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...oo la isqabqabsanaayo, la isla hardamaayo, la isku maqanyahay, la isku wareeray, this one is in and not even a blip is heard:


Odayaasha iyo waxgaradka Cabudwaaq oo ku baaqay in wax laga qabto macdan qodis ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah ay ka wadaan garoonka diyaaradaha ee Cabudwaaq


Iyadoo waqtiyadii ugu danbaysay Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka iyo kambaniga (shirkad) ay waardiyaynayaan uu ka waday howlo waddo falid ah deegaano ka tirsan dhulka Soomaaliya kadib markii ay ka soo talaabeen xadka Ismaamulka Soomaalida ee Itoobiya ayaa waxa ay bilaabeen in ay baaraan macdan islamarkaana ay rartaan ciida Soomaaliya, waxaana arintani ay haatan ka socotaa garoonka Diyaaradaha ee degmada Cabudwaaq halkaasi oo uu degenyahay kambani aad u tiro badan oo ay ilaalinayaan ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah waxanaa kambanigaasi horkacaya niman cadaan ah sida ay sheegeen Odayaasha dhaqanka.


Waxa ay saakay soo saareen Odayaasha dhaqanka baaq ay kaga dalbanayaan guud ahaan dowladda KMG iyo ururada siyaasada ee ay isku hayaan oo ay ku sheegayaan in dalkii Soomaaliya ay boob iyo barakacin ku hayaan Ciidamo Ethiopian ah iyo dad Shisheeye kuwaasi oo ay sheegeen in guud ahaan ay ka socdaan badda iyo bariga Soomaaliya.


Nabadoon Cali Wali Xaaji Axmed waxa uu kamid yahay Odayaasha dhaqanka waxaana uu soo jeediyay codsi guud ahaan uu u jeedinayo Umadda Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan Xisbiyada Siyaasada isku haya iyo dowladda KMG oo ku wargalinyo in dalkii Soomaaliya guud ahaan ay ka socoto bililiqo kadib markii Umada Soomaaliyeed ay isku jaysatay.


Kambanigan cadaanka ah ee haatan degen airporka degmada Cabudwaaq ayaa waqtiyadii ugu danbaysay waxaa Odayaashu ay ahaayeen kuwo si toos ugu laabanayay, waxaana ay ka dalbanayeen in ay joojiyaan howsha boobka iyo dhaca ah ee ay ka wadaan ciida Soomaaliya.


Laakiin arintaasi kambanigu waa uu ka dhago adeegay oo sida ay sheegeen Odayaasha.
Sarkaalka hogaaminayay ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ayaa waxa uu sheegay in qariirada ama maabka uu wato ay ugu jirto in uu gaaro ilaa Xarardheer halkaasi oo uu sheegay in ay tahay qorshihiisa ugu danbaysa si howsha ay haatan wataan ay u gutaan


Si kastaba ha ahaatee arintaasi ayaa waxa ay wal wal iyo walbahaar galisay guud ahaan Dadka ku dhaqan degmada Cabudwaaq kuwaasi oo bilaabay haatan in ay canbaareeyaan islamarkaana ay codsi u dirsadaan umadda Soomaaliyeed


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What are they digging for that is in the air strip? And why are there Ethiopian troops in Somalia I thought your Sharif Hotel & Sakin got rid of them. Adeer you are a sleep indeed.

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Soomaali nasiib daro wayn baa haysata, Alla maxaa sharafi dhimatay, Mid uu yeedha si u dhexdhaxaadsho, Mid daba ku wata, Mid Wali ka higta, Alla maxay la yaabi lahayeen halyayadii u soo dagaalamay xoriyada wadanka ugu horeeya Aabe umma da Somaaliyeed Mullah Sayid.

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:eek: :mad: :eek: :mad: ALLA!!! I only got this feeling twice in my life. when i heard about the sea deal and now

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Originally posted by General Duke:

What are they digging for that is in the air strip?

Uranium. The Ethiopians are not digging for it, they are protecting a multinational. This attempt has been going on for sometime now. First the company and the Ethiopians tried bribing the elders but this was unsuccessful with the maamul stressing only a Somali government has the rights to give such a permission. Now it seems the are simply muscling their way in and Ahlu Sunnah has prevented the only authority capable of stopping them from coming into the area.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

And why are there Ethiopian troops in Somalia I thought your Sharif Hotel & Sakin got rid of them. Adeer you are a sleep indeed.

Because the pseudo-Islamist anarchists Al-Shabaab (and fake resistance groups founded by Ethiopia, such as Ahlu Sunna) are keeping the President from exercising his authority, thereby leaving the borders unguarded, allowing Ethiopians to come in as they please.

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Gabbal, that story makes little sense, the multinational is using Ethiopian troops to explore this area against the will of the locals? But yours was a better attempt than the article itself. Sherben Shabelle has your President even made a complaint againt this story that so saddened his supporters in SOL?

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An extract from the above article. The official from ASWJ first denies the report outright and then says this?


Sarkaalkan ayaa sheegay inay jirtay in ciidamo ka tirsan Ethiopia oo wada dad shisheeye ah ay kasoo gudbeen xadka Somalia iyo Ethiopia ee Galgaduud, balse ay ku guulaysteen maamulkooda inay si nabad ah uga celiyaan dhulka Somalida

Something just doesn't add up. ASWJ increasingly appears to be just another sorry outfit bidding on behalf of the Amxaaro. Masiibo :mad:

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Ifbtyere are Ethiopians there then they are for military issues maybe to train Sharif hotel militias and the clan militia of Ahlu Sunna , this story about then digging for minerals does not make much sense.

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well how do you know that for sure. Until we get concrete proof, we can't stop worrying. But are you worried?

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