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Has a Somalia man never piloted aircraf or tank - why ethiopian -

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The ICU in their zeal to call everything ethiopian have really gone out in left field to make ethiopia look like the russian or american technology experts and the Somali of Somalia just like he came out of the cave or a bedewin from under a tree shed.


Oh I know, I know..its just that the "saints" in Mugadishu were praying the whole time while "the devil federalists" in Baydhoa were training in Kenya, Ethiopia, Yemen and other places not publicly known for now.


Didn't the Somali pilot latest aircraft of the time before the ethiopians ever knew those planes were made?


Didn't the Somali pilot tanks and APVs of the east before ethiopians ever saw anyone of those machines?



Please you can tell untruths to people who have no knowledge of what is what, but I beg you not to mix Allah(SWT) with your untruth.

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