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Don't get that mad sxb .... just open your eyes and look the reality in front of you.


Why Arabs are so many different countries while they speak the same language, wear the same clothes and have one religion ??? Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, etc ??


Why Djibouti is different from Somalia and how come they are another governement while they have as same culture and language as ours ??



Why somaliland can't be its own country if THE PEOPLE want that ???



Somalia needs a freedom from its own leaders and politicians before they look for more ,,,,,

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You're talking to one of "THE PEOPLE", hada maala is inkiraa :D .. well not exactly, but my uncle is a dean at one of the universites in Hargeisa and I got other family members living there as well. This is what I hear from them, not Waxa-Yiri-News, or crazy stir-the-people-up politicians like Waraabe. This is news direct from the ground coming from well-informed, well-connected sources:


-The average Hargeisaawi or SL'er doesn't give two cents of Chineese money whether recognition comes or not, whether secession happens or not. Their main concerns are the concerns of every Somali across the Horn: nabad, amaan, nolol feecan, jawi Islaami(Islamic atmosphere), an economy that can grow and sustain the shacab, and so on. Now that's some real talk right there. I understand your passion for 'independence' and what not, but lemme give you this hypothetical scenario: If Somaliland could develop at a phenomenal rate, a solid education for the kids upwards, a narcotics ban that would end the jaat epedimic that has wasted the lives of many young SL'ers, a strong economy with revenue pouring forth from sectors like, oil, natural gas, the port(s), animal resources, etc...with the condition that it drop it's secession nonsense, what would be your response ?


You'd be a madman to say anything but yes. Those much-touted referendums ? lol, Heck, I'd vote for anything if I attended one of those 'pump-the-people-up-with-divisive-rhetoric' rallys. Sign on the dottted line ? Yessir, right away. But when cooler heads prevail, as happened during the outpouring of support for the ICU, we're all one people, and there's simply no escaping that fact...........unless of course, you just finished listening to one Waraabe's "Never Again" songs.


Now that we've established that the whole 'independence' idea is negotiable(and something politicians use as a rousing rallying cry), all we gotta do is come to the wada-hadal table(of course, once the South gets it's shit together), and work out the kinks and fine print.


I'll give you one simple reason why I personally don't agree with the notion of a independent Somaliland, or any other 'land' for that matter: It's ******. It's dumb. Ethiopia, as it always has been doing, will play the SL admin against the PL admin against Djibouti against Jubaland admin against Anyotherland admin, and come out the winner. Boombale-on-a-string. Divide-and-Conquer. Oldest trick in the imperialist's playbook.


Can't be allowed, chief. Not in a million years, with all due respect to self-determination and allat jazz.

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