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Gaadhigii Xoghayaha Guud ee Xisbiga UDUB oo Dayn Qaad Loola Wareegay

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October 12th, 2010


Hargeysa (Somaliland)- Gaadhigii Xoghayaha Guud ee Xisbiga UDUB Mr. Jaamac Yaasiin Faarax, ayaa nin shacab ah ula wareegay dayn qaad xad-dhaaf ah oo uu ka macmiishay muddadii xisbigiisu talada dalka gacanta ku hayey.

Gaadhiga Xoghayaha Guud ee UDUB oo noociisu yahay Landcrusser, lambarkiisuna yahay SL. 30188, ayaa sida ilo xogogaal ah Jamhuuriya u xaqiijiyeen waxa mulkiyaddiisa si rasmi ah ula wareegay oo haatan gacanta ku haya nin shacab ah oo ka ganacsada qaadka oo sida ilahaasi caddeeyeen ku yeeshay dayn dhan $10 kun oo doollarka Maraykanka oo uu muddo dheer kaga macmiishay qaad uu si joogto ah u bixin jiray xilliyadii uu socday ololihii doorashada Madaxtooyada ee xisbigiisa lagaga adkaaday.

fadeexaddan ayaa noqonaysa tii labaad ee soo foodsaarta Xoghayaha Guud ee xisbiga UDUB Mr. Jaamac Yaasiin Faarax tan iyo intii ka dambaysay doorashadii madaxtooyada ee dalka ka qabsoontay 26kii bishii June ee la soo dhaafay, sidoo kalena waxa maxkamadda kaga socota dacwad labaad oo la xidhiidha dayn xad-dhaaf ah oo uu galay bilihii ugu dambeeyey ee xisbigiisu ganacta ku hayey hoggaaminta dalka Somaliland.


Daynta kale ee xoghayaha UDUB lagu leeyahay oo sida uu qirtay gaadhaysa $35,727 doollar, ayaa markii xisbiga UDUB bixin waayey, waxa xoghayaha UDUB Md. Jaamac Yaasiin Faarax dabayaaqadii bishii Augost 2010 looga yeedhay maxkamadda, basle sida uu ku sheegay waraysi uu xilligaas siiyey wargeyska madaxa bannaan Ogaal, ma uu tagin maxkamadda, kadib markii dacwaddiisa ku tilmaamay mid siyaasadaysan. eegay/

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^C'mon man, $10,000 plus another $35000, almost 50K only for mirqaan - and that's only for Xoghaye, what do you make of Gudoomiyaasha iyo Kuxigeenadooda and the rest of the chain of command :D


waa Marfishland kabisa :D hahaha


Hadhowbay oranayaan Zack iyo ONLF baan kuhareeraynay meer-meer mountains looooooooooooolz


Aaway A&T gabaygiisiim, Al-hareerayn wal hareeray loooooooooooooooooolz



Ragaas baa wax laga sugaayaa haha

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

quote:Originally posted by Gheelle.T:

$10, 000 ma qaad baa looga qaatay? Najaynaa!

Well some former udub Members don't like cheap Mirqaan
So you proud of this expesive mirqaan miyaa?


I wonder why the tri-angle is in devesit..

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The Zack   

^Are you saying the ONLF-Surrounding story was a mirqaan story? :D:D


Xoghayhu wuu qayilay walee haduuba $50K ku qayilay. Keep in mind this is not a lot of qaad because the thing is over-priced. Folks in Jigjiga and Harar make too much money from it.


P.s. I am against the idea of calling the whole somaliland region a mirqaanland, many people there don't even touch qaad let alone enjoy getting high with it.

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They just misused their resources, what seems to be the problem?... waryaadhaheen, let the folks pursue their happiness as they see fit.

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Ma ninka 10,000 USD ku mirqaamayaa wax hareerayn karaa?


Wa taa Somaliland hadaba dadoow! :D


Mirqaan nacay,hadii uu Jaamac

Miig ku kicin waayey :D:D

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Lool@ the car repo over an unpaid Khat. I remember another embarrassing incident. One "SL" minister was held in a hotel room in Addis Ababa for days because he couldn't pay the rent. The Diaspora finally bailed him out. He took a bus to Hargeisa.

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