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Maamulkii Degmada Baraawe oo La Dhisey:


Magaalada Baraawe.01/27/07

Aadan Cusmaan - DMC-Muqdisho

Waxaa Degmada Baraawe oo ku taalla koonfurta Gobolka Shabeellada Hoose looga dhawaaqey maamul cusub oo dadka deegaanka ay dhisteen ka dib markii ‘maamul-ku-sheegee’ halkaas ka jiri jirey la kala direy. “Maamulkii’ horey ka dhisnaan jirey oo madax ka ahaa ninmii layiraahdo Cabdullaahi Xalane ayaa la kala direy markii ciidamada Maxaakiimta ay Degmadaas qabsadeen dabyaqadii sanadkii hore, kuwaas oo iyagana la burburiyey markii ciidamada Dowladda oo kaashanaaya kuwa Dowladda Itoobiya ay gacanta ku dhigeen wadanka intiisa badan.


Waxgaradka, Nabaddoonnada iyo Aqoonyhannada Degmada Baraawe ka soo jeeda ayaa xussul-duub u galey dhismaha maamulka Degmadooda waxaanay isku raaceen in ay guddi ka kooban 9 xubnood sameeystaan, kaas oo Guddoomiya u yahay Cali Maxamuud Sheegoow 9Cali Marduuf).


Doodo dhaadheer iyo is-qabqabsi badan ka dib waxaa lagu guuleeystey in la dhiso maamul mideeysan oo ay iska leeyihiin dadka Degmada u dhashey inkasta oo dhowr qof oo dhuuni-qaateyaal ahi ay weli ku dadaalayaan in ay wax la wadaan Cabdullaahi Xalane oo weli u hanqaltaagaaya in uu sii watto boobkii iyo dhacii uu ku hayey dadka Degmada Baraawe. Waxaase meesha ka baxay awoodii ciidan ee beeshiisa ay haysan jirety Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose oo idil laga bilaabo waqtigii la dhisey Dowladdii Arta oo madax ka ahaan jirey Cabdi Qaasin Salaad.


Shabakadda Warbaahinta DMC Muqdisho.

Aadan Cusmaan

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Chalk this up as another lose for Indhacadde and his clan court supporters. Baraawe hasn't seen reer baraawe under control for 17 years. Which goes to show you why some like unrest, because they control minorities by the barrel of a gun.

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^ In the likely event that you don't know. Islam forbids Homosexuality. You would be crucified for your views and slapped silly for your jihad calls and your acceptance of Gay rights in Somalia.

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^ Delusions are not healthy buddy. Your on the receiving end of a mighty fine B-slap :D


Maybe you haven't seen your psych lately?


I know the great 'Sheik' Indhacadde wouldn't accept homosexuality even in his fake jihad prose of his final hours, but you on the other hand are something else.



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What does Castros view on homosexuality have to do with his support of the ICU? Maybe he's against the 'invasion'(as he sees it) of Somalia by our arch-enemy Ethiopia and that's where his support stems from. Not everyone is with the ICU solely for religious reasons, you know? Bud, you need to find other ways to discredit Castro.

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^ No Castro speaks of higher islamic morales and what have you. How can a man support an islamic movement and be for homosexuality? Do you understand?

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Castro confusion stems from lack of knowedge, does he know where Barava is? Or what has been done there by the likes of IndaCade and the clan courts. Look, Dheere is gone, IndaCade is gone, Musa Sudi, Qaynyare control no inch of Mogadishu, no port or airstrip, every area is now in the hands of the TFG. This is what is disturbing him.


Taako man a great job.

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