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Asmara Conference Around the Corner

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From: Axadle Times Powered Site Asmara(Axadle Newspaper): Shirkii la filayey in bishan kowdeeda ay magaalada Casmara ku yeeshaan kooxo kala duwan oo Soomaali ah oo mucaarad ku ah DFKMG ah ee Soomaaliya ee horey u baaqdey ayaa la shaaciyey xiliga uu si rasmi ah u furmi doono.



Qoraal saxaafada uu soo gaarsiiyey Cumar Iimaan Abuukar oo ah Gudoomiyaha gudiga qabanqaabada shirkaasi, isla markaana xubin ka ahaa maxkamadihii laga saarey Gobolada Koonfureed ayaa waxaa lagu sheegay in shirka uu qabsoomi doono maalinta Khamiista ah ee bisha September tahay 6.



Cumar Iimaan wuxuu tibaaxay in shirka ay ka soo qayb gali doonaan ergooyin tiradoodu gaarayso 450 qof, oo ka kala socda qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada oo ka imaan doona gudaha iyo dibada dalka.



Shirkan oo ay ka dhexmuuqdaan golihii maxaakiimta, xildhibaanadii laga saarey baarlamanka KMG ah, iyo siyaasiyiin kale ayaa waxaa la aaminsan yahay in ujeedadiisu tahay sidii loo heli lahaa mowqif kooxaha shirkaasi yeelanaya ay ku mideynayaan fikirkooda ku aadan mucaaradnimada DFKMG ah iyo siyaasada Itoobiya ee ku aadan Soomaaliya.



Goor sii horeysay ayaa DFKMG ah waxay ku tilmaamtey shirkaasi mid lagu doonayo in lagu majaxaabiyo qorshaha dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliya, isla markaana Eritrea masuul ka noqon doono wixii dhibaato ah ee ka soo baxa qabashada shirkaasi.

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sidii loo heli lahaa mowqif kooxaha shirkaasi yeelanaya ay ku mideynayaan fikirkooda ku aadan mucaaradnimada DFKMG ah iyo siyaasada Itoobiya ee ku aadan Soomaaliya.

That is the purpose of the conference .... not too much sow maaha ?

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This is the first step to forming an alliance or party to counter the stooge puppet regime in Mogadishu. As a group,they must first hold a convention and draft a manifesto,to elect office holders & to start negotiations with the otherside. Many in here were always questioning what the IUC's agenda was for the country,well look no further. A genuine credible opposition will be born in Asmara,Inshallah.


Hopefully,after forming this organization, the funding fathers of this TFG will come to their senses & broker a truce between the real warring factions. Hear out the otherside & stop the blanket blind support for this failing puppet regime.


As we all heard after the completion of that failed reconciliation meeting,the diplomats have clearly shown less interest in this TFG.They have seen the incompetence & lack of support this govt has in Somalia(Mogadishu & Southern Somalia). Unless the people's choice(IUC,Asmara group,call them whatever) is given a chance, Somalia will be a failed state.


Let us not dismiss a meeting before it even kicks off. Let us wait and hear what the inteligent free Somali leaders have for the country. Let us hear their vision,solutions & remedies for the country. Let us hear them out,perhaps,you may like what you see or hear.


May allah help you in your vision to free Somalia from Habashi invaders & their warlords B!tches . Amin

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^No agenda at all, crazy buch of people got together thats all, few of them lost seat in the government, one was UIC head, some hate Yey for being reeer Hebel iyo jaba jaabo kale, waa intaas waxa meesha iskugu tagay, what do u expect from such group hosted by another Crazy Afawerki....


It's funny and would be good entertainment to watch this, I can't wait for the kick off loooool

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