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General Duke

Puntland oil exploration update: New Pics, press release

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Africa Oil Operations Update

U sheeg saaxiib Warkan daabaco


VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 14, 2009) - Africa Oil Corp. ("Africa Oil" or "the Company") (TSX VENTURE:AOI) is pleased to provide the following update on the Company's 2008 operations and anticipated 2009 operations.


In 2008, Africa Oil became the first operator to record seismic data in Somalia for 20 years. The data is now in the final stages of processing and it is anticipated that interpretation will begin within the next two weeks. The Company's technical staff are extremely encouraged by the data so far. As previously announced, the survey was completed on December 3, 2008 and the seismic contractor, IMC/TESLA of the UK and Canada, demobilized their equipment from the field to a holding area in the port city of Boosaasso. A vessel was subsequently chartered by IMC/TESLA to transport the equipment to their next area of operations. The vessel arrived in Boosaasso on January 9th and loading was completed on January 13th. The vessel departed port this morning, January 14th.


The Company's focus will now switch to implementation of an exploration drilling program. It is anticipated that a drilling rig will be mobilized to the Dharoor Valley to begin drilling during 2009. These operations will establish yet another milestone, no drilling having taken place in Somalia since 1992. The Company is proud of its achievements to date in Puntland and is eager to embark on the next stage of its ambitious program.




Rick Schmitt, President

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Shirkada Africa Oil oo qalab hor leh geysay Puntland sheegayna in ay rajo w


Qoraal shirkadda Africa Oil u dirtay 14/01/2009 Suuqa dhaqaalaha ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in ay weli ku guda jiraan shaqadii ay ka wadeen Puntland oo ahayd Baaris Shidaal,waxayna sheegeen in ay shaqo balaaran ka wadaan Dharoor Valley waxayna tilmaameen in 2008 & 2009 ay gareen rajo wanaagsan


Kaamka ama Xarunta uu ka socdo Baarista Shidaalka Dharoor oo ah midka ugu weyn ee laga dhiso dalka Soomaaliya tan iyo intii ay burburtay dowladii hore ee Soomaaliya 20 sano , ayaa waxaa ka muuqday hawlgalo baaxadleh oo ay halkaasi ka wadaan shirkada Africa oil iyo maamulka Puntland.


Qoraalka shirkadda Africa Oil ayey ku sheegeen in ay ka gudbeen caqabado badan bishii la soo dhaafay waxay kaloo ku sheegeen in markab siday qalab uu tegey magaalada Boosaaso 9/12009 lagana dejiyey qalabkii saarnaa tan iyo 13/01/2009 kaas oo ka furtay dekeda boosaaso 14/01/2009


Waxay sheegeen in la guda geli doono maalmaha soo socda drilling program waxayna qabaan rajo wanaagsan in ay u gudbi doonaan wajidii kale,waxayna sheegeen in ay sii wadi doonaan qodista shidaalka


Halka ka soo akhri warkii oo English ah [Riix Halkan]



Siciid C/laahi

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Dharoor and Nogal Oil Exploration Projects, Puntland

Seismic recording in the Dharoor Valley of Puntland, Somalia is continuing. The Company had acquired approximately 425 kilometres of 2D vibroseis data as of September 30, 2008. To date, the Company has acquired approximately 740 kilometres. The Company is reviewing the scope of the seismic program and anticipates completing the acquisition by the end of 2008.


In the Nogal Basin, Africa Oil has acquired all of the more than 4,000 kilometres of existing good quality 2D data which was recorded in the late 1980's. This data has been interpreted and several high quality prospects have been identified.


The Company is pleased with the progress made to date on the concessions and continues to enjoy strong support from the Puntland Government

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Qoraalka shirkadda Africa Oil ayey ku sheegeen in ay ka gudbeen caqabado badan bishii la soo dhaafay waxay kaloo ku sheegeen in markab siday qalab uu tegey magaalada Boosaaso 9/12009 lagana dejiyey qalabkii saarnaa tan iyo 13/01/2009 kaas oo ka furtay dekeda boosaaso 14/01/2009

Things are moving well, and with the new admin Puntland prospects for 2009 are looking great.

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Masha'alah, keep it up boyz, very nice development...


Puntland leaders and politicians should concentrate more on the development and progress of Puntland, they should allocate all of its resources to the state and put it back into the regions of the state.

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^^^Creating a viable economy is the only way to get out of our predicament. Its high time Puntland build up its regions, cities and real infrastructure, that’s the greatest deterrent in the world.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Creating a viable economy is the only way to get out of our predicament. Its high time Puntland build up its regions, cities and real infrastructure, that’s the greatest deterrent in the world.


You agree that the previous two years were a complete waste of manpower, cleaver admnistration and the meager resources?

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