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It is outrageous

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^^ Who cares about international law . maxa naga galay internaitonal law? International law allowed how many countries to be occupied, looted and colonised? When Somaliland leader says," ohhhhhh look at us we are the only muslim country with a constitution that fights terrorists, come and set up a base in our country, come and exploit us oil"- that is typical African slave mentality . It has nothing to do with international law. The "foreign minister" of Somaliland was even record as crying about the Ethiopians leaving Muqdisho, saying they should stay. And one of your leaders was on record as saying a xabashi is closer to me than one in Muqdisho. Those who you cheer for are the ones who sell the poor Muslims to captured and tortured at the secret bases of Ethiopian intelligence bases. So, then, why are your eyes are so open to the wrongs the *********nimo commited in Somalia , but the ones commited in "SOmaliland" is halal and holy under international law? Again, SL is disneyland, so please stop gloating and poking your nose at Somalia as if you live in a paradise.



sorry for hijacking you thread MMI..........

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You're just crying out loud with and not making any sense sxb ............


International law matters and that is what is keeping the world going.


you should blame those who invited and xabashis, those who sold the sea and those who are killing their own people day and night.

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^^ You haven't answered my question. Why is it not a problem that SL leaders cry for the Ethiopian occupation of Souther SOmalia to continue; but when PL or the SOuth does it you get your macawis in a twist? Why is it when Somaliland leases its ports to Ethiopians, and arrests innocent SOmalis to the EThiopian intelligence services; and you leaders beg for foreign military bases; and then even boast that a tigrey is closer to them than a Muqdishawi it is not a problem- then this is all politics and a part of holy international law. Why is that you support the shedding of muslim blood between Somailand adn Puntland over a imagined border. Somaliland can use violence to secure her supposed border and kill other SOmalis who are percieved as enemies, right? And when Somaliland uses violence to capture a town and you celebrate, yet when it happens in the South you make hypocritical comments. Your so biased and politically blind it is unebelievable. I am actually certain if wadaado took over Somaliland cities the admins would go crying for Ethiopian help. But, hey,this would be pattern of international law.


ps. I am not crying, rather I am telling you the truth.

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Adeer it is all politics and you are fabricated thing just like others do.


it is not worth discussion as you are off the world politics ,,,, that is exactly what your so called leaders are lacking ..........


No wonder you'r far behind ,,,,,,,

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After you have been defeated, subjucated with hub culus- you resort to run from the discussion concerning Somali Dizzyland.




If you can't answer my points- just admit it, but dont hide behind the mantra of world politics and international laws.

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Norwey now denies that this took place



The bad news is, the deal took place, and can be seen in this denial in the last few lines of the interview!!



There is nothin to hide :mad: :mad:

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Sharif Ahmed, Sharif Xasan, Ibbi, and the clown who signed the agreement Abdishakur and the PM are the ones oppoisng the parliment to debate this

Kuwa kale ma'ogi, wali laakiin I don't believe Shariifka and Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharmaarke inay ka suurowdo waxaan iyo wax lamid ah inay u dhaqaaqaan.

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^^^How do you know? They are the leaders and the buck stops with them saxib. They have failed and went even further and gave our sea to a weak poor country for a few dollars.


****** and they have lost everything and the fighting shows they cant lead anything and have added to the dilema.


Anyhow MMA, stop being emotional adeer, why are these two hollymen of yours quite?

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