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It is outrageous

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I had been silent on this issue, until at least I gathered the facts. I met the BBC reporter from Kenya, Catoosh, in Nayroobi and he mentioned the fact Norway inay ka dambeyso isafgaradkaan, kana caawineyso baddeena in been been lagu xado -- all because in the name of oil under our sea, which Norway holds interest.


He further mentioned waa hore socotay arrintaan, sanadooyin and experts from Norway, doing some surveys under the Kenyan seas, realized the oil, after all, is located under the Soomaali ocean's shelf.


Kenya dhulka iyo baddii NFD xoog ku heysato ku filnaan waaye, haddana dhulkeena oo noo haray noogu timid. Ninkii cimrigiisa raago geel dhalaayo waa arkaa horey loogu maahmaahee.


So-called Soomaali politicians, especially those who signed, had been tricked, probably unaware the scientific research of what they were signing to. (I can't believe any reasonable Soomaali would sell an inch of baddeena, inkastoo Soomaali hunguri ku waashay naga buuxaan.) How dare can they sign something even C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed dared not to sign. (Yes, it is true, he refused to sign the so-called memorandum of understanding agreement, though how he refused and why is never known.)


Read on.



Kenya oo Qarammada Midoobay u Gudbisatay Xogta Rasmiga ah ee Baddeeda: Badda Soomaaliyana ka Goosatay 116,000km2




Marka la xisaabiyo cabbirka badda ee Kenya u gudbsiay Qarammada Midoobay, waxaa soo baxaya in Kenya ay cabbir ahaan gudaha u soo gashay dhulbadeedka Soomaaliya oo bedkiisu ka badan yahay 116,000km2


Dawladda Kenya ayaa Arbacadii (May 6, 2009) waxay Qarammada Midoobay (QM) u gudbisay akhbaarta rasmiga ah ee cabbirka xuduudaha badaha ee ay doonayso in loo sharciyeeyo, cabbirkaas oo wada khariidado.


Qoraalka si rasmiga ah ee Kenya gudbisatay waxay ku caddaysay in xogtaas gudbinteeda ay ka qayb qaateen Mr. Harald Brekke (oo ah reer Norway), islamarkaasna ah laga soo bilaabo 1997 ilaa hadda xubin ka ah guddiga go'aanka ka gaari doona xadaynta badaha adduunka. Waxa kale oo Kenya ka caawiyey gudbinta akhbaartaas Dr. Karl Hinz, oo ah Jarmal, xubina ka ahaan jiray guddiga xadaynta badaha intii u dhaxaysay 1997-2002.


Kenya waxa kale oo ay sheegtay in akhbaarta ay gudbisay ay sidoo kale ka qayb qaateen: Xafiiska Madaxeynaha Kenya, Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda Kenya, Xafiiska Sharciga, Wasaaradda Deegaanka iyo Khayraadka Macdanta, Wasaaradda Waxbarashada, Sayniska iyo farsamada Casriga ah, Wasaaradda Dhulka, Hay'adda Kenya u qaabisan Batroolka, Wasaaradda Tamarta iyo Jaamacadda Nairobi.


Waxa kale oo Kenya sheegtay in ay xogta diyaarinteeda ay ka caawiyeen Xoghaynta guud ee Barwaaqa-sooranka Commonwealth ee London iyo UNEP barnaamijkeeda qaabilsan qalfoofka qaaradda ee GRID-Arendal iyo Qarammada Midoobay qaybta u qaabilsan Badaha iyo Sharciga.


Sida ku cad qoraalka rasmiga ah ee Kenya gudbisatay, waxay ku andacootay in baddeedu ay soo dhex gasho gudaha badda Soomaaliya. Si ay arrintaas ugu qurxiso Afgobaadi iyo jaha wareein, waxay sheegtay in sidoo kale badda Kenya ay isdul saaran yihiin badda Tanzania, laakiin ayey tiri, Kenya iyo Tanzania waxay xadka badda ka heshiisyeen July 1976. Waxaa qoraalku ku adkeeyey: Kenya iyo Tanzania waxay heshiis ku ahaayeen xadka baddooda laga soo bilaabo 1976.


Kenya oo sii wadatay qoraalkeeda waxay si qeexan u sheegatay: "Labada dal (Soomaaliya iyo Kenya) waxay kala saxiixdeen Qoraal isafgarad (Memorundum of Understanding "MOU") markay taariikhdu ahayd 7dii April 2009 kaas oo u ogolaanaya, ayey tiri, dal kasta diidmo la'aan (no-objection) uu xogta la xiriirta cabbirka xadka baddiisa wixii ka shisheeya qalfoofka badda u gudbisan karo Guddiga Xadaynta Badaha ee Qarammada Midoobay.


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^^^Yup its all good, since this government allowed this to happen, that Sharif Xasan is finnace minister.


All talk lads, you were crying about "Ethiopians" and the fake liberation group have now liberated our sea to Kenya.


Nice one.

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My mind ma aqbali karo that honourable man's son -- ina Cabdirashiid Cali Sharmaarke (Eebba ha u naxariistee aabihiisa) -- ku dhaqaaqaayo wax saan camal. Same with Shariifka. As I wrote, waala trick gareeye dadkaan, ee see moodeen ma noqon sheekada.


It is sad, beyond sad. It is shockingly and politically immoral, a crime against all Soomaalis with an iota of blood of wadanimo iyo daljecelnimo ku jirto.

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^^^No tricks adeer, the Parliment as we speak is not allowed to oppose this. They can stop it, why not ? Because these men got paid , all of them, Dumb, dumber and dumbest in our history.


It can be stopped right now.

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^No one tricked them Saaxib. It's just that Somalis are small crooks (We fight over chicken bones) stealing from their brothers while Norwegians are bigger bad'*** crooks.

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MMA, the parliment sat to ratify the Shariah, the cabinet and many other things. They cant sit now and oppose this?


Now you are right the country has not had any government since 2008 as is seen by these clowns actions.


Now lad, why has the cabinet not opposed this?

Can they not sit also?


Sharif Ahmed, Sharif Xasan, Ibbi, and the clown who signed the agreement Abdishakur and the PM are the ones oppoisng the parliment to debate this

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Almost every new politician that has come into the fore has been corrupt. Does that not tell you something about us? somali dhan isku so DUUB DUUB Waa wada caada qaatayal & abahood

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Originally posted by General Duke:


Now you are right the country has not had any government since 2008 as is seen by these clowns actions.


Now lad, why has the cabinet not opposed this?

Can they not sit also?


lol, i thought SOmalia did not have a government since the 90s?



JB, the gangs in Hargeysa, I mean disneyland, wouldn't hestitate to sell land and sea to foreigners. In fact, I remember one of them begging for the west to set up a military base in Berbera and come an exploit oil resources. ;)

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You couldn't make it up, said Shylock's grandson. Reality is stranger than conspiracy theories in Somali politics.

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the gangs in Hargeysa, I mean disneyland, wouldn't hestitate to sell land and sea to foreigners.

Well they did not ,,,,, and that is very disappointing for you.



In fact, I remember one of them begging for the west to set up a military base in Berbera and come an exploit oil resources.

Setting up a military base is everywhere sxb ,,, look at Djibouti, Cuba and even Germany. it is part of the International relations.

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

quote: the gangs in Hargeysa, I mean disneyland, wouldn't hestitate to sell land and sea to foreigners.

Well they did not ,,,,, and that is very disappointing for you.



In fact, I remember one of them begging for the west to set up a military base in Berbera and come an exploit oil resources.

Setting up a military base is everywhere sxb ,,, look at Djibouti, Cuba and even Germany. it is part of the International relations.
lol, why would it be dissapointing for me?mmmmm, boogey man, eh? everyone hates Somaliland, somaha, waxas lagu akhriyey like a repetitive machine. Do you think I am like you, someone who thinks bad news from Somalia is good for SOmaliland to get recognition? Yeah there are bases in djibouti, lakin french a young girls ku ciyara, if you know what I mean. I am sure a "wadani" like wouldn't want young girls to get pimped by foreign soldiers. It comes with the territory you know. My point is Somaliland is not disneyland and you aint no walt disney. It might have slightly few problems than SOmalia, but it doesn't warrant the constant gloating and snide remarks that always you make concerning the situation in Somalia.

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Now i can see you are taking this to another level ,,,, let's keep the thread on its subject.


Bottom line:


1- Somaliland did not sell any land, sea, etc to anyone unlike those you cheer for them.


2- Setting up a military base is part of the international relations. US has bases in the UK where you are right now (if you signature is ever true) ,,, We can discuss the pros and cons but that is the fact.

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