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Afewarki - the mad dog of the Horn of Africa

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^This man is on another league a whole new and different level, pay more attention to Amir's image and see how he crawls from on nation to the next

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Brofessor Geeljire inaan la coloobaan ka yaabi. Islaan aan jaar aheyn unbaa kolka xaafada ama mayd ama aroos la hor mariyo ku dhex dhici jirtay oo uun jibboon jirtay!


Has it occurred to you that all this farce could be a CIA plot to legitimise an attack on that country from Djibouti? The way Djibouti is behaving on the crisis is suspiious. While Eritrea seems to be asking for dialogue, tiny Djibouti with its Saaxibul-Mirqaan army is throwing tantrum and trumpeting.


Brofossore, eversince you got this Ph.D (Permanent Head Damage), you are not yourself. Abu-geeljire ku soo noqo. Oo dadkan aad la jaan qaadayso sidii guulwadayaashi jooji saaxiib.



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The cartoon is a big exaggeration( as it is probably intended to be).



I don't see what He has done(whether it's wrong or right) in Somalia or Ethiopia that another leader in his position wouldn't do? Ethiopia wants to destroy Eritrea and funded plenty of armed groups and opposition to start trouble in Eritrea. This is what most governments in Horn/East Africa do against their fellow neighbours. Same way, Somali Government supported the TPLF and Him to oust Mengistu, and Mengistu supported various movements in Somalia. Thus(in this way), many governments and even nations such as Somalia have almost been wiped off the map. Sudan could go the same way, though, they have the support of China. Erirea has to survive my friend! And some say he best form of defence is attack!


And most of the groups Afreweki funds such as the ONLF, OLF and ICU do have strong grounds and local grievances to take up arms against the Zenawi Regime. It's not like Eritrea woke up one day and decided: hey let's destroy Ethiopia today. In fact, Afreweki's forces drove the TPLF TO Adiss Ababa and HE is said to have supported(early ninties) the TPLF in the Somali Region conflicts. Had they not fallen out with Great Tigrayists( who want to take a piece of Eritrea), then perhaps Eritrea's foreign policy would have been similar to that of Zenawi's in Somalia!


I do agree HE is possibly mad, but he's a dictator desperately trying to survive, and we have seen plenty of those.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:

Brofessor Geeljire inaan la coloobaan ka yaabi. Islaan aan jaar aheyn unbaa kolka xaafada ama mayd ama aroos la hor mariyo ku dhex dhici jirtay oo uun jibboon jirtay!


Has it occurred to you that all this farce could be a CIA plot to legitimise an attack on that country from Djibouti? The way Djibouti is behaving on the crisis is suspiious. While Eritrea seems to be asking for dialogue, tiny Djibouti with its Saaxibul-Mirqaan army is throwing tantrum and trumpeting.


Brofossore, eversince you got this Ph.D (Permanent Head Damage), you are not yourself. Abu-geeljire ku soo noqo. Oo dadkan aad la jaan qaadayso sidii guulwadayaashi jooji saaxiib.



Adeer, Afreweki has no use for Somalia: hubka un bay ka so qadan!

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:

Brofessor Geeljire inaan la coloobaan ka yaabi. Islaan aan jaar aheyn unbaa kolka xaafada ama mayd ama aroos la hor mariyo ku dhex dhici jirtay oo uun jibboon jirtay!


War ninyow maxad iga rabta? They you were; nafti u keenay Sheikhi Xiinfanin! Hadana ma anigad i so dhigatay? :D ayan dhow waxan kabaqaya in ad adigu is maagtid! :D

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He is a well-established dictator, so initiating and instigating war with neighboring states rallies the public behind him and therefore prolongs his rule.

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Afewarki - the mad dog of the Horn of Africa

Dog he is,but what kind of dog could he be?


Whereas your fantastic saviour cum Somali mass murderer Meles Zenawi is the pit bull of of the horn,Afeworki is just a chihuahua.


Indho adkaa?,actually this is hypocrisy at its pick.You are hear criticizing(i guess) and or condemning one dictator while cheering for another one(or a pair in your case).


To quote Keith Olbermann, I ask,Emperor,have you no sense of decency, sir?. But then again,you are a discombobulated & a totally disgraced TFG supporter,so that is expected, Carry you were cheerleaders. :D


*Faarax Out!* smile.gif

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Wareey alla aamusaay


Ibliiskii maanta daya


Itaalka wax moodi jiray


Itoobiya doontihii


Suudaan ku abraarihii


Miyuu maantana is,yidhi


Tanaa dabka,aaminee


Kudaar ololkoo burburi


Awoodna ku qaad dhulkood


Allaase ka hiiliyoo


Cagtuu orodkii ka dayay


Ishuu lilmadii ka qubay


Jab iyo ceebuu hantiyay


Inbaa orod noogu timid



Afeef hore yeelo baa


Adkaysiga lagu hantaa


Isfahankii wuu inkiray


Ergana toodii ka diid


Anaanidu way dishoo


Wakaa afka ciida daray


Wakaa askartiisu timid


Istaahilna wuu ku yahay



Wareey alla waa wareey


Ayaantan wixii ku dhacay


Ayaama ayay unoqon


Intiisa inuun ka badin


Afkiisa inuun ka hadal


Asaasaq ninkuu ku dhaco


Asawda inaan barnaa


Aqoon tayadaa natidhi


Aduunkuna wuu arkaa



Wareey alla waa wareey


Ufiirso bal tuu ku kacay


Halkuu uhamuumsan yahay


Miyuun aarmee fadhiyin


Xiduudi miyay ahayn


Siduu aqligiisu yahay


Rag buuna aqoon ka helin


Darsaan alif loogu dhigin


Dharbaaxaan lagu asqayn



Wareey alla waa wareey


Markaan is,habaynayeen


Umuujinay geesinimo


Afuufnay cadaawihii


Ku,oodanay meel udaran


Afduubkii tirabatuu


Aqoonsaday tiisa daran



Wareey alla waa wareey


Abeeskii mucangagii


Aduunka ka goostihii


Dadkii god ku,ootihii


Irhaabigu wuu cad yahay


Hadaan ololaha lagalin


Wallee eebuu sitaa


Wallee ibtiluu wadaa


Abaadin dadbuu wadaa


Wallee anaguun nabaran


intaasi kolay ku filan



wareey alla waa wareey


wareey alla mala adkaa


ogow ninka waashayoow


inaan aagii fadhino


difaacna uheegan nahay


heshiiska islaam nacoow


soomaali ayaan ka nimid


ogow waan kaa xignaa


ogow dadku waa diyaar


ogow wacdaraa ku heli


ogow dumar iyo caruur


ogow way kula socdaan


ogow ardaydii maqnayd


ogow way imanayaan


kuwaan isku diirka nahay


afkuna mid qudhaata yahay


ogow way imanayaan


abkaayana waad taqaan



wareey alla waa wareey


xumaanta dhaxlaa umulay


ku,eeg bal fartuu is,yidhi


intay tiradood yar tahay


aroorta galbuu is,yidhi


ka qaad oodana dagaal


uxoog sheeguu is,yidhi


ku xuuxi dabbuu is,yidhi


ku,aa,a markab buu isyidhi


inay ko bocday rabtaa


ka,awd iriduu is,yidhi


iftiin nolol bay rabtaa


sidaa dubay oo kale


ka,ooli ayuu is,yidhi


afriik geeskeeda kali


wataa edeg nabad degtee


ku huri ololbuu is,yidhi


sidaa orobay rabtaa


inay aayaha saxdee


ka aas hantiduu lahaa


umuura qasbuu lahaa



ilaahbaa mahada lee


wakaa isma dhaantadii


isbaabi,isee arkaay


asxaan jaar diidihii


wakaa ordayee arkaay


asyaas badawnimo wakaa


uqaatay rarkee arkaa


ismaqal wada hadalka nece


wakaa ordayee arkaay


afgaran waagii xumaa


wakaa ordayee arkaay


ilaah ma adeecihii


asnaamta uleexdihii


wakaa ordayee arkaay


ukaadi mayeelihii


uxaadi ninkii ahaa


wakaa ordayee arkaay


ogaalka ka doodihii


isdiid siiyihii dagaal


xaqiiqda ka aamusihii


runtana ka ilduufihii


wakaa ordayee arkaay


ayuu horta noo yaqaan


aqoon qofka kuu lahayn


ishuu kuusoo martaa


afkuu kula soogalaa



wareey alla waa wareey


allow mahadaa madhigin


shahiidkana iil madhibo


islaamkaa taas nabaray


dad iimaan laa nunahay


ashraaf magac laa nunahay


awood badanlaa nunahay


is,aaminsanbaa nunahay


cidii ula timid fartaag


ka aarsada baa nunahay


iskaashada baa nunahay



waxaan gabaygani udiri


walaalaha aaga hore


utaagan difaaca qaran


waxaan gabaygani udiri


intii umahaat ka hadhay


intay awlaad dhaleen


waxaan gabaygani udiri


amiirada noo tashiyo


intii odayaal wax garad


utaagan tilmaanta qaran



c/fataax daahir cige



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