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Xaaji Xunjuf

Kuwaiti prince arrives in Somaliland

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Kuwaiti prince arrives in Somaliland to vacation in Sheikh mountains.


Sheikh, Somaliland (Somalilandpress) – In a move to conduct projects in

Somaliland the sons of the Kuwait’s King has arrived in Somaliland on behalf of his father Ahmed Sabah Al-Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah on Sunday.


His arrival follows after King Ahmed has built a modern luxury

castle which cost over $3 million dollars in the town of Sheikh. The prince toured the hospital in Sheikh town and other historic sites in the city. After the tour the prince met with the commissioner of

the town and residents. The residents of the town and the provincial governor asked the prince to construct a university for the province so that the high school graduates will have a higher education their province.


Reports also indicate that the main hospital of Sheikh will be re-modeled and will be renamed after the Kuwaiti King’s wife this has not been confirmed by the local government.



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I drove past the place. Its a huge plot. Fenced off with guard tower on each corner. If his money helps the locals and the local facilities (hospitalschool etc) then great.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

I told u ,,, the minute they hear about Israel, they will pour into the place and be nice ,,

His 'castle' was built way before you started those rumours. ;)

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Wiil uu Dhalay Amiirka Kuwait oo Ballan-qaadday Mashaariic ay ka fulinayaan Somaliland


Wiil uu dhalay Amiirka wadanka Kuwayt oo uu soo wakiishay Aabihii ayaa booqasho ku yimi maalintii shalay wadanka Somaliland, gaar ahaan Degmada Sheekh ee gobolka Saaxil.


Booqashada wiilka uu dhalay Amiirka Wadanka Kuwayt Ahmed Sabah Al-Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah ayaa la sheegay inay ka dambaysay ka dib markii boqorka wadankaasi uu ka dhistay wadanka Somaliland gaar ahaan magaalada Sheekh Qasri nooca raaxada ah (Laxury), kaasi oo ay ku baxday lacag lagu qiyaasay inay ka badan tahay 3 Milyan oo Dollarka Maraykanka ah.


Wiilka uu dhalay Amiirka wadanka Kuwayt oo shalay ka soo dagay Madaarka Berbera ayaa waxa uu booqasho ku soo gaalaa-bixiyay Dhismaha Qasriga ah ee looga bineeyay Degmada Sheekh, Cisbitaalkii hore ee magaalada oo burbursanaa oo ay Boqortooyada kuwayt ugu deeqday inay qaab casri ah ugu dhisto dadweynaha reer sheikh oo iyagu ka codsaday.


Axmed Sabah Al Axmed ayaa wararka aanu ka helayno safarkiisu waxay intaasi ku darayaan inuu kulamo la yeeshay madaxda gobolka Saaxil iyo kuwa degmada Sheekh, indheer-garadka iyo aqoonyahanka deegaankaasi. Iyada oo sida ay Shabakada wararkiimaanta u xaqiijiyeen qaar ka mid ah aqoonyahanka gobolkaasi oo si gaar ah ula socday socdaalka wiilka amiirku dhalay kulankaasi ay dadweynaha reer Sheekh kaga codsadeen inuu u dhiso Jaamacad, ka dib markii uu waydiiyay inuu jiro dalab kale oo waxqabad dhinacooda, taasi oo uu isna ku dhawaaqay inuu si buuxda u balanqaaday dhismaha jaamacad ay ku deeqdo kharashka ku baxaya dawlada Kuwayt oo loo dhisayo degmada Sheekh. Waxaana uu intaasi ku daray inuu gacanta ku haynayso Dawlada Kuwayt cisbitaalka guud ee magaalada Sheekh, isla-markaana waxa uu ku dhawaaqay inay u dhamaystirayaan wixii agab iyo qalab ah ee ka dhiman muddo ku siman laba Bilood gudahood, ka dibna si rasmi ah xadhiga looga jarayo furitaanka cisbitaalka, isaga oo intaasi raaciyay inay gacanta ku haynayso bisha Cas ee wadanka Kuwayt Dhakhtarka Sheekh.


Dawlada Kuwayt ayaa barnaamij horumarineed oo dhinaca biyo-gelinta ah ka hir-gelisay magaalada Sheekh, taasi oo ay aad ugu diirsadeen dadweynaha deegaankaasi.


Safarka wiilka uu dhalay boqorka kuwayt ayaanu isku daynay in aanu wax ka waydiino waxyaalihii ay ka wada hadleen Wasiirka Wasaarada Waxbarashada Somaliland, Md, Xasan Xaaji Maxamuud Warsame (Gadhweyne) oo isagu gadh-wadeen ka ah weftigan, hase yeeshee noomay suurto-gelin, sidoo kale Maayarka Degmada Sheekh Ibraahim Cabdilaahi Cabsiye ayaa isaguna ka gaabsaday inuu faahfaahin ka bixiyo socdaalka degmada Sheekh uu ku yimi weftigani.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee, wararku waxay intaasi ku darayaan in Dhakhtarka degmada Sheekh oo ahaa dhakhtar wayn oo caan ka ahaa dhulkii laysku odhan jiray Soomaaliya lagu sameeyay dib u habayn casri ah, isla-markaana loogu magacdaray Xaaska Boqorka Kawayt Marwo Fatuux oo loo bixiyay (Fatuux Hospital).kaasi oo la sheegay inuu ku kacay lacag dhan 1 Milyan iyo Badh Dollarka Maraykanka ah.

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Guys, Norfsky on my way to burco last summer, i passed by this place as well. listen to this,


As we approached the shiek mountains we saw this brand new lexus 2009 jeep, i said to myself, what lucky guy drives this car back home, we passed him in our crown car, and i looked and i saw an arab. Before going up the mountains we stopped for some tea and i spoke with the locals asking them, who was that arab. They said to us his the prince of kuwait and his building a house in shiek. I had to see it for myself. So we drove up the mountain.


we got to the top dizzy, and the main street that runs through sheick, if you keep going about 10-15 minutes you come across this huge gated complex, with a fence all around it and gaurd posts three at the front, three to every side this place was huge.


I am not a big fan of arabs, however if he is bringing investment i thought, jobs for my peoples.


didnt have enough time, to chill and wait and went towards burco.


on our way back we got a better view, and security was rediculous.

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