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Che -Guevara

Yusuf oo wada qorshe xilka loogu kordhinayo Cadde

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19 May 19, 2008 - 6:41:22 AM




Garowe Online ayaa fahansan in Madaxweynaha DF ah Cabdulahi Yusuf qorsheynayo in uu bilaabo olole xilka loogu kordhinayo madaxa MGPL Cadde Muse oo xilkiisu ku eg yahay Jan 2009.


Wararkaan oo laga heley ilo lagu kalsoon ayaa sheegaya in qorshahaan xil kordhinta ah go'aan ahaan lagu gaarey kulan labada mas'uul ku dhexmarey magaalada London April 25-28, 2008.


Ilo waredyadaan ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweynaha DFKMG ah uu doorbidayo in Cadde Muse xilka Madaxweyna-nimada PL sii hayo inta laga gaarayo dabayaaqada sanadka 2009 xiligaas oo la filayo in dorashoyin guud ka dhacaan Somalia.


Madaxweynaha DF ah ayaa wararku shegayaan in uu bilaabey sidii qorshahaan looga raaridi lahaa Issimada Puntland.


Cabdulahi Yusuf ayaa codsigiisa saldhig uga dhigi doona xaalada guud ee Somalia ku sugan yahay iyo in xiligaan aysan habooneyn in doorsho laga qabto Puntland iyada oo wararkaan xusayaan in uu xiriiro hordhac ah la soo sameeyay qaar ka tirsan Issimada gobolka.


Dhowaan ayay aheyd markii Wasiirka Maaliyada Puntland Mr.Gagaab 18 xildhibaan oo ka tirsan Barlamanka Puntland ugu sameeyay qado magaalada Bosaso kulankaas oo wararka ka soo baxey sheegayeen in uu kala hadalay xil kororsi ay damacsan tahay xukuumada Cadde Muse.


Madaxweynaha DFKMG ah oo lug weyn ku leh siyaasada Puntland ayaa marna si toos ah uga hadlin dhibaatooyinka amni xumo, dhaqaale iyo musuq-maasuq ee ka taagan gobolka kuwaas oo dhibaato ku haya shacabka gobolka.


Warar aan la xaqiijin ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweynaha DFKMG ah ku wajahan yahay wadanka Jabuti dhamaadka bishaan halkaas oo la filayo in uu kaga qayb galo fuitaanka wajiga labaad ee shirka la filayo in dowladiisa la yeelato mucaaradka Asmara.


Madaxweynaha DGPL Cadde Muse ayaa xoggo aan wararkooda la xaqiijin sheegayaan in uu dalka Jabuuti ku sugayo Cabdulahi Yusuf.


Cadde Muse oo dibada uga maqanaa maamul goboleedka muddo ku dhow Labo bilood ayaa xubno ka tirsan mamaulkiisa oo diidey in magacooda la shaaciyo sheegayaan in wajiga ka qarsanayo dhibaatooyinka ka taagan gobolka.


Garowe Online, Garowe

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I've told you a million times what garoweonline is about. So now this will be the article that proves it. President Cade Muse has said everytime their will be an election on time in Puntland. People around him have suggested that he has some grounds to extend his term, but he refuses. Garoweonline wants to piss people off by reporting from "inside sources". They are so scared! Because President Cade Muse knows he has a very high chance of winning. Everyone knows it, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO ONE ELSE OUT THERE. Do you think guys coming on an election year from abroad to campaign will win? Cade Muse was in Puntland for 3 years before he ran, now these guys are rushing less then a year before an election to run. You'll see Faroole coming by the end of the summer or fall....

But anyways, when there is an election in January, I hope you'll finally realize garoweonline is nonesense.

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I guess we can have one big happy party and we agree on something. Riyaale is doing an amazing job for Somalilands recognition, has absolutely accomplished nothing. The TFG since 2004 has done more and has embassies all over the world. The only thing Somaliland bragged about, their democracy, Riyaale has completed threw out. Got reject on his tour of washington with his wife by his side. RIYAALE FOR LIFE.

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

and you're doing a good job for Bush as well ,,,,

Other than paying taxes, noh but I heard he is coming to Berbera, and JB would be there with dance troupe.

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

so what is left for you if you're giving him mone

an unfortunate destiny..I guess reality of being refugee, but hardly an endorsement of his policies.


i heard you're coming along with his photo on your Ehem

Only if you bring Ms Shuun from Boorame along ;)

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Only if you bring Ms Shuun from Boroma along . Boorame hmmm. On a series note, habarta odayga wax loosaar. Che is Cade in the bottom of all the stooges in Somalia? I know you want him replaced but as somalipride siad who has the politcal weight to take him on at this very difficult time in Somalia?

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