfaction his government.


We have been part of Somali peace process and fully supported the inauguration of this government two and half years ago in Kenya, in order Somalia to get the lasting peace. We have offered to this government any material support that can offer any human being's capacity, we welcomed the government in Baidoa, the traditional D and M capital city, we provided security to the government personnel and other international dignitaries and head agencies visited to this city.


Having provided whatever we can to support the government, today the hidden agenda of Abdullahi Yusuf has surfaced and his true face of disrespecting the locals, dictatorial attitude, hatred and incompetence is no longer a rumor but real.


Since Mr. Yusuf and his guards came into Baidoa in February 2006, his forces deliberately, shot and killed dozens of locals including prominent clan chief, although this was aimed to test our patience but we moved ahead for the sake of peace. However, Mr Yusuf did not recognize any of our efforts and the hospitality we offered. We endangered ourselves in confronting gunman, warlord and other troublemakers that wanted to destabilize the city, which hosts the government.


Somalia, land disputes are in the heart of its conflicts and none can solve this problem, especially the Somalis themselves, because the parties in conflicts cannot resolve unless there is arbitration or some source of mediations.


Mr Yusuf recently appointed by decree illegal administration in the regions of Middle Juba, Lower Juba, and Gedo and further created two districts within D and M town, in favor to his clan. He previously appointed most of top security officials to his clan. All these are clear in violation of the TFG Charter.


We here utterly refute his clanism approach in solving Somali's problem and his appointed administration both federal level and regional level, as it legitimizing the occupied lands and putting his clan ahead the other clans.


As the leaders and chiefs of D and M, our future support of this government and peace in these regions must be met with the following conditions;


1. Mr Yusuf to recall his previous illegal appointment both federal and regional level

2. Must equally share the position in accordance with federal charter

3. Must lift the so-called "Emergency law" in order the people to move freely and express their opinion freely.

4. Must leave the regional administration with the locals not to the Transitional Federal Government

We, the D and M leader will take action against this illegal activities masterminded by Mr Yusuf if he does not fulfill the above conditions; our conditions will not be limited to the following;

1. Asking the government to leave Baidoa, both diplomatically and by force if necessary

2. Persuading our representative to quit the government altogether

3. Preparing another reconciliation conference which pacifies a creation of a new government suitable to all Somalis

4. Re-deploying our troops if necessary for protecting ourselves.


We hope that the members of international community who interested Somali affairs understand our demands and expectations.




1. Malaaq Macalin Cali Barre Cheif of Digil & Mirifle Council

2. ,, ,, Maxamuud Maxamed Cabdi

3. ,, ,, Maxamed Ibraahim Garoore

4. ,, ,, Malabow ***** Xasan

5. ,, ,, Shariif Xuseen Aadn

6. ,, ,, Macalin Xuseen Maxamuud

7. ,, ,, Macalin Mukhtaar Cali

8. ,, ,, Xasan Shure Maxamuud

9. ,, ,, Ibraahim ***** Cabdule

10. ,, ,, Miiris Xuseen Xasan

11. ,, ,, Xuseen Xaaji Mukhtaar

12. ,, ,, Maxamed Macalin Cali

13. ,, ,, Sheekh Amiin Sheekh Cabdul Baari

14. ,, ,, Cumar Cabdule Sandheere

15. ,, ,, Sheekh Cabdulaahi Manuur

16. ,, ,, Sheekh Barre Cali Gaabow

17. ,, ,, ***** Afdhuub

18. ,, ,, Shariif Muxiyidiin Xaaji Aadn

19. ,, ,, Macalin Keerey

20. ,, ,, Ibraahim Iimaan Aadan

21. ,, ,, Aadn Nuur Sheekh Xuseen

22. ,, ,, Maxamed Cabdiraxmaan Ibraahim

23. ,, ,, Cabdi Cali Madoobe

24. ,, ,, Warsame Aadan xasan

25. ,, ,, Ibraahim Mayow Ibraahim

26. ,, ,, Cabdirashiid Sheekh Cabdisalaam

27. ,, ,, Aadan Cabdi Ibraahim

28. ,, ,, Cali Afweyne

29. ,, ,, Muxyidiin Ibraahim cali

30. ,, ,, Madgaab

31. ,, ,, Cabdiraxman Kuule

32. ,, ,, Aadan Jabriil Mursal

33. ,, ,, ***** Ibraahim Xasan

34. ,, ,, Yuusuf Cali Sheekh

35. ,, ,, Xaaji Madguud

36. ,, ,, Cabdi Farey

37. ,, ,, Emed Farow

38. ,, ,, Macalin Cali Karyere

39. ,, ,, Bilow xasan Xeydar

40. ,, ,, Iftiin Caliyow Kuusanow

41. ,, ,, Maxamuud Jiis

42. ,, ,, Macalin Xasan Kheyraad

43. ,, , Cabdulaahi Cali Fiisow

44. ,, ,, Cadow Barow

45. ,, ,, Caliyow Keerow

46. ,, ,, Madey Cabdinuur

47. ,, ,, Saalax dhaaniyow Mursal

48. ,, ,, Xaaji Cismaan Yuusuf

49. ,, ,, Ibraahim Aadan Mursal

50. ,, ,, Cabdow Yuunis

51. ,, ,, Jeele Ibraahim Xusen

52. ,, ,, Sheekh cabdi Garuung

53. ,, ,, Xaaji Cabdiraxmaan Tubey

54. ,, ,, Xuseen Axmed

55. ,, ,, Yuusuf Cabdiyow

56. ,, ,, Xasanow Umurow

57. ,, ,, Cabdulaahi Xasan hilowle

58. ,, ,, Xasanow Xaajiyow

59. ,, ,, Cali Maxamed wardheere

60. ,, ,, Xuseen Iftiinow

61. ,, ,, Yuusuf Isaaaq Cali

62. ,, ,, Iimaan Aadan Cali

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