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Somalia: Courts name sanitation team in the capital

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Golaha Maxkamadaha Islaamka oo Guddi Nadaafadeed u magacaabay Magaaladay Muqdisho


Isniin, July 17, 2006(HOL): Golaha Maxkamadaha ISlaamka oo ka taliya magaalada Muqdisho ayaa maanta wuxuu guddi nadaafadeed u magacaabay Caasimadda Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho kadib shir ay xubno ka socday Bulshada Rayidka ay kula yeesheen Hotelka Muqdisho (Ex Hotel Daameey).


Shirkaasi oo ay ka qeybgaleen Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Fulinta Maxkamdaha Islaamka Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed, xubno ka socday Golaha Maxkamadaha, ganacsatada, Dhaqaatiirta iyo aqoonyahanno kale ayaa waxaa looga hadlayay sida uga haboon ee loo soo celin karo bilicdii magaalada Muqdisho, isla markaana loo qaadi lahaa qashinka magaalada dhex yaala.


Shiikh Shariif oo ka hadlay kulankaas ayaa sheegay in Maxkamadaha Islaamka markii ay wax ka qabteen ammaanka Magaalada ay hataan diyaar u yihiin in ay nadaafadda wax ka qabtaan, wuxuuna markaasi kadib ku dhawaaqay guddi KMG ah oo shan xubnood ka kooban oo howshaasi u dhaqaaqa, kaasi oo ay xubnihiisa kala yihiin:


Inj. Cumar Maxamed Maxmuud (Af-dooje)

Maxamed Tahliil Warsame

Shiikh C/llaahi Cabdi Ciid

Shiikh Axmed Suleymaan

iyo Cali Maxamed Siyaad (Cali Dheere)


Dr. Maxamed Dheere oo ka mid ahaa dhaqaatiirti kulankaasi ka qeybgashay ayaa sheegay in haddii aan wax laga qaban nadaafadda magaalada ay taasi sababi karto in ay dhashaan cudurro badan oo uu shubanka ka xusay, wuxuuna soo dhaweeyay in guddigan nadaafadeed la magacaabo.


Dhanka kale Garoonka Diyaaradaha Muqdisho oo ay dhawaan ku soo degtay diyaarad u soo degatay Maxkamadaha Islaamka ayaa haatan waxaa ka socota howl nadaafadeed oo la doonayo in garoonkaas lagu soo saaro bilicdiisii, iyadoo howshaas nadaafadeedna ay wadaan Haweenka Horseedka Nabadda iyo Nolosha oo kaashanaya dadweyne is-hilqaamay oo daneynaya in uu garoonkaas 11 sano kadib uu dib u howl bilaabo.


Maxkamadaha Islaamka ayaa horay waxay ugu guuleysteen in ay dib u howlgeliyaan Ciidankii Taraafikada, kuwaasi oo haatan howlahooda si caadi ah u wata, isla markaana gaadiidka kala agaasima, iyagoo dhinaca fulinta shuruucda ay gaadiidka ku kala hagayaana u kaashanaya Ciidamada Maxkamadaha Islaamka.


Muqdisho haatan wey nabdoon tahay, dadkuna niyaddooda waa ay degan tahay, ma jiro dagaal kale oo ay dadka ku dhaqan ka cabsanayaan in uu dhaco, waxaana taasi ugu wacan iyadoo ay magaalada oo dhan gacantooda wada gashay Maxkmadaha Islaamka.


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis) Hiiraan Online

Mogadishu, Somalia

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Somalia: Islamists name sanitation team in the capital

Mon. July 17, 2006 05:43 pm.


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Mohamed Abdi Farah


(SomaliNet) The council of Islamic courts who control the capital of Somalia Mogadishu have nominated on Monday a sanitation body for the city after meeting with civil society members.


The meeting happened at Hotel Mogadishu building in the central of the town, where they have discussed issues of restoring the view of the city and the better way of cleaning the garbage filled in every corner of the capital.


Since the fall of former president Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991, the public service like sanitation has got omitted for the country plunged into chaos and anarchy.


The leader of executive council of Islamic courts Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed who attended the meeting said after acting a lot on the security matters the Islamic courts seemed ready this time to refurbish the cleanliness of the much-devastated capital.


Eng. Omar Mohamed Aftoje, member of the Islamic Courts has been named for the chairman of the sanitation body in the city.


Dr. Mohamed Dhere, who was among the doctors attended the meeting said if the waste and rubbish of the capital won’t be cleaned it would bring more outbreak of diseases resulted from the lack of hygiene. “I welcome the nomination the board of anti insanitation in the city as good step done by Islamic courts,â€.


The Islamic courts now handle the authority of the Mogadishu and assured it as more safe and secure as before after they had ousted all warlords believed to be the major obstacle ahead the country’s future last month.


Mogadishu is now stable with one rule, the people are relaxing more security going any where in the capital with no green zones, there is no fear of fresh fighting believing that hostilities have ended in the city.


News Category: Somalia


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