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walaal lucky, once again you are right , how else i can't be. Yes b/w (DUCA and Inkar) , that is only what i call Leverage that your parents want use, but in reality no sane parent will Habaar their offspring, it is just a tactic to scare you. LOl, and for the getting away, who is getting with what, in society you mean , yes it does happen more often ,but who is the ultimate judger "God"that is who we should be afraid but no one else, if you do good then good for all of us if not and it is something that is prohibited then we all know the consequence' so for the judgement is i am concern, walaal macaan waxaad tahey qof wax garad ahi, i hope to see a more of you in this form, god bless you.

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Once Again Thanks!

But how is a naive teenager suppose to know whether their parents leverage is a tactic that they are using and not for real?Some parents whether sane or not will stop at no means,even when their daugthers say they will leave the house.

Being afraid of Allah is not in question here because nonetheless he is the only one we will have to answer to in the end. But im talking about the labels females get for certain things and the males come out in the end as being "the man". For example: a girl i know gets called all the HEINOUS words in the world, and rumours about her are being spread-all which happen to inaccurate. They say because she has male friends that she is a "b!tch". I know that she is a good person and does not do those rotten things they claim she does-one they dont have proof and two-they dont know her.Aside from all that only Allah knows and will deal with these people.

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asalaamu caleykum dhamaantiinba.

ZAKARIYA tnks walaal sida wacan ee aad iiso waynu iskuleenahay.

Zakariya qofka bini aadamka ah waxaa lagu qiimeeyaa dhaqanka ama diinta uu hadba haysto, al xamdulilaahi rabilcaalamiin ilaahaybaa islaam inaga dhigay ayaa mahadas iska leh, zakariya horaa loo yidhi nimaan dhul marin dhaaya maleh, hadii caalamka aynu ubaxno ayuunbaynu ogaan karaynaa nimcada ilaahay inasiiyey, xag dhaqan iyo xag diimeedba, xaga kale dhibaatadu waxay inaga haysaa xaga diinta oo aanay dadkeenu aad uugu cad cadayn.

LUCKY...sida ay sheegayso way jiraan in ay haboontahay in labada waalid ay is arkaan waxaase ka muhiima , inay 2da ruux is arkaan isna fahmaan.

way jirtaa in gabadha layidhaahdo duco iyo habaar kala dooro,,,iyada oo iskaba yar yahay xidhiidhka caruurta iyo waalidkooda u dhaxeeya,,taasina waa mid khalada oo aan diinta raad kulahayn,waayo waxa ladoonayaa in la dhisaa waa qoys,ama reer uumana baahna in laga taliyo arimaha noocaas ah.

hadaan usoo noqdo xaga dhaqanka , ruuxii ka carara dhaqankiisu kama duwana neef aan sumad lahayn,,,waayo waa waxa dadka lagu qiimeeyo.

waxaanse kusoo koobayaa waa ruux iyo dadnimadiiisa

mana aha khaladaadku waxa inaga oo keliya inagu dhaca ee waa wax aduunkaba soo mara .

markaa kuwa mudan inay saxaaan ama hagaajiyaan wa inaga , yeynu kuhalaynaa dadkeena iyo dalkeena haday inagu cayda uugu horayno.

bal caalamka eeg waxaa ay difaacayaan dadka qaar gaalnimo iyo fusuq..SPAIN. bal eeg maalinta dibida waa dhaqankooda ,way ku adagyihiin kala doonayaa in la dhaqan guuriyaa waa inaga iyo khayrkeeen.

wabilaahi towfiiiq.

haybad waxaad kuleedahay dhulkaaga hooyo.

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SaLLaMu CaLLyKum



Dhaqan wont take me 2 JannaH, on the day of here after ALLAH will only ask me about my diin and deeds not where am from or my so called Dhaqan..


Am dhaqan diid now and inshallah forever, But Allhamdulillah I have Islam and sunnah and inshlllah I will never go astray. :D , Indeed ALLAH knows Best.


Wa BiLLaHi TowFiiiiQ

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Salaam :

I was reading very old topics (that is shows how bored I am ) :confused: .


But I am wondring where is Nin-Yaan hidding? I never agreed with this guy and his CULTURE THINGS, BUT I ADMIT HE WAS VERY FUNNY GUY.


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Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban:

Oppiniated, naa xishoo walaal.


1. Please don't refer to a woman as nayaa, it has a demeaning ring that angers most women.


Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban:

You wont get very far with Oppinated, and Harmany Angel. They both need a serious somali-dhaqan beaten into them.

2. You make remarks like this and wonder why some people question our dhaqan... which they have every righ to do.

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first of all i dont dagan can be questioned period! meaning its a culture thing! so u take it face value. alot of the new wannabee nomads need dagan 101! hence, they tend to look stuff through a different a lense and front the wrong end of the stick!!

i kinda got the drift of nin yabin vibe, and may be he was kinda old school. aint nothing with that but just this rub some wanabee all miss nu thang xalimoos the wrong way!! i liked his reality check of sense of humor!! yo! we need that sometimes alot!!!

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He used to make me laugh every post he posts and still his posts r my favored wallahi.


read this :

Originally posted by Mindstate:

you should care about how your wife would feel about having to share you with other women .




"Most women understand it, and the reason for it. The reason why we marry more than 1 wife. Its all to do with DHAQAN iyo DIIN".


loooooooooooooooooool wallahi he was damn funny :D

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Never had the chance to have a dialogue with the brother....reading his posts and ur memories of him shows what a difference he made to SOL.......Nomads can we put an apeal and see how many Nomads want him back and ask Moderators to send him an email letting know that Nomads miss him and want him to be back?

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Originally posted by - diamond princess -:

Don't you think that we put him down so much that he decided to keep to himself?

I was thinking that too. some1 even started a whole post aimed at dissing Nin-Yaaban and no one ssaid anything to support him at that time... now we'r missing him...strange....!!

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