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Trespassers: Salt, Denials and Video Tape

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Posted by miharbi on September 16 2010 03:52:10

Military communiqué’


The allegation that ONLF has redeployed troops from overseas into ****** has no element of truth and unsubstantiated. ONLF does not need to train people outside of ******. It has 16 years of fighting experience and ONLF's all training needs takes place inside the country. The intention of such Ethiopian fabrication is to hide the fact that ONLF forces had set up bases in the Shinile region and eastern Jigjiga and the increasing defeats and casualties of its troops had suffered at the hands of the Liberation Army .


Units from Dufan and Gorgor of the ONLA has conducted extensive joint operations against Ethiopian army around Aysha' and Dambal areas of Shinile region. As a result of these operations Ethiopian garrison at Biyo Gurgur has been seriously degraded by the ONLA units. This garrison and others along the border areas are for the purpose of looting the local people and tightening the 3 year old economic blockade of ******.



We have no ties to Eritrea. ~ Abtigiis & Tusbax


Silanyo should start working for Meles instead of making up stories. Riyaale ku dayo dheh.. ~ The Zack


"mana jiraan wax ciidan ah oo ONLF dibada uga yimid waxayna ciidamada ONLF ka dagaalamayaan dhamaan dhulka O'gadeenya" ~ Jabhad_no1


War awoodda ciidan ee JWXO maxaa loo xakamaynayaa ? ~ Ferguson (aka Muriidi on weekends)

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International experts say "It could only be an UBO landing".



Our forensic team at Amoud University have now confirmed the trespassers hid in Salt sacks and containers. But....



Jawaanada cadcad ee hoose, ka furan hilib baa ku jiraba. Laba lugood oo hilib lo' ah ayaa ii muuqda ee hub anigu ma arko. Abtigiis & Tusbax :D:D



Well...Video evidence backs our experts.

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The Zack   



Is this your way of saying "I am responding to AT&T's threads?" If so, you disappointed me yo, you can do way better than this.



Gudoomiye Abdi Iley yaa kalood ku dacweyn doontaan? Last I heard was that your boys were calling Jigjiga back to back in the last few days.


I am going to quote some of the words of Habraha's sons uttered. Read the below sentences and tell the world who really lied on this incident.


Somaliland said they surrounded ONLF soldiers in Zaylac area - Gabose said so, to be specific.


Then Somaliland news portals reported that Somaliland killed 123 ONLFers, your boy Libaahe AKA Sanaag lover posted that.


Jaceylbaro of Hargeisa, and ex-refugee in Og'aden region, came to SOL and tried to say, "Hey, this is a pay back from our 1988 genocide". "After all, it was the D-block that was killing SNM soldiers in Hargeisa".


Then a Somaliland Taliye Guuto talked to the VOA and stated "Dee gaw diintooda gartooyinka wey tabo barraayeen, dee buuraha bey yaqaanaan sida loo fuulo". " Dee imika Ethiopia bey galeen oo Xabashidaanu AKA Ina Ileey baan ugu wacnay".


Then some including yourself came to SOL to tell us that all 700+ men hid themselves in water buckets or Jawaannada cusbada :D .



If this incident really happened, the secessionists have two options:


Tell us that you wanted to let these ONLF commandos pass through your territories on purpose because of Somalinimo or tell us that they actually over-powered your untrained militia and you couldn't do a **** about it but call your masters in Jigjiga.


Make up your mind yaa khaldaamiin LOL. Been quman sheega. Don't post some odd pictures and just giggle because there is nothing funny about 700 men with weapons passing through your region and you couldn't do **** about it.

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Ethiopian officials at the Somali Regional State’s offices and the Communications Ministry didn’t respond to telephone and text messages requesting comment on today’s ONLF statement.


web page



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The Zack   

Originally posted by Ferguson:

Ethiopian officials at the Somali Regional State’s offices and the Communications Ministry didn’t respond to telephone and text messages requesting comment on today’s ONLF statement.




^ :D


Because their phones were jacked up by the 2 millions calls being made to their phone by Gaboose.

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Originally posted by The Zack:

quote:Originally posted by Ferguson:

Ethiopian officials at the Somali Regional State’s offices and the Communications Ministry didn’t respond to telephone and text messages requesting comment on today’s ONLF statement.






Because their phones were jacked up by the 2 millions calls being made to their phone by Gaboose.
2 million free calls ,,,, about salt, raad & Jeerikaano.... :D:D

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The Zack   

Originally posted by Ferguson:

quote:Originally posted by The Zack:


Originally posted by Ferguson:

Ethiopian officials at the Somali Regional State’s offices and the Communications Ministry didn’t respond to telephone and text messages requesting comment on today’s ONLF statement.






Because their phones were jacked up by the 2 millions calls being made to their phone by Gaboose.
2 million free calls ,,,, about salt, raad & Jeerikaano....
Actually it aint free calls, it is costing them quite a bit to call Abdi Iley.


Kuun Kuun, desperation iyo nus weeye.

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Ayoub has lost his muse the very day the news of the phantom hareeraysi broke down.


Yet, I can't say this thread is dull. He has given us some entertainment. Keep it up. :D:D


Ayoub, I thought you know better. Did you expected ONLF to implicate Eritrea on the airwaves? Waa ku sidee. You don't call that denial if you have an elementary idea of politics.

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Originally posted by The Zack:

quote:Originally posted by Ferguson:


Originally posted by The Zack:


Originally posted by Ferguson:

Ethiopian officials at the Somali Regional State’s offices and the Communications Ministry didn’t respond to telephone and text messages requesting comment on today’s ONLF statement.






Because their phones were jacked up by the 2 millions calls being made to their phone by Gaboose.
2 million free calls ,,,, about salt, raad & Jeerikaano....
Actually it aint free calls, it is costing them quite a bit to call Abdi Iley.


Kuun Kuun, desperation iyo nus weeye.
They make tricks to call at no cost. Wax fahan. :D

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Originally posted by The Zack:






If this incident really happened, the secessionists have two options:


Tell us that you wanted to let these ONLF commandos pass through your territories on purpose because of Somalinimo or tell us that they actually over-powered your untrained militia and you couldn't do a **** about it but call your masters in Jigjiga.


Make up your mind yaa khaldaamiin LOL. Been quman sheega. Don't post some odd pictures and just giggle because there is nothing funny about 700 men with weapons passing through your region and you couldn't do **** about it.

Allah yacizzak, yaa Zakki! smile.gif bambo f1 baad afka u gelisay!

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Originally posted by Ferguson:

quote:Originally posted by The Zack:


Originally posted by Ferguson:


Originally posted by The Zack:


Originally posted by Ferguson:

Ethiopian officials at the Somali Regional State’s offices and the Communications Ministry didn’t respond to telephone and text messages requesting comment on today’s ONLF statement.






Because their phones were jacked up by the 2 millions calls being made to their phone by Gaboose.
2 million free calls ,,,, about salt, raad & Jeerikaano....
Actually it aint free calls, it is costing them quite a bit to call Abdi Iley.


Kuun Kuun, desperation iyo nus weeye.
They make tricks to call at no cost. Wax fahan.
Zack, did you see the
movie? :D

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I'm disappointed in Somaliland politics (and their Ethiopian masters)..As a Somali Muslim I really don't see how I can capture a Somali resistance force trying to reclaim the autonomy of its people..It was hard to watch the video... :mad:

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